Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Jet Lag

Hi everyone. I'm about brain dead from jetlag and working all day. I think my brain waves are straight lines right now-ha ha! My biggest problem is that I wake up in the middle of the night, like 2 AM, I'm wide  awake, and then I can't go back to sleep. So then it's time to rise and shine and go to work and I've been awake for a several hours.  The nice thing is when I go to work we Japan travellers touch base (as we all work in the same department and area) and it's happening to them too. I am hoping that I am back on track ASAP.
So I haven't gotten back into the art mode yet seeing I get home and I am ready for a nap. But I have some journaling that I did before the trip in my nature journal that fits this month's latest challenge over at Art Journal Journey Jo has picked the theme flora and fauna, so here's my fauna page.

I stenciled the feathers and stamped the starling. Then I added some cut out magazine words and some little cardboard dots.
And thanks Susi for the reminder that there is stenciling on this page so I can also link up to Try It On Tuesday's latest challenge of stencils, die cuts or both. Can you tell my brain is not in full gear yet? :)
And today is May 2, which means it is Second on the Second over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. Time to repost an old page. Here's a page from May of 2016 that I created.
And here's a link to the original page One Step.
I thought this page would work since right now I am on the journey of getting back into my routine without being ready to fall asleep at any moment. :)
It's going to be summery warm today. I'm looking forward to it.
Hope your day is sunny and bright too.


  1. Your AJJ is lovely! So perfect for the theme, and I love the colors.

  2. Love the colors of the birds and feather. Hope you're journey (cute page) sees you back in step in the right time zone. Looking forward to Summer weather the rest of the week.

  3. great page, and nice to have routines and so on - great for you that summer is comming

  4. Sorry you are still having problems getting back into the time zone. Both pages are beautiful, the 2nd on the 2nd piece is very clever. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  5. I love your one step page - this is genius and the natur page is so utterly beautiful and it would eveen fit Try It On Tuseday's new theme of Stencil or die cut or both.
    Thanks a lot for joining Art Journal Journey even so you are not yet completely acclimatized to home and school my friend!
    Hope you get completely back into normall life soon! Hugs, Susi

  6. Two fab pages, love that stamped starling specially with those beautiful feathers in the background!

    Hope the jet lag will ease off soon, and I admire how you can keep your blog going on a daily basis despite that!

  7. I'm loving your page! The turquoise feathers look amazing with your pretty bird, words and splatters - beautiful 😀. Thanks so much for joining in the Flora and Fauna fun at Art Journal Journey and wishing you a wonderful week! J 😊 x

  8. I am off to link you, because I was surprised to see you hadn't yet. Then I noticed you posted last night. Not sure how I missed it, but I was tired from working in the yard the entire day.

    I knew the jet lag would happen, and you can't force your body to change suddenly. But you are good at routines, so that is helpful.

    You chose a great page for your first entry in Jo's theme. I always love birds, and this is an adorable journal page. So glad you shared it at Art Journal Journey.

    I also love the beautiful second look. Yes, it seems a bit appropriate, and I'm glad you shared it, because I believe it's a first look for me. Thanks for sharing it as your second look on the 2nd.

  9. I don't know how you've the energy to blog at the moment Erika with the jet lag - hope it passes and your body clock back to normal soon :)
    Lovely page for Jo's theme - love the bird especially.
    And always good to see a second viewing - the legs coming into view made me smile.
    Have a great day.
    Gill xx

  10. It took me a good two weeks. Hang in there. I love your bird page!

  11. Your art pages are perfect since I have become a senior (after 65 years old) I get that jetlag effect all the time-hard to function the next day ugh Hope you are back to normal soon

  12. I feel for you, there is nothing worse than the effects of not getting a good nights sleep, I hope your internal clock sorts itself out soon for you. T
    The journal page is beautiful, thank you for joining us all over at TioT's, its super for our new theme.
    Yvonne xx

  13. What a beautiful journal page. I love the colours (my favorite) . I'm sorry you are still a bit jet lagged. I was a nurse and I used to do a lot of night shifts. I also suffer from SAD syndrome (winterblues) and for that I would use a special light lamp (broad spectrum light). I found out that my light lamp was perfect for re-adjusting my body clock after a week of nights. And after the few international journeys I have made, it was easy to battle the jet lag with the light box. I find that sort of thing fascinating (circadian rhythm and body clocks etc). I'm sure you'll be right as rain in no time.
    Your brain wasn't that fuddled as you managed to remember second on the 2nd.
    Your choice is perfect. Right on the theme as you have just traveled (more than) a thousand miles.
    Thank you for your kind comments on my blogpost. I challenge you to do a similar post (i.e. answer the questions). That would be interesting.

  14. So beautiful! I love the bird and the feathers! Beautiful colours too.

  15. iam love your page,the blue feathers are wonderful,the little birdie is so cute.
    happy nice day.

    hugs jenny

  16. Sweet work from a tired lady. Hope you regulate your time soon. Enjoy your warm evening tonight after school. xox

  17. It's a beautiful page Erika! Hope your sleep patterns are back to normal soon.
    Alison xx

  18. Hello Erika, great to see you back again.
    Love your starling - they are super birds - and its background.
    The quote by Lao Tzu is one of my favourites. He was good at providing quotes. I do like your red-shoe-d one-stepping lady and also the lady shopping too. If it's the same lady she has bought new shoes and wanted to wear them right away.

  19. Your re-post page has one of my favorite quotes, Erika. Jet lag is the pits. So I hope your body clock readjusts quickly. Then you'll just be left with the wonderful memories of the trip ;-)

  20. Oh, I hear you on the jetlag and sleep patterns. I had real re-entry problems this time when I got back from working in NYC. I know from the more recent post that you're starting to catch up - but be kind to yourself as you settle back in. This is another lovely avian page - the turquoise feathers are fab.
    Alison x

  21. I forgot to mention that I visited from Elizabeth's' Second on the 2nd gathering.

  22. Hi Erika, a lovely page and I love the background.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday
    Avril xx


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