Tuesday, May 22, 2018

T Stand for Comfort Food

Happy T Day everyone. It is Tuesday and time to share our drink related posts over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. We'd love to have you join us if you haven't been by.  All you need to do is share something drink related.
Are you sick of me showing you Japanese food yet?
How about plastic food?
Many restaurants in Japan fill their front windows with displays of their food so you will know exactly what they serve.
This dish in the center above is Japanese comfort food. It is a plain egg omelet that is filled and rolled over some rice, and then served with either a barbecue like sauce or ketchup.
I had one with the barbecue like sauce. It's not my first idea of comfort food on a rainy day, but it was good and I certainly enjoyed it.
And as big as it looks, I ate the whole thing. :)
I don't actually know what it is called either. It is dinner food however, not breakfast food. To me it is more breakfast food and alot of  Japanese breakfast food is more like dinner food. But when in Japan, go with the Japanese way and enjoy it.
And one drink you might have with this  comfort food (other than water) is this watermelon smoothie.
And if you like Diet Coke, as I do, you would be out of luck in Japan. You can get regular Coke and a Coke Zero like drink, but that's it.

I was missing the bubbly drink  the night before we flew home, and I broke down and bought a regular Coke from the hotel vending machine. I am not used to all that sugar. Wow. But I saved the label and made this page in my Japan travel journal. I like that all the writing on what would be the back of the label is in Japanese.
I also found these little dog stickers.  We saw several of these dogs in Japan, and they are sure cute! The breed is called the shiba inu  (inu means dog) and here's a photo I found on-line at Japan Today. 
Ha-ha-I thought this face was as cute as my stickers.
Off on a field trip today with my seniors. Hopefully I will have some photos for you. And also, one month of work left until summer break. :) 
Wishing you all a wonderful T day-either what's left to it or your whole day.


  1. Good morning, No I am not tired of seeing photos from Japan.
    That is interesting about the plastic food displays in the windows-they look real too.
    Your breakfast looks good and the watermelon smoothie sounds really good too. I have made watermelon margaritas in the past for a hot summer day.
    the Japanese dog is too sweet-love his smile.
    Enjoy your field trip
    Happy t Day Hugs Kathy

  2. All that food is making me hungry! Haven't had lunch yet....Glad you got to enjoy so many new things in Japan. That dog looks very beautiful. Shame about the coke, though! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I love sushi so a trip to Japan would be wonderful. I do think I'd miss breakfast too though. Never really thought about that.
    Shiba inu are really cute. They don't bark either...they sort of scream or yell. It's my sons dream to have one when he's able.
    Happy T day!

  4. Woww, the food may be so good !! I ´m sure you enjoyed them. The customs in other countries are very remarkable and interesting.
    Love your Art page Erika !! It´s so beautiful, love the bright red!!
    Wish you a very nice day, hugsss, Caty

  5. A lot of the Japanese food you have shown looks more like breakfast food to me. The plastic food is a fun idea. I like the pitcher your watermelon smoothie was served in. I thought the dog was a Corgi. I love how he looks like he's smiling. His face made me smile, too. Have fun on your field trip.

  6. Having trouble commenting here, but will try. I just saw a series of photos of a Giant Alaskan Malamute puppy, grew to be 140 lbs. this photo reminds me of him! Lucious looking food, but dinner only!

  7. So enjoying seeing photos of your Japan trip Erika. Even that dog looks Japanese doesn't he?? So cute. As fun as it is to eat foreign food it sure is good to get back to what your used to. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  8. although the comfort meal sounds good all that sauce would have killed my stomach. However, I love watching a Japanese cooking show and how they so beautifully present their dishes. The watermelon drink looks so good and refreshing too. Well, you had to get the regular coke but it was worth it for the addition to your travel journal:) Happy T day!

  9. What a cool page! The Japanese comfort food looks fab and I would love to try the watermelon smoothie, it looks delish 😁. I smiled at your cola story, how strange that they don't sell diet, I don't drink either diet or full fat cola so I probably would have noticed ...lol πŸ˜‰. I love how you captured this memory too and those doggie stickers are adorable! Thanks so much for linking the page to Try it on Tuesday! With the cutie dogs you included, it also fits with the Fauna piece over at AJJ too, it would be great to see you there! Have a Happy T Day! J 😊 x
    p.s. thanks for your lovely comments on my blog! A bacon butty is a sandwich which is filled with "back bacon" rather than "streaky bacon" and the bacon is served hot, I always ask for the bacon to be crispy/well done. The bread is often buttered (I prefer no butter ...lol πŸ˜‰) and you normally have ketchup or brown sauce in the sandwich too (either of these sauces or none of these works for me ...lol 😁). J x

  10. That food looks pretty good and watermelon smoothie must be delicious! How clever to save the label and made this page to remember the lack of diet cola.
    Oh I loved to see that shiba inu.
    As Liyongo was a young boy we visited the dog obedience school and one of his best friends there was a shiba inu. But I don't remember his name and Liyongo don't remember either.
    Happy T-Day dear Erika- looking forward to more Japan photos and from the trip of today as well!
    Hugs, Susi

  11. I may have struggled with the breakfast food choices as I prefer plain buttered toast, but as you say you have to fit in and go with what is eaten in the locality and it certainly did look delicious.
    It is a fantastic journal page and the sticker dogs look cute..
    Have you the days counted down on your calendar for summer break, it will fly over and you'll soon be on holiday.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Thak you for more Japanese photos (yes, keep them coming).
    But I must admit that I did not find that dish appetizing.An ommelette swimming in sauce.
    I noticed that the labels had the name of the food in English too. I think I'd starve in Japan. I love the food in a Japanese restaurant and I also like sushi and tempura but this doesn't look like anything I have ever had. But the water melon smoothie looks delicious.
    Oops, I didn't know there was a difference between Coke zero and diet coke. They appear the same in the shop. You can see that i am not a Coke drinker. (I use it to unblock my drains, or clean up tarnished copper and clean chrome parts of the car, but I don't drink it. I'm afraid it would corrode my insides or my teeth, lol).
    The dogs are lovely. This one reminds me a bit of a husky. The one in the picture seems to be laughing. So cute!
    I hope your field trip went well. I'm looking forward to the photos.
    Happy T-Day,.

  13. Love your journal page! A lot!

    And I remember the waxed food. They do a great job with it, don't they? Your breakfast dish looks delish!

  14. I love seeing all your Japanese food. Looks delicious. Not sure about that watermelon flavor but I love smoothies.And I don't drink Coke either but I love your page. The Japanese writing on the label is the perfect way to remember your trip. And that dog really is beautiful.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Ok, I wouldn’t have thought I would like Japanese food, but that dish actually looks and sounds good! And watermelon smoothie, in Japan?
    That sounds good to! :). Thanks for the visit. Happy TDay!

  16. That Watermelon Smoothie looks delicious and so refreshing!

  17. I never tire of hearing about interesting places-like Japan! loved the peek at your travel journal (and wouldn't mind seeing more if it's not too personal) that IS an adorable dog- I think the Japanese are premier at designing cute stationery and stickers!! ♥ good luck in the last few days of the school year!

  18. I can enjoy lots of breakfast foods for dinner - like that omelette you ordered Erika. But not vice versa. The thought of eating even some traditional U.S. breakfast foods before 3 pm turns my stomach. I'm thinking of Southern favorites like country-fried steak and eggs or country chicken and waffles.

    It's interesting how we get locked into the way we were raised or habits we've fallen into. I really relate to your diet cola craving - lol.

    Some areas of Mexico still do the plastic food displays. The're very realistic and informational, but still make me giggle inside.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  19. The food and that brightly coloured drink do look interesting!! I love you page with those cute dogs too! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  20. The food looks tasty, and I should try a recipe or two. I've never had Japanese food. I've seen the Shiba Inu in dog shows but never one in person. I think they must be pretty rare here.


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