Monday, May 7, 2018

Japanese Pizza Anyone?

Happy Tuesday everyone. Since it is Tuesday it is time for T Day again. Time to share your drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Blog.
Today I am sharing a lunch in Japan with you. Can you see our glasses behind the menu/ There was 4 of us at lunch and 2 people had coffee, 1 had water, and I had orange juice, which surprisingly seemed to be a common offering at all meals. It's similar to oj we have here in the states, but I think the variety of oranges they make it from is different and it tastes just ever so slightly different. But  refreshing and good and not like you should be eating breakfast.
So for lunch this day in Kyoto we had these "Japanese Pizzas". Well they aren't really pizzas. They are called Okonomiyaki. They are a savory pancake filled with various things. These are the common Kyoto variations, and at different parts of the country they have different filled okonomiyaki.
 The one on the left really looks like cinnamon bun. It is a noodle pancake, and I can't say I know what the white is on the top. The middle one is a noodle pancake with soy and pork. And the right one is a buckwheat crepe filled with scallions and other veggies. That one was my favorite, and then the noodle on in the middle.
You can see the heating pan in the middle of the table. The okonomiyaki come to the table all cooked and then get transferred to the heat plate which keeps them hot.
Here's my lunch crowd. They are 3 of the teachers I traveled with to Japan. One of the other teachers and our translation/ guide went elsewhere for lunch as our other teacher eats gluten free, which is not easy to do in Japan.
And to answer some of your question about our visit to see Geishas the other day. Here's the post:  A Favorite Japan Adventure.  Many of you asked if the geishas didn't want their photos taken or if they seemed annoyed by the presence of tourists.
Geishas  are  highly paid traditional entertainers. I would compare them to movie stars and us visitors as the fans who want to see them. However, as long as you don't bother them and give them room to move and get to where they need to go, they just walk around you. You don't want to mob them or stop them for photos. Or at least this is what we were told by our translator/ guide.  My photos look close up because I had a zoom lens on my camera and we really didn't mob or get close to any of these interesting women. We actually stood their just watching as they walked in awe that we were seeing real geishas.
And I thought I share another of my favorite spots from Japan with you today.
The bamboo forest in Kyoto.

 I didn't know bamboo could grow this tall.
 It's hard to believe that bamboo is really a grass and that grass can grow this high.

It was really cool.
That's all for me today.
Thanks for visiting, and hope everyone has a great T Day.


  1. I am enjoying your posts from Japan.
    looking at your lunch I was wondering if any of the pancakes were gluten free as Japan uses allot of rice in noodles etc. they looked delicious.
    I know bamboo is a very aggressive grower in that spreads fast-but had no idea it was this thick or tall-pretty cool.
    thanks for sharing
    Happy T Day Kathy

  2. What a fun post. Now I know my math isn't what it used to be, but from what I can glean, the meals were anywhere from $10.00 (in USD) to about $16.50 (in USD). Even the salads, white rice, miso soup, and drinks were about $1.00 each. Those were the real bargains!

    I enjoyed seeing your friends and colleagues who went to Japan, too. Seems to be a diverse group of teachers. They look like a fun loving group, too.

    I have a ton of bamboo in my back yard, but nothing that looks this good. That is an amazing forest. It is incredible how tall some of those got before they started to bend over. I also enjoyed seeing the woman dressed in traditional dress in the forest, too. I so enjoyed this post.

    Thanks for sharing your "pizzas," your colleagues, the Kyoto bamboo forest, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday.

  3. Just read your comment on my blog about not being a very good friend. I have to tell you, I have also not been a very good friend, either. I had intended to get a belated Christmas gift to you while you were in Japan, but I didn't even start it. I got so engrossed in recycling projects, I simply ran out of time. I DID get one gift finished, but I had it already mapped out, unlike yours, which I have started over three times and quit all three times.

  4. The Japanese food looks very interesting, and orange juice with meals sounds good, too. Those huge bamboo trees are wonderful, I had no idea they could grow so tall. What a wonderful time you must have had there! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. waueee, what beautiful bamboos ohh I would have loved to walk there ;O)

  6. Oh another great Japan post!! We also went to the bamboo forest, such an amazing place and a great place to get to from Kyoto! We went there by bus, which was an adventure in itself. The description and photos of the food make me feel all hungry, I adored those savoury pancakes. And by the way the white stuff on the left one is Japanese mayonaise I am pretty sure, quite different from our stuff. (You were so lucky having a translator with you)!

  7. Oh this "Japanese Pizzas" looks so yummie and interesting and I am just in awe of this bamboo forest! AMAZING!
    Happy T-Day dear Erika!
    I am sure that you didn't mob or stop the Geishas for photos ♥♥♥ you are a fantastic photographer - so maybe that is the reason it looks like they just stopped for you to some of the visitors!
    I know what a fantastic photographer you are and I am looking forward to much more Japan photos! YEAH!!!
    Hugs, Susi

  8. Your photo of these Okonomiyaki's is great, I guess they smelled wonderful!
    Fantastic photos of the bamboo "wood" - it is really fascinating how tall those "grass" can grow! I never would have thought.
    Wish you a Happy T Day!

  9. Wow, I'm loving your Japan adventures! The Okonomiyaki look amazing and I bet they tasted delicious; this looks like such a great choice and it's so nice to taste authentic traditional foods when you visit places - perfect πŸ˜€. Those bamboo forests looks spectacular, I can see why it was one of your favourite spots it looks a really cool place to visit! Thanks for sharing and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  10. Very interesting post Erika!! The meals may be good, different, but certainly delicious. The bamboos are stunning. Enjoy your travel!! Happy day ! Big hugs, Caty

  11. What an exciting trip Erika! I must catch up a bit and look for your other posts of photos:) The food and menu look very interesting and I would have like that on furthest to the right on the hot plate too. The bamboo forest looks amazing! I imagine there were so many beautiful spots where you visited. Off to back track now...happy T day!

  12. Oh, I love okonomiyaki -- Rick makes it sometimes but hasn't in ages and now that I've seen this I will have to bug him for it. If you want the recipe, I can copy it from his cookbook (or he can, since I think it's in the Japanese one and I can't read that!). We didn't have one like cinnamon. That sounds good too.

    And the bamboo forest -- biggest sigh. I would feel in awe of something so tall and so graceful and beautiful. Truly an elegant slice of nature.

  13. The Okonomiyaki look deliecious. I think I would have liked the pork and soy one. And orange juice isn't something I would think of having with a meal beyond breakfast. The bamboo forest is amazing. Here bamboo can become invasive. I was thinking of planting some as a privacy screen around the Zensical garden, but a friend's husband (landscaper) told me not to. Looking forward to more of your Japanese trip

  14. it was so nice to follow you to Japan! the bamboo Wood really Looks exotic and i absolutely would love to try each of These dishes!
    happy t-day:)

  15. I am so enjoying your photos from Japan. This post is no exception. How fascinating are the bamboo trees. To see a forest of them is just amazing! I can well imagine it was one of the high lights.
    I went back and looked at your 'geisha post' which I had somehow missed. You were so lucky to capture one in the rain.
    The 'pancakes' look yummy. I think the buckwheat one would be my choice but I haveno idea what they would taste like. I know that orange juice in the far east tastes very different. It has a more mandarinny taste, which I am not too keen on as I don't like mandarins.
    Thank you for sharing your adventures,
    Happy T-Day,

  16. As I look forward to the upcoming sumo tournament, I'm enjoying your posts on Japan. The food looks delicious. And, oh! the bamboo forest! What a peaceful feeling these photos give me. Happy T Tuesday :)

  17. I am having internet trouble, it was a super post to read and i send you Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Erika i'am lovng your Japan adventure. Thank you so much for sharing. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  19. That bamboo forest is amazing! The hubby and I want to grow some outside one of our windows for privacy but I have no idea how to care for it. And the food looks SO yummy! How fun to experience authentic Japanese cuisine. I am going to have to go back and catch up on your other posts from this trip. Did you happen to visit a Tea house? I have always wanted to visit one of them.
    Happy Tea day,

  20. Yummy - would have loved to have sampled that food.
    Great shots of the bamboo forest - especially the one looking upwards.
    Gill x


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