Thursday, July 19, 2018

All Over the Planet

Hi everyone. Today I have some art from my Japan travel journal and then some photos from my recent journey to Newfoundland, Canada. 
Yup today I am all over the world.  But from the comfort of my couch as I write this. :)
First an art page from my Japan travel journal which I will be linking up to Art Journal Journey and Chris' challenge of Art for Art's Sake.
My page is a collage of origami paper, a transparency, a couple of images cut out from a brochure I picked up and also this green beetle sticker that we were given someplace on the journey. I think it was when we went to see the wild horses, which I don't believe I showed you any photos. Promise I will do that another day.
I photographed this so it is purposefully a little darker in the bottom left so that the images on the transparency show up better.
And I also wanted to show you some photos from the western Newfoundland coast which I took last week.  This coast is a gorgeous but a barren place and it has to be a tough place during the winter cold, never mind there's no trees to break the wind.
These first few photos have a fishing theme. Seafood is on the menu everyplace we went, and I ate a lot of cod (fish and chips), shrimp and scallops. You can tell it is a huge part of the economy here. Boats, lobster and crab traps are everywhere along the coast. 

 Yup, there's a tiny piece of an iceberg in this photo above.

These little villages have an unique charm I think.
Ever since I read the book , The Shipping News, I've wanted to see this place.
Think I need to reread the book since Annie Proulx actually lived in a small town along the coast while she wrote this novel. We actually visited that town and I wonder how the book compares to how I saw it.
But enough from me today. Thanks for visiting my blog and hope you are having or have a fantastic day.


  1. Gorgeous page in your Japan journal, it must be huge by now! Newfoundland looks beautiful, very unspoilt and great to see another iceberg. Have a fun day! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Such a contrast between the colorful Japanese page and the stark seacoast pictures. Both are beautiful in their own way. Enjoy the cooler weather today

  3. wow,your asia page its amazing!
    love the musican geisha and the wonderful green backround with the flowers,love it,dear erika.
    the beautiful green place are so wonderful,love the tiny icebergs and the water with green plants,i would i be there for a long walk,its so beautiful planet.
    thank you for the super photos of newzealand.
    wishing you a happy day,dear erika.

    hugs jenny


  4. This is an AMAZING page - I would call it a Japanese junktravel Mixed Media art page at its finest! I am happy to see another of these fantastic pages linked to the AJJ collection dear Erika! Thank you very much!
    And wow I loved the novel and I loved the film and I am happy to see the photos of this atmospheric area and I am also looking forward to the wild horses! Yepp!
    You always have the much interesting and best made photos to share!

    Here it get's now hot .... but I have such a pleasurable house, it keeps the warmth in winter and keeps out the hot in summer as the walls are so thick. You need no air condition in such an old house! They knew how to build houses!

    Happy day Erika!
    Hope you have a nice day!


  5. I just love your Japanese art - it is so Japanesey. I like the way you made it up, including the beetle sticker and how nice to use papers from your travels in this way.
    The photos of Newfoundland are again fascinating. It reminds me a little of Skye with the boats and the way the houses are scattered in the villages.
    I've got this book and haven't read it yet. I saw the film a while ago when it was in the cinema.

  6. Another fantastic journal page, you added super detail images in this collage.
    Great photos of the coast, the villages seem so remote to one another, I can almost imagine how winter could isolate them.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I love this collage - the images certainly say Japan! Thank you so much for your support of my theme at Art Journal Journey! I though the other day about how Newfoundland must look(and feel) in the Winter! Now you have made me want to read The Shipping News! Have a great weekend! Chrisx

  8. I enjoyed your photos of Newfoundland. That's a place I would love to visit one day as well. It's interesting how one sometimes wants to see a place for a long time - since I was a teenager I have wanted to visit Connemara and this year I finally did. And it was just as beautiful as I had hoped.
    Beautiful art journal page, I like it.

  9. I swear I am habitually late this week. But I was really impressed with this gorgeous journal page you created. I remember reading something about beetles in the book the images came from, but for the life of me, I can't remember any more than that. I DO know there is some symbolism, which I enjoyed seeing in your art. I couldn't believe the beauty of the transparency. It is so special. So glad you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

    That looks like incredibly rough terrain in Newfoundland. It's harsh, but beautiful in a wild untamed way, Thanks for taking all these photos, since I seem to live vicariously.

  10. Another superb page in your journal Erika, such a super colourful collage with those gorgeous papers and the beetle is a very cool addition, it just focuses the eye!

    Your photos remind me of the west coast and some of the islands around Scotland. Many of them are also treeless. I have been wondering what the temperatures were like there in the Summer? In winter it must be really grim.

    So now I feel really ignorant as I neither know the book you mention, nor had I heard of the film that some of your other visitors mention... Off to check it out... Weekend nearly here, - enjoy!

  11. Beautiful countryside, isn't it. Rick wants to ride his bike there. I would rather fly! What a great trip.

  12. Such a wonderful addition to your travel journal! The pretty origami paper is such a amazing backdrop for your collage pieces 😁. I so enjoyed your photos too, it looks like your visited yet another beautiful part of the world! Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  13. A beautiful Japanese themed page, and great to see more photos of that wonderful landscape Erika!
    Alison xxx

  14. I read The Shipping News with a book club years ago, and it made a big impression. Some of the images are still clear in my mind. Such a good book!

  15. A wonderful Asian collage image dear Erika. I like the green bug and the nice Geisha.
    Years before we saw the movie about the book you read now. It was made very good. The wonderful Director Lasse Hallström made an amazing movie of this book. I like all his movies.
    Wonderful photos you made.
    Dear Greetings


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