Saturday, May 19, 2018

Monkey Island

In Nichinan, Japan, there is an island where Japanese Macaque live. In the 1950's it was discovered these monkeys wash their food before they eat it. They became very studied and Kyoto University built  research station across from the island.
We got to visit the research station and listen to a little talk by one of the biologists there. And then we got to go out onto the island with him.

We landed, climbed out of the boat and watched as about 50 monkeys came running out of the forest. They had been trained for the food obviously, but how cool for us to see them running out.

And we could walk around on the beach, with monkeys at our feet. We just couldn't touch them or look them right in the eye.

I didn't bring my camera with me here, just my phone. So this is how close I really was to the monkeys. No zoom lens for this adventure. But I didn't really need it. It was pretty amazing to me.
Here's a view of my leg and a monkey.

It was one of the highlights of the trip for me.
So in my Japan travel journal I wanted to include not only paper pieces I brought home but some art, and some sketching. So I drew a few things that remind me of this part of the trip.
My favorite sketch on this page is the monkey face I made. Now a drawing I actually like. :)
 I am linking up to Jo's flora and fauna theme at Art Journal Journey. I thik this page is just perfect for that.
So totally on a different topic, I've been watching the royal wedding this morning.  Did anyone else?
I am ready to go back out (I did walk early today) and do some gardening before it starts to rain, which they say it is going to do later today.
Happy weekend.


  1. What a fantastic place to visit and to be so close to all of those monkeys, wow! Lovely journal page! I did not watch the royal wedding, I was busy! Hugs, Valerie

  2. that's so cool to be so close to monkeys. We tend to think of them as cute and cuddly like Curious George and forget that they are really wild animals. I love your monkey face drawing. You created a wonderful age to remind you of your trip

  3. Wow - that was really AMAZING I think! And you got fantastic photos of the Japanese Macaque- I am thrilled about this trip - can imagine that it was a highlight and your spread in the travel album looks gorgoeus! I love all the shading you added as an extra! I can tell you that you get better and better with your sketches and drawings! Keep on - that's fantastic.
    And super to see it linked to Jo's theme Erika! Thank you very much! ♥♥♥
    You know how much appreciated this is and how much you inspire us!
    Happy weekend!
    Hugs, Susi

  4. What an amazing experience to see and walk among the monkeys. You will store these memories for ever. Your journal page looks fantastic, super drawings.
    It seems like you had a few cups of matcha tea, was it a flavour I would recognise or was it special to the area you visited.
    Yes I watched the royal wedding, all the before hours on our TV as well as the event itself.
    Megan looked beautiful and they were so relaxed and happy, a joy to see.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Wow, how amazing to get that close to those monkeys! It must have been wonderful to see them come out on the beach 😁. Your pages captured your visit wonderfully and this is such a cool experience to remember in your journal - perfect! Happy weekend! J 😊 x

  6. A friend told me about this place. Lucky you, getting to see it! That's an experience I would love. And I also love your journal page. Very happy and GREAT monkey face.

    Yes, I was up at 5 and will probably watch reruns. What can I say? I'm hooked.

  7. These monkeys are amazing! This looks like a wonderful excursion for you. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.
    My daughter shares my passion for creating. It has been raining non-stop here in NJ.

  8. Wow, that was one amazing adventure, and fabulous photos even just from your phone!! Those monkeys look adorable and I love your journal page too!!

    As to the Royal Wedding, I watched, and hugely enjoyed it!! I am not a royalist by any stretch of the imagination (quite the opposite in fact) but I like prince Harry an I loved how they broke with tradition, - that bishop Michael was phenomnal I thought, and I loved watching some of the royals' faces when he was speaking ;o)

  9. This must have been a thrilling adventure. It looks like a fascinating place to have visited, especially since it is your field of study. It's an amazing side adventure and I'm sure it was planned just for you and your fellow biologists.

    The image of the monkey you drew is wonderful. Your journal pages are remarkable and so reminiscent of some of the places you have shown us. These pages say a LOT about your trip. Thanks so much for sharing them with us at Art Journal Journey.

  10. Forgot to mention that I stayed up all night and watched the wedding. It was wonderful and they both looked so happy. I think Harry and Meghan will be good for the Crown because William is so stiff and rigid, which he must be since he will be a king one day.

    Had to admit, Phillip looked good, considering the rumors of his poor health. I actually thought he looked better than Elizabeth.

  11. Woww it´s amazing to see the monkeys near your feet !! Incredible and fabulous at the same time. I love your spread journal page Erika, it´s wonderful with all the details we can admire.
    I wish you a very nice day, hugss, Caty

  12. I can imagine that this was one of the highlights of your trip - it would have been mine too! So near to "free" monkeys, they live there really much better than in zoos, fantastic photos just with your phone!
    To look into monkey's eyes mean an attack for them, and I guess a touch too.
    You made a wonderful sketch in your travel journal to remind this part of the trip!

  13. Now, _that's_ an experience! This trip looks like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a view of Japan most tourists don't get. Even if it wasn't your zoom camera, your photos make me feel so close to it all.

  14. I lived in Japan for 5.5 years, and I can't believe that I've never heard of this place! That's awesome! I've been to the Monkey Center in Awajishima - - but this looks awesome! Thanks for posting this. :)


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