Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Go Take a Walk

Hello everyone.
So is this quote correct? Are people who take walks happier? I think so. I think the miserable people at my school (which seems to be 60% of the staff right now-why is it that the end of every school year so many people fall apart and try to drag all the rest of us down with them?)  need to go for a walk. A long walk until late August. :)
I wanted to join in with the new challenge at Moo Mania. The theme is arrows.
This is my calendar journal page for last week I did some coloring, added a very scraps from a napkin, the quote and also a couple stickers in my stash.
And of course, some hand cut and decorated arrows.
Oh yes, as an addition, I was thinking, I get inspired by walking, so I am going to link up to Art Journal Journey also. This month Gill is the fabulous hostess.
Have a great Wednesday everyone. 


  1. the Negative People besides taking a long walk (off a short pier =^,.^=) maybe should make art, too. if you haven't seen this news story about last day of school, go take a look and listen. It will be your turn soon.

  2. Rains came overnight and it was actually below 80F this morning when I went out to water my plants. I say that because it's too hot and humid to take a walk in this weather, even at 6 am. When I mow my lawn about this time of day, I'm wiped out from the extreme heat. I would LOVE to start my day with a long walk, but we are warned to not do anything that causes extra exertion, so I'm taking the experts seriously (grin). Seriously, I want to take a walk, but I'm not sure I would be happier than if I sat in front of my AC and did something productive inside. I think this is a wonderful journal page, though. You have really chosen some lovely colors and some fun doodles. It's a very unique page and one that has such sweet children on it. The arrows point the way and make their own statement. Truly a fun post and a great calendar page.

  3. I agree walking is good for our soul-just getting outdoors more is a good thing-I miss it now has been too hot, and we have too much allergy stuff around us.
    one of the things I first loved about retiring was getting away from negative people-they can really bring you down if you are not aware of it
    Happy Wednesday-hugs

  4. Your calendar page with the arrows is brilliant and I am sure that quote is right! Walks are always good and for sure people who take walks are much happier! Send them all on a long long summer walk! Just a few more days and than the summerbreak is here!And you can call it done!
    Thanks a lot for joining Moo Manai & Moo dear Erika! It seems the current theme is a bit difficult for folk -lol.
    But nothing is difficult for you ! You made me happy!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. What a fun page. I walk a lot, and it does me good, that's for sure. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Your page is really fantastique Erika!! wonderful!! that´s true, I usually walk 2 hours every day with my dog, It feels well.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  7. Fab page Erika - the title made me smile and I wondered what was coming next :)
    I agree - fresh air and walking is a great tonic.
    Half way through the week again - not long til the weekend.
    Gill xx

  8. Time outside is a positive thing, I think, but some people are negative no matter what ;) And I admit to having my negative periods.... :(

  9. There are always folk around who give off negatives vibes. A walk in the fresh air would be a good cure for many I think.
    I love your journal page and the sweet images, they do look happy.
    Yvonne xx

  10. A fun and happy page despite the negativity around you, well done!! End of Term blues is a well known phenomena in school settings I think... Report writing stress? Who knows, - but a good walk is always a good thing, I try and do it everyday, and here in the North it is not too hot at all. This morning it is 10 degrees C, no idea what that is in F....

  11. I think your page is PERFECT, Erika. I love walking at least an hour every day. Kisses, my friend.

  12. Fun and happy. As for me, I love a good walk, as long as the feet and hips can hold out!

  13. A fabulous page, and that quote is definitely true for me Erika! xx

  14. very cute page! and I believe the sentiment to be true. I try to walk every day...sometimes it is just walk-in-place in my house while watching tv, but walking outside in sunshine is way better! happy end of the year, and hope you get your batteries sufficiently recharged over the summer! ♥

  15. Your page is fabulous! I love how you were inspired by walking and this is such a fun page for your calender journal with the stickers and quote - perfect 😁. I hope you had a great week, Happy Friday! J 😊 x

  16. A wonderful art journal page

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE


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