Sunday, May 20, 2018

Favorite Movies-Day 1

CJ over at CJ and Ink is running a challenge. She's asking that you post your 10 most favorite films for 10 Saturdays.  OK, so I started off a day late, but wanted to play along. They can be a favorite for any reason.
 It sounds like fun. I chose this film for day 1 since this is the first film that popped in my head and is a classic that I have seen about 30 times and really enjoy. I bet once you see the poster photo a certain musical refrain might start running through your head.

I was just a freshman in high school the summer this film came out and I remember going to see it with a couple of friends and my mom. My mother has never been a big movie lady but someone had to drive us since we were only 14. 
My mom also was never really a swimmer and I don't think she actually likes water, so I guess this film didn't impact her too much. I can't say it ever deterred me too much from going in because I love the water, but being more of a freshwater swimmer I guess it doesn't matter too much. I will say that since they have started having a lot of great white sighting off of Cape Cod (which isn't all that far away), it does make me wonder what is off the coast where we like to go boating.
But it's a great classic film and such a good story, even for someone who isn't much into blood and gore movies. I'll be be back next Saturday with my next film.
And speaking of movies, last night the hubby and I went to see the latest Avengers movie. I think it was definitely a film that required having seen many of the older Marvel comic films, but since the hubby and I do that together, I have to say I really enjoyed it.
Waiting for the sun to come out later today, but it should give me some studio time this morning. :) Sunshine makes the flowers bloom, so here's another page for Moo Mania and their more flowers theme.
This page isn't one of the most complicated ones I've ever done, but I went last week with a blank page in my calendar journal and decided I needed something. So this is what I created.
And flowers definitely fit Jo's challenge of Flora and Fauna over at Art Journal Journey too!
 I definitely need more art time lately.  Augh!!!! I've had tons of appointments, plus wanting to do some gardening, and work. And I have more appointments this week plus my nephew's wedding on Saturday night that I need to travel for. Oh I need to retire. so I can have more fun time. Ha-ha.
Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend.


  1. Hmmm, Jaws looks scary to me! Great journal page. Just a quickie, not feeling so good today. Hugs, Valerie

  2. A wonderful page, Erika, I love every detail

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  3. I have great memories of watching Jaws, it's a film I've watched a number of times πŸ˜‰. Beautiful page! The Flora and Fauna images that you collaged look wonderful together and I love the vintage feel that you created on the abstract background - perfect 😁. Thanks so much for another wonderful entry at Art Journal Journey and Happy Sunday! J 😊 x

  4. I read first the novel as I was 13 and that was such an excitement and I have seen the film many times - and always the same excitement for me!It's really a classic! AND I love the page- this looks pretty cool with the vintage colored images on the black and white background! A fabulous collage effect in my eyes! Oh yes I can imagine that you need to retire - you have so many hobbies and you need time for yourself!
    But I guess you will not have so much more time then - ask any retired person ( my hubby included) - they have NOOO time!
    Happy weekend - I enjoy a long weekend
    here with nice weather - even though it isn't that warm. And some rain in between - but o.k.! Thank you very much for joining AJJ and MM&M again - I appreciate your inspiration so much !
    Hugs, Susi

  5. Jaws is a film I have only seen once, but it was a very memorable film and can see how you chose it for your list.
    Its a beautiful journal page as well Erika. A lovely way to use the found relatives and those lovely flowers.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I guess I'm not much of a movie buff. I never saw Jaws, but I saw a show on it that included Roy Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss said he got scared the first time he saw the film upon its completion. Dreyfuss further said he and the others in the film had NO idea how much it impacted the tourist industry that summer because it seemed everyone was afraid to enter the water.

    I absolutely adore your journal page. It looks fairly complicated to me, and I love your use of those paper dolls. The floral images stand out against the black and white, which gives them even more prominence. It's a beautiful entry and perfect for Art Journal Journey.

  7. I was in high school as well when this movie came out. I only watched it once since I wasn't too impressed with it. However, it's nice to think about favorite movies. I remember that for the longest time it was "Dr Zhivago" for me, I saw it several times with my mother who also loved it. "Possession" is another favorite, I loved the book AND the movie which doesn't happen very often. But for the past ten (?) years my favorite is the Lord of the Rings trilogy (the extended version).

  8. I'm not much of a film buff, being married to a publisher, books are more my thing,I have never watched Jaws and I doubt I ever will... but I absolutely adore your sweet flower page!

  9. I like this background with lines and dots for this beautiful pictures of birds, flowers and girls and the quote! An amazing composition!
    Time we all need more - but believe me, if you are retired you just don't have more time, it's incredible :)

  10. Nor have I seen Jaws, but I do watch more movies now that I can stream them on my iPad. I should search for Jaws. Your page is lovely, have a good week!

  11. i love the quote: i think you're going to need a bigger boat. Pretty page. The nice weather this week will make all the flowers bloom. Enjoy the sunshine.

  12. Oh, and the Jaws music. When The Eldest was a newborn her cry for food sounded just like the opening before the dun dun dun dun. We used to call her Jaws. :-D

  13. I love the piece, Erika, and it goes to prove that effective and beautiful can be done simply and not be the hardest thing ever!

  14. Wow, I saw this film when I was young, but was afraid of course.. I didn t want to swim in the sea..
    I love you journal page Erika !!! It ´s really gorgeous, !! Love all details.
    I wish you a very happy week, hugsss, Caty

  15. Yes, I remember seeing Jaws in the movie theater so many years ago and you're so right that just seeing the poster can evoke thoughts of the movie them. If you've seen the film, The Holiday, you may recall the video store scene in which the charter Jack Black portrays hums the first few notes of this film and several other well known movie themes. Today's posted art project looks very cheerful and I wondered if the photo was a vintage one of your own, Erika.

  16. I'm sorry to have missed the film challenge! That's right down my alley lol


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