Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lush and Green

View from my walk and my gardens today. 
Everything is lush and green right now. Summer!
Don't know about you, but I love this. 
Happy new week!


  1. Lovely photos, it all looks so good. I enjoyed seeing the summer meadows on my weekend walks, too. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow Erika, your garden looks wonderful, amazing photos!

  3. I love this too and I love your amazing photos of your fantastic garden. You have such a hand for making fantastic photos ! Happy start of the new week for you!
    Big hugs,

  4. Your garden looks so beautiful and colorful. Enjoyed seeing your visitors especially the butterflies. Have a great day!

  5. ABSOLUTELY stunning photos. Your part of the country looks a lot better than mine. Beautiful greenery and lush, wet leaves. Incredible photos you gave us today, Erika.

  6. Beautiful photos, your garden looks lovely and so does your wonderful flowers.
    Yvonne xx

  7. You take my breath away! The creatures visiting can be hard to get photos of, and yours are so clear :) Beautiful flowers!

  8. Those photos are wonderful Erika!! lovely butterflies, lezard, flowers, your garden is amazing!! love the green too. Thank you very much for sharing with us. I wish you a very nice day, big hugs, Caty

  9. This IS lush! And look at all those sweet critters! Nice shots here! Those butterfly pix are fabulous. Aren't you loving summer. (Finally!)

  10. Wow, your garden looks stunning! All your flowers are beautiful and those butterflies are so pretty too 😁. It looks like summer is here! We still have sunny days here so so we have been walking in the shade of the trees around Lytham Hall this week rather than on the beachfront 😀. Have a great day! J 😊 x


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