Thursday, May 10, 2018

Japan Travel Journal

Hi everyone. It is just about Friday for me.  Hurrah!
I had plans to make a travel journal before I left for Japan. I thought about buying a large sheet of beautiful Japanese paper for using on the cover and then I would make a more traditional Japanese style book. Like these in this next photo that I borrowed from the internet.

But I never found any paper and never made a book. Yet I didn't want to wait too long to start a journal, which might  happen if I waited to find the right paper and produce a homemade journal. Even though I do want to try a journal like those in the photo I borrowed from Pinterest, I knew I wouldn't get a journal done  fast enough to capture the trip while the stories were still fresh.  Some of this is because I am excited to work on a travel journal and finish processing my trip, and some of it is that if I wait too long, the journal just becomes a Japan journal and not a Japan travel journal. 
So I went out and bought a Dina Wakely journal. I like the size of the journal, the hard bound cover and also the amount of pages in it. I also decided to make this journal a collection of paper bits and bobs that I brought home, some drawing pages, some more arty pages, and a few other assorted pages.
It's been my project most of this week and I am having fun working on it.
I am showing you the front cover page when you open up the journal. I had a huge stack of luggage stickers (from all the luggage of 5 adults and 8 kids) so I used a few on my page, as well as a piece of this gorgeous napkin. (I just loved the design and ordered a couple from a woman on Etsy). I stamped the love word, added the tiny plastic fan I had in my stash, and also included a postage stamp from Japan.
With the butterflies and flowers I am going to link up to Jo's  flora and fauna challenge at Art Journal Journey I am also going to link up to Moo Mania and their latest flower challenge.
And here's the back side of the page where I used a piece or origami paper, some paper flowers,  stamped and colored image as well as a paper folder that held some disposable chopsticks. On the right is a copy of the newspaper article our local paper ran on the day we left.
I will have more to show you another day, as well as more photos from the trip. You will be sick of Japan before I am done most likely. :)
Happy almost end of the work week everyone.
And thanks for visiting today.


  1. This is going to be wonderful, Erika, and congrats for finding a way to do it in a timely fashion. I won’t get sick of this art. I’m in love with Asian design and have collected a small stash of related fabrics. Isn’t it great the way we are moved to celebrate our lives in art?!

  2. Oh, I don't think I will tire of hearing about Japan if all your pages are so beautiful! I love the napkin image and your additions of the luggage labels, fan and stamp are the perfect start to your travel journal 😁. Your second page is totally amazing too, your design is so pretty - I love it! It's wonderful that you captured the newspaper article too as it will be fab to look back on in years to come, don't you think. I can't wait to see more pages and hear more travel stories 😀. Thanks so much for joining Art Journal Journey with your stunning Japan page and wishing you a Happy Friday! J 😊 x

  3. This has been a worrisome day, dear Erika. My internet has been down for most of the afternoon and evening. I just got it back online a few minutes ago. Sorry, but I will never tire of your Japan journal, travel or otherwise. Already it's a gem.

    You seem to have captured the essence of Japan with the colorful signage on the second page and the geisha on the first page. I also like to save my airline luggage tags, because I am always fascinated by the black and white lines as well as the letters and numbers. You did GOOD, because it shows the voyage as it began. I love it, and am thrilled you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey.

  4. Your journal spread looks wonderful, have BIG fun working in your new journal, and I'm looking forward to seeing more pages as they are completed. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Oh what a great start on your journal!!! Can't wait to see more and how exciting your local paper even mentioned the trip! So now I am curious whether you managed to visit any of the amazing stationary shops while you were in Japan? After finishing my own Japan journal last year, I am still hoarding some of the wonderful papers I purchased...

  6. A fantastic decision to take a Dina Wakley journal instead of creating a special one and then having not enough time for finding all the material and stuff. The first pages are wonderful! That will become a wonderful booklet and I am impressed with the newspaper article as well - wow!
    So happy to see this linked to Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania & More dear Erika! Thank you very much!Hope your Friday works well and you can start into a fantastic weekend! Hugs, Susi

  7. Love the Japanese ladies on your journal so pretty. Can't wait to see how you fill your journal. Get sick of Japan? Never. Traveling vicariously is the only way I will get there.

  8. Wonderful Japanese themed pages Erika!
    Wishing you a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  9. I didn't know you were from of my old stomping grounds. So cool! :) I grew up in the valley, not far away.

    Can't wait to see more of your journal from Japan. Sounds like it was a lovely trip.

  10. I will never get sick of Japan posts. And I really love the pages you have shown so far. They're beautiful and special because they refer to you and your memories. I can't wait to see the next "chapter!"

  11. Wow Erika !! I love the page you have created on this journal, really wonderful with the beautiful japanese pictures, flowers.... love it all. Enjoy your interesting trip, each day is fantastique!! Hugssssss, Caty

  12. I will never get sick about your Japan post. They are georgeous and I enjoyed all your pictures. Go on 😀 !

  13. You did right not to wait to find the right paper and bought a Dina Wakely journal as your Japan Travel Journal! Your first page is gorgeous with this beautiful napkin! The next page too with all the wonderful details - even a copy of the newspaper article! This journal will become fabulous!
    Wish you a great weekend!

  14. You're going to have some great memories to look back on when finished Erika. And as someone who doesn't travel I will always enjoy seeing all your photos of places you have been and your journal pages.
    I love all the ephemera you have and the addition embellishments that you stumble on to illustrate your adventures :)
    And if you make one of those books made, with 'stab stitch binding'?? I hope you will show us.
    Gill x

  15. A wonderful journal

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  16. No, Erika, I don't think we will get tired of hearing about your Japan trip especially if the journal entries and the photos are so good as the ones I've seen so far.
    The first page looks just like the start of a great adventure and the woman seems to be welcoming you.
    The second is a marvellous collage with all the marvellous pieces. Somehow I like these raspberry coloured circles

  17. Its going to be an amazing journal Erika, these pages look fantastic.
    It will be stored with super memories for you.
    Yvonne xx

  18. I have a book you can borrow that shows the stab bindings the Japanese use if you like. Try Dick Blick for origami packs of Japanese papers....xox


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