Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Moss Museum Page, and Some Other Items

 Happy Saturday everyone. It's cloudy here and they say we have a good chance of rain, so I am doing my rain dance because it is so dry we could use a good soaking.  Besides, if it's going to be cloudy, we  might as well get rain. 
I also want to mention that I was reminded our first day of summer is the first day of winter in some parts of the world. So those of you below the equator, happy winter. And I do mean that.  But since our winter was very very very long this year, I will sarcasticly remark that I am glad it is you having winter because ours will be back way too soon and I can't even think about that word right now. :)
The hubby and I are going to try to catch a noontime showing of the new Jurassic World movie. I heard from my daughter it wasn't as good as the first one, but I still want to see it.
So you can see more of my hand carved stamps in these 2 pages from my Japan Travel Journal. The green image is a first attempt, as if the brown block image. I have gone back and finished carving out the brown image, although you can't see it here. And the red one is my re-attempt at the green one that came out much better.
I brought home a postcard from the Moss Museum which I included by taping it in, and then underneath I have this stamped sheet of paper. Many places we went to had rubber stamps you could stamp I guess in some type of stamp booklet. I thought it was rather cool so I included in my travel journal.

And a couple of other not so exciting pages for you.

Keep in mind this is  travel journal so I am saving bits of paper I brought home as well as using a flight magazine I napped from the pocket on a flight which I am collaging items I cut from it. I also bought a couple of lots of inexpensive used Japanese postage stamps from eBay as they make great additions to finish off my pages.  What surprised m was how expensive some stamps could be. I know there are collectors and all that, and many Japanese stamps are beautiful, but these are not collectors editions. 4 used stamps for $12.00-I don't think so. 
And speaking of bargains, I went into Hobby Lobby yesterday before I hit the grocery store and they had some marked down craft books which I was excited about. Excuse the shadows in this photo. 
2018 has been the year of hitting Hobby Lobby bargains for me. They had a bunch of other books, but these looked like ones I thought would be more what I could get something out of. It is always fun to find some spontaneous bargains.
I am linking up today to Gill's challenge Inspired By at Art Journal Journey. I know my art hasn't been very varied lately, but I should now have time to start doing other things.
Anyhow, enjoy your Saturday everyone. And happy weekend.


  1. All of your pages are lovely Erika - I am always amazed by the amount of varied ephemera you collect from wherever you go and all the additional stickers etc that you are to find too.
    Thanks for sharing your work with AJJ.
    Your handcarved stamps collection is growing nicely - fab job - they are cool!
    Love the books you found, all look very interesting. I'd love to know what you think of the Hazel Lale book - I saw a video clip for her DVD on youtube the other day and it looked great.
    Happy Saturday - enjoy the weekend... hope you get just the right amount of rain:)
    Gill x

  2. Nice rubber stamp carvings. I tried it once. Not for me. I like your travel journal page. Boston's MBTA has been having lots of problems lately. I wonder if the Japanese transit system has similar problem. Always fun to find a bargain on art supplies. Enjoy the movie. A perfect event for a rainy day. We've had a couple of showers roll through. Have a good day!

  3. Love, love your stamps, great pages. xox

  4. I like your pages in the Japanese travel Journal so much - and I am in awe of your fabulous carved stamps. This first pages with your poppy seed heads look awesome! Fantastic books are these - what a fab find! I can understan your excitement about this bargains!
    Enjoy your weekend dear Erika!
    Thank you very much for linking your beautiful pages to AJJ again ! Much appreciated as you know ♥♥♥!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. Beautiful journal pages and love the new stamps. Great selection of new books, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Wonderful art pages today Erika and I absolutely love your hand carved stamps. They look awesome.
    It looks like you have a super selection of new books to look at and enjoy, we all love bargains.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Good for you, Erika, n the bargain finds. I must be one of the few folks who have only been in a Hobby Lobby store only once. That said, I have been to AC Moore and Michael's more times but not in many months as I am not looking for anything right now. The Nashua library is hosting some craft nights and I attended one this week and we made a book page wreath. Have you ever done one of these?

  8. WOW. I am so impressed with the latest carved stamps you have made. And anytime you can get a $25.00 (USD) book for $2.50 (USD), I would say you struck it rich. Incredible. What amazing savings.

    I am IN LOVE with your travel journal. I especially like how you added what most people would call minutia, and throw it in their recycle bins, yet you found a purpose for it. This is MY KIND OF ART, no big names, no fancy tools or techniques, just honest memories that you conveyed from your trip. I LOVE IT all and am so glad you joined in once again at Art Journal Journey, too.

  9. Your stamp collection is just wonderful, I am in awe and love the latest sample page in your journal! I really like the collage page too, and if by any chance you ever want more stamps, let me know. I purchased a whole box full on ebay some years back, there are way more than I could ever use in a lifetime....

    I can't tell you how jealous I am of having a Hobby Lobby so close by, that book collection looks super and I am sure will give you lots of inspiration during your summer break. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, hope the rain came!

  10. We've had a couple of thunderstorms over the last couple of days, and it was good to have the patio plants soaked. They're happier now.

    I haven't seen any of the Jurassic Park movies except the first one. The trailer for this one looks fun.

    I love the variety in your Japan pages. I don't know much about stamps, but 4 for $12 doesn't sound bad to me. I'm sure I'd never be able to make my own like you do. I love your designs.

  11. These pages are fabulous Erika !! I like them all, they are unique and very special. Wonderful !! I really like rubber fishes stamps, how cute!
    Those books look good! I'm sure you really enjoy creating with them.
    I wish you a good start of the week, hugsss, Caty

  12. I love the stamps you are making and your pages really capture the feel of Japan. I love the moss museum one but I really do like all of them. You're off to a wonderful summer start!


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