Saturday, June 30, 2018

Some Photos and Other Things

Happy weekend everyone. 
The heat and humidity has arrived. Just in time for July.
Or not to ignore June- for a couple of days at the end of June too.
The flowers seem to love it, especially after the good soaking they got on Thursday.

This is a page from calendar journal. I am linking up to Try It On Tuesday for their things with wings challenge. I am also linking up to Moo Mania and their challenge of your favorite colours. I actually think the more color the better . :) What I don't like about this page is how I tried to blend the the background colors using my markers. As they were water based I thought they might blend better with a damp brush, but no. That didn't work. But the beauty of a journal of any kind is that you get to experiment. The paper in my calendar is pretty flimsy so I just left it as is with my scribble blending.
And the bottom quote is not so crooked but there is a slight bend in my page. Oh man, maybe I shouldn't have posted this page. :)
And many of you mentioned the other day (in your comments) that you wanted to see more of Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan, so let me show you some more. If you missed the first round of photos and have any interest in those photos you can link back here: Inari Shrine
 As I mentioned Inari Shrine's animal is the fox, so you can buy this white wooden faces, draw your face and then writing your wish on the back.

 Even the ground I thought even the ground was pretty.

 And the higher you climbed (as this shrine is on the side of a mountain) it became more wooded. And way less crowded.
 Near the entrance.
 You are supposed to wash your hands, and mouth, if you are asking the Gods for any favors. Now I don't understand or know much of anything about the Shinto religion, so I really don't know if there are actual gods or if it is spirits  of passed people you are asking help from.

The mossy rocks are my favorites.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. And stay cool if you are in the heat. (And stay warm if you are in the cold.)
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. A fantastic page for TioT! Thank you so much for joining us again dear Erika and thank you for those fantastic photo! I am in awe of this place !
    Happy weekend my dear friend!
    Hugs Susi

  2. Your journal page is bright and beautiful, the colours are fantastic. Thanks for joining us at TIOT, much appreciated. Thanks for sharing more photos of the Inari shrine, it's fascinating. Loved those wooden foxes! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. I really, really like your lovely journal page. It's hard to work with flimsy paper, and the fear of the page tearing becomes a problem if it gets too wet. It's a beauty, regardless and the flowers are out of this wor;d.

    Thank you SO much for sharing more of these photos of the Inari Shrine. I was really surprised and impressed with how far it went on and on and on. And I agree that the mossy rocks are amazing, but I'm pretty fond of that fox, too. Thank you so much for sharing more of these photos from the Inari Shrine with us.

  4. Such a beatiful and lovely page.

  5. Beautiful shrine. I like how they use the wooden fox like a prayer flag. I like the rocks with moss that look like foxes too. Your flowers are beautiful. Yup, they are loving the heat. Stay cool and make beautiful art like your journal page. Me thinks you are too critical of your work.

  6. Where are my manners? Thank you very much for joining Moo Mania & More!
    Big hugs, Susi

  7. This shrine is striking, with those colors in that setting. The moss-covered rocks and statues are gorgeous. What a trip!

  8. I think your page with those wonderful flowers looks great, never mind the blending did not quite work.... Have you ever used gesso under those markers? I wonder whether that would help, would also make the flimsy paper more durable probably.

    Fabulous photos again. I don't know a lot about the Shinto religion, but the Kami they worship are spirits, not gods or god, I guess that means they are of a lower rank of beings???

    Those mossy rocks look amazing, we never saw them....

  9. It is a beautiful colouful journal page, again thank you for adding this to TioT's, its lovely to see you there.
    The shrine photos were super, it is good to learn about other nations culture and history.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Beautiful page! It's looks so cheery with the pretty coloured flowers and I would never have noticed any of the things that you said you "didn't like" until you pointed them out 😉. I enjoyed seeing more photos of the shrine too, it's just an amazing place and those moss covered stones are gorgeous! Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday and wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊 x

  11. A beautiful page and fantastic photos, Erika.

    Thank you for joining us at TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  12. Your journal page is terrific, of course you should have posted it, the flowers are so happy and colourful, I love its exuberance.
    Great to see more Japan photos and I agree with you, even the ground is so pretty.

  13. A stunning bright and bold page Erika, and great to see more photos of the shrine!
    So humid here at the moment too, I hate it!
    Alison xxx

  14. I adore the shrine. The mossy animals. Wow. I would have bought some of the fox faces to bring home for Christmas ornaments or use as art. That's probably sacriligious but they're awfully cute. And your background may not have done what you wanted it to, but if it's any consolation, when I opened up the page and saw that first thing I smiled and said out loud (to Lizzie or the air) "That's pretty!" So, it's good with me!

  15. A lovely colourful page Erika, love the quirky flowers. Wonderful photos of your visit to the shrine(checked out yesterday's too). The mossy stones look so interesting, it's a shame we can't read Japanese, would love to know what they mean.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday
    Avril xx

  16. Amazing page and great photos. Oh, I love mossy rocks too!!!!! Kisses!!!!!!!


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