Monday, April 30, 2018

T Stands for Japanese Fast Food

Happy T Day everyone. Last Tuesday I was traveling to Kyoto, Japan and missed out on the T Day fun and our wonderful hostess' bearthday celebration. But I am back today, still a bit jet lagged and still  overwhelmed with all the photos I took. But when you don't have a lot of time, fast food is what you might want. Right?  Maybe. 
Well the Japanese have a unique relationship with fast food.
How about your dinner out of a vending machine? :)
Now I didn't try it, but of course some of the kids had to. They said the food tasted like leftovers you bring home and then reheat in the microwave.
Of course. :) But you have a pretty good selection if you are really hungry.
And to wash down your gourmet meal, you can pick from water, soda or some unique Japanese drinks. I did use a vending machine for drinks many days, but I never did use this one in a hotel that served Japanese beer.
And as you may know, vending machines are everywhere in Japan.
Here's one sitting on the top of a hill. To reach it you had drive up this narrow dirt road that wound back and forth through some orange groves. In most spots this road was only 1 lane wide. Even our  van driver (we used the hotel van to get around while we were south in the city of Nichinan at the beginning of the trip) had never been up to this spot.
And yet, sitting in the grassy field where you parked was this vending machine.
The views of Nichinan from beyond this lot were pretty impressive.

So I guess if you are up there on a hot day you can quench your thirst.
And that looks like a cooler on the right side of the sign.  Not sure whose that is or why it is there, but I guess you can keep your drink cold.
So stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join in the T Day fun by sharing a drink related post of any kind.
And I will leave you with a few more photos from the the ruins on the top of the hill.

Have a great T Day ladies.


  1. Hi glad you are safely back home. great views-and that was interesting about all of those vending machines-can you imagine servicing the one on top of the hill? ha ha
    Happy T Day

  2. Such pretty pictures Erika. Did you have a good time? How funny to see all those vending machines. lol Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  3. WONDERFUL post today Erika. So lovely and fun. I have seen vending machines sort of like that in NYC, but I heard they were everywhere in Japan. I have a friend who taught school there for awhile.

    Did you have trouble with the language? From what I understood from my friend, most children (where she lived) learn English before or by the time they are 5.

    Beautiful photos of the area, and so fun to see you all showed your van driver a place s/he had never been before. The views from there were stunning and spectacular. They were breathtaking and some were out of this world, like the waves.

    Thanks for sharing the drinks in a Japanese vending machine, along with your fabulous photos with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. Lovely to see your photos from Japan. But eating dinner from a vending machine sounds strange. But I suppose if you are hungry it's good. Hope you are slowly getting over the jet lag! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Great photos, Nichinan looks an amazing place!! I remember all those fast food and drinks vending machines everywhere, though never gave them a try....
    Hope you got to try some of the amazing slow cooked Japanese food too! Oh and did you ever see the incredible selection of take out food they have in their supermarkets?

  6. Japan sounds super exotic to me, i think i´ll never see it in Person. i enjoyed the photo trip... and These their writings will be an everlasting secret to me, which i enjoy in Collage though i do not know what it means (they could write the nastiest things... that is what i sometimes think about Tattoos... ok, thoughts are wandering off...;))
    have a great week and happy t-day!

  7. Just on a catch up Erika, wonderful photos and the views ove the bay are beautiful.
    Off to see more of your trip.
    Avril xx

  8. I love the advertisement of the food machine. Casual Frozen Foods. Is there a machine with Formal Frozen Foods? :-D Colorful cans. I wouldn't expect to find a beverage machine at the top of a hill after a long climb or drive. Though might not be a bad idea if you forgot your water or didn't want to lug a bottle. Maybe a new bumper sticker: We drank on top of Mt. Washington. The scenery from the top is beautiful. love the picture of the cove beach with the waves looking like blue and white fabric. Welcome back and Happy T Day

  9. I wasn't aware about the popularity of vending machines in Japan and how strange to find a vending machine on top of a hill 😉. I think I'm going to enjoy all your photos and insights into Japan, it will be lovely to travel with you and find out more facinating facts! Your photos are amazing and the views and scenery are stunning! Welcome back and Happy T Day! J 😊 x
    p.s. I finished my Japanese beer page and now that you are back will post it later this week 😉. Wishing you a happy new month! J 😊

  10. More great photos Erika. The views are really lovely.
    The vending machines and especially the one on the hill made me smile. Great idea but I can imagine if that was here, it would have been soon vandalised.
    Enjoy your T-day...
    Gill xx

  11. The vending machine on the hill intrigues me! What beautiful views!

  12. The comments from the kids made me did the vending machine at the top of the hill! What wonderful views you got! I am so looking forward to seeing more photos! Happy T Day! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. How exciting, Erika. I've never been to Japan but our son and d-i-l honeymooned there. Your photos from the hilltop are beautiful. Too funny about all the vending machines.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. The views are really impressing - and interesting anbout the fast food as well!
    Great to hear that your weather is finally good- here as well. I have my brother now here to stay with us for 10 days and I think the waether will stay springlike furthermore - so we can enjoy garden and walks and the woods.
    Happy May dear Erika! Happy T-Day! Hugs, Susi

  15. Wow Erika, these first photos of your trip look amazing, we are in for many treats when you show us more.
    The vending machine in the grassy area at the top of the hill must be welcome for tourists, but I have to say it would be totally out of place in our country. Still it seems someone must have had the idea and it must make them a profit.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  16. What a great post on Japan and Japanese culture! I love it. I've never been to Japan but one of our boys has been there for business a few times and did a course on Japanese etiquette and useful phrases.
    I suppose because you went to a place that your city is twinned with, you went off the beaten track and saw a part of Japan that tourists normally wouldn't go. And very beautiful it is too.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. You are right, the views are amazing! And I love all the pictures of the Japanese vending machines. I can imagine that the food doesn't taste very fresh. Is it heated? I don't think it would taste good cold.
    Loved seeing your interesting pictures.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. AMAZING shots from your trip. Ha ha on the vending, they vend everything over there not just food I suspect. Can't wait to see more. xox

  19. I missed T Tuesday completely, but I'm wishing you, what? a wonderful Wednesday? ;)

    Those views! Such stunning views! The vending machines are interesting, and I wouldn't expect to see them off the beaten track like that. I love the unexpected :)

  20. Welcome back home, Erika. I am catching up on your trip by looking at older posts and you certainly had an amazing experience. I've never seen beer in vending machines, but then never looked for any and what an unusual location at the top of the hill! Dinner from a vending machine wouldn't appeal to me either, so I'm with the comments the kids made.

  21. wow- what stunning photos and views-really breathtaking!! Very interesting about the vending machines- especially the one in such an odd place...


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