Monday, June 18, 2018

T Stands for Eel

Hi ladies. Another Tuesday is here.  The brutal summer weather arrived, but luckily left almost as quick as it arrived and  it is supposed to be a little bit better on this Tuesday.  I don't like the humidity, even though the gardens sure do.
OK, when we were in Japan we went to eel restaurant. (Sorry to overwhelm you with Japan things, but it is really all I have been working on. I want to finish it so I can move onto new things. I am ready.) Now the idea of eating long slimy eels didn't sound that good to me at first. I'm not really that fussy an eater, and I like to experiment with various foods, but somehow eels, well that made think twice. But we asked a sample before we ordered, and the eels didn't taste any different than other grilled fish, and it looked like fish, not long slimy eels, so I soon go over my squirmies. 
Now the munchies they brought with our beers were a different story.
My first thought was fired insects. No thank you. These turned out to be the spines rom the eels, and I did try one. It was just a salty crunchy bit, but still didn't do much for me .
So I ordered the eel dish that way similar to Koran bibimbap. This dish was served in a very hot stone bowl, and had rice, spinach, bean sprouts, eel and egg in it.
And it was very very good. 
Since it is Tuesday I am linking up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to join in the T day fun where we link our drink related posts.
My art at the top of the post is more from my Japan Travel Journal. I drew a cartoon version of the Japanese local eels and added the label rom some peach flavored water I purchased a bottle of while in Japan. There were so many different drinks in Japan you could make the goal of a whole trip trying different ones. I can't remember where the Japanese script paper strip came from, and who knows what it says but it makes a great design element.
I am linking up once again to Gill's fun challenge at Art Journal Journey  She has chosen Inspired By as herr challenge.
And I mentioned earlier how the gardens were loving the heat and humidity. My roses are looking fantastic right now.

This is the big bloom of the summer. They will continue to bloom all summer, but they never seem to bloom as many blooms as this first round.
This is one reason why I love summer.
Have a happy T day everyone.


  1. OK, I'm with you. I'd have to get over the idea of slimy eel before I could eat it. But at least the meal turned out looking much better than I expected. And you braved through, which is EVERYTHING wonderful in my book. BTW, we will NEVER get tired of your Japan photos. I won't at least, because I live vicariously. Thank you for sharing this meal and beer with us for T this almost Tuesday.

    Of course, I fell in love with your journal pages. They are coming along nicely, and I understand how you have all these ideas and want to get this book finished as quickly as possible. It's certainly impressive. I know when you hold the completed book in your hand you will be drawn back to the first entry you shared with us. It's a glorious travel journal and a great entry for Art Journal Journey, too.

    I am in awe of your roses, as mine seems to have died.

  2. In London eels were always very popular, with eel shops on every corner with live eels in containers in the windows when I was a kid, but I never ate any, I just couldn't, and I still don't want to, so well done on trying them! Wonderful journal page, and your roses look fabulous. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I agree with Elizabeth-I would not tire seeing more Japan posts-I have really enjoyed all of them,plus the restaurants and foods and then your art pages inspired by your trip.
    I love fish but I am not sure I would enjoy eel that was nice you were able to sample dishes before ordering-I had not heard of that before.
    Your roses are gorgeous-so beautiful, their fragrances must be really nice.
    thanks for sharing everything Happy T Day Hugs Kathy

  4. I have not given any try with eels...
    Spine fry of the eel looks something unique...

  5. Your page is super ... love the PA stamp to it --- special touch and your cartoon eel looks super . We call them "Aal" and I have eaten them on some several occacions and was always surpised of the yumminess.I had it smoked and I had it roasted and both variation were great.
    Your roses just look so pretty - amazing little rose garden - wow!
    So lovely. Keep cool Erika!
    Here we have also heat prognosted for this week- but in my area it is always a bit cooler than in the south of Austria. So we can be happy.
    The most important thing is that there are no thunderstorms are supposed to come.

    Happy T-Day ,
    I am too busy to participate this week.
    Brother is here and we have so much to enjoy ---and a lot of extra work as!

    Thanks bunches for yet another fab spread linked to AJJ! You know how much I like your posts about Japan and the Japan pages! So please M O R E !

    Hugs, Susi

  6. I would have trouble getting over the squirmies at eating eel too, Erika. Your choice was an excellent one for a beginner ;-) I've eaten rattlesnake. It tasted like chicken. Your cartoon eel and page are darling - all the memories preserved - except you can't read what the text says - lol.

    Beautiful roses. They just go on and on. I don't think I've ever seen such a display in a private garden. Wow!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  7. Even though I may have been offered a taster I think I would have passed these eels by, even though the meal looks good. You were brave to try it and I'm glad it was enjoyable.
    I also love your journal pages. I'll never go to Japan so it is good to see the photos and read how the country appealed to you. You are my travel guide for the country and a very good one.
    Your roses look beautiful, are they scented ones?
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  8. i love your reports of Japan (as i´m not sure i´ll ever go there). and i think i also would have hesitated to taste the eel (though i think you always should try the Food of the natives)... but your experiences Sound interesting.
    happy t-day:)

  9. Like Elizabeth, I will never get tired of your Japan book too. I love the pages and the stories. I love your roses too. They are so wonderful! Have a nice week! Lenie xx

  10. Love the imagery/graphics on your fantastic page Erika - and the word 'Adventure' was really apt to go with eating 'eel'..
    I have tried Eel years ago and did not enjoy it and would never have thought of trying to eat the spines - you were brave :)
    Your beautiful roses are looking good.
    As always - thanks for sharing what inspired you and joining in at AJJ.
    Hope your day goes well...Happy Tuesday
    Gill xx

  11. Oh, I don't think I will ever tire of hearing about your adventures in Japan! I would have the same squirmies as you about the eel, but would have tried it and wow, your meal looked so delicious with that refreshing cold beer ๐Ÿ˜. I'm glad you enjoyed it and your pages to celebrate your visit are so beautiful! I'm loving the roses in your garden, they look spectacular and those amazing stone owls caught my eye - perfect! Wishing you the happiest of T Days! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  12. Love hearing of your adventures in Japan anytime Erika! What wonderful journal pages and memories. You are brave to try such delicacies we don't typically partake in. But, I couldn't do it!! My mom used to tell me about how her father used to catch eels in the river . Her Mom would put them in the pan and they'd be jumpin all over-ugh! That was life on a rural farm in France. To this day my mom gets squeamish just thinking about it and so do I.
    Thanks for sharing another part of your adventure. Your roses are so beautiful and I imagine quite fragrant. Happy T day!

  13. Holy cow, your roses are insane! They are GORGEOUS! Do you work like crazy on them, because it sure looks that way and I bet they smell great.

    Don't hurry your Japan reports on my account! I love them all and how you tie your art in with it as well!

  14. I'll never tire of your Japan posts :) Eel does sound exotic, and I'd definitely try it. Your roses are gorgeous! I like your rock elements. Happy T Tuesday!

  15. I'm not sure i could have eaten the eel... seriously... lol So i applaud you for being adventurous !! Hubs and i LOVE Korean food.. Its so expensive around here though... By the time we are done paying for the meal we feel like we could have eaten at Red Lobster.. and thats just crazy..

    Your Journal page will be something nice to look back on and i think you will be so glad you did all the Japan artwork.. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  16. Yuck! Eels sounds gross when you describe them as slimy but they certainly didn't look too bad in your meal. The eel spines looked interesting. I love seeing all your Japanese themed projects but I can understand how you are ready to move on.
    Your roses are so pretty and vibrant. I love the variety of colors that you have.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Love your beautiful roses, but I will definitely pass on the Japanese food! Great journal page. Happy T Day!

  18. This is a lovely art page Erika!! Love how you create it, stunning!!
    Your flowers are simply gorgeous!! Enjoy!
    Very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  19. Oh your Roses are so beautiful! I try growing roses here but it's a struggle with our clay soil.
    Love your art and I 'm not tired of Japan yet so keep right on posting about it.
    The food does look great.... well maybe not the little bone snacks :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. The twins are not suffering from lack of attention of any kind. There always seems to be someon around to love on them and they do have several great men in their lives who adore them and love spending time with them.
    Happy Late T Day!


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