Friday, April 13, 2018

The Power of Positive Thinking

Happy Friday everyone.  
I am ready for this week to be over, but I am happy to report there FINALLY are some signs of spring.
Here's a photo I took last summer. These birds are the Eastern phoebe, a type of fly catching bird. Ever since we bought our house 28 (almost 29) years ago, there has been a pair living up under the the eaves of the outbuilding. They never return until the weather is about to change. Some years it is in late March and some years it is in mid April. And I am happy to report I saw one of them the other morning!
And under a coat of leaves there were some crocuses blooming in my garden. I was hoping to rake up those leaves before they bloomed. My lawn is bare and I raked in the fall, but those last few oak leaves fall so late and always end up in my gardens.
Now I tell you this good news and the morning weather reports we could have some "MIXED precipitation on Sunday. Oh my!
So my page today is a definite recycled page from my Nature Journal.  I used this very colorful and dried out baby wipe as a background I attached to my brown paper journal page. I liked the colors and organic feel it had. Then I attached a vintage plant stem diagram (it's an overhead transparency from, I think, the 1960's) that I picked up when one of my co-workers was cleaning out some of the things in her classroom. I added some white tape and a frog stamped image. And letter stickers spell out the word THAW. 
 After a couple more finishing touches, I used a wet brush and some white paint to make some splatter. 
Here's the complete spread. Some white big paint blobs landed on the burlap side. Ignore the reflection glare on the right side.
I am linking up to Alison's challenge at Art Journal Journey which is Recycle and Collage.
Anyone have some fun plans for the weekend? I'm trying to do a few things I need to do before I fly out on Thursday for Japan. That included getting my packing organized. Why do I feel like there is so many things I need to remember to  bring? Unlike just a fun trip, I need work clothes for  couple of events and  a day at our sister school. I've got my list going but I will feel better when I get most of it packed.
That's all for me. I've babbled on enough. Happy almost the weekend everyone!


  1. I don't think I've seen the Phoebes before. So glad Spring has finally arrived. I heard rain, rain, and more rain for Sunday and Monday. Love the bird on the burlap. And frogs, well tree peeps, will be arriving as soon as the weather warms up. Have fun getting ready for your Japan trip. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. Gorgeous journal page and I am so happy to hear that you have spotted some signs of spring. Sooner or later it has to arrive. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Wow! That's a gorgeous baby wipe! I can understand why you wouldn't throw it! I love your page Erika, it's a beauty!
    Have a great weekend, and good luck with the packing,
    Alison xx

  4. Wow... your recycling skills knows no bounds- I love what you did here - everything goes together in a fantastic way!Thank you for another terrific entry linked to the March theme at Art Journal Journey!You are such a great inspiration this month again ! Good that finally spring has sprung at your end of the world!
    Happy weekend and happy packing of your suitcase Erika!
    oxo Susi

  5. Before I forget to mention it, you KNOW there is a weight restriction on baggage, right (GRIN)? For a five day trip, I like to pack things that are interchangeable, like four tops, one neutral, three colorful, that match my one skirt and one dress slacks. One jacket that matches all and everything except the tops should be quite neutral and one color. I also pack one good evening outfit if the trip requires it. The tops are what people will remember, anyway. Have fun packing. I did it for years!!!

    Now to your AJJ entry. This spread is wonderful. I grabbed a bunch of those overhead transparencies one time, too. They make great overlays, and of course, that baby wipe was so special. This is a super entry today for Art Journal Journey, and I'm delighted you linked it, too.

  6. I'm glad your harbingers of Spring have arrived. With the crocuses that seals the deal! Enjoy your packing as you anticipate your trip :)

  7. I love your turtle and your sweet birds, too. Are their tummies the palest shade of green or just reflection from the moss? Either way, lovely!

  8. Its a great journal page and the colours look lovely, the leaping frogs seem happy, maybe they know spring is just about here.
    You must be looking forward to your trip as the days creep closer to going away.
    Have a happy weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  9. What great art work! Enjoy your trip to Japan xxx

  10. What a joy it must be to see your Eastern Phoebes back! They sure are pretty Little birds. I have never Heard of them. I don't know if they are in Europe..
    I have just had a maratón Reading of a back log of your blogs. (We have had visitors and I haven't had much screen time).
    I enjoyed the Georgia o?Keefe exhibition and your book list.I know absolutely nothing about Eleanor Rooseveldt, but you have given me the incentive to find out more about her.
    The choc chip cookie in the cast iron pan looks delish and the bottle of wine you won will be a treat too.
    Have a fab weekend and a good week ahead,

  11. Fabulous! - Looks like you had fun making this Erika -great idea recyling that cool transparency and baby wipe.
    Good to hear spring might be with you at last - feels like that here today too as it is sunny and some of the tulips are just starting to open.
    I hope all your packing and sorting out is going well - not long to go now :)
    Have a lovely weekend
    Gill xx

  12. As we are in the throes of packing for our trip on Monday I do sympathise! We have items hanging on just about every door in our apartment ready to put in tomorrow afternoon! I love this organic looking spread(apart form the froggies that's OK I'm still here!) such cool colours! Have a great trip! Chris

  13. So glad Spring is beginning to arrive in your area. a great recycle collage. Wow a trip to Japan-I think I remember you mentioning that-hope it is not all work have an awesome trip hugs

  14. I love what you've done with leftovers like old wipes and overhead projection film (I found I have/had lots of this when I cleaned out!). My best wishes on a wonderful trip to Japan. I hope you will tell us all about your work/sister school visit when you return and if you took along a class of bio students.

  15. I like your complete spread in your Nature Journal with these pretty jumping frogs! I can imagine that you are happy to see this bird showing a change of the weather! And that the crocusses are coming!


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