Friday, July 20, 2018

Where Did This Week Go?

Wow- it is Friday. Talk about a fast week-at least for me. 
Today I have a little bit of this and that to share with you.
First of all, a few wild horse photos from Japan as I mentioned in yesterday's post.
 While we were in the southern part of the island we visited Cape Toi that is known for its wild horses.  These animals are descendents of farm horses in the area, and when they weren't needed for that anymore, they were released into this area which is now one of Japan's National Parks.  I think they are interesting because they have some traits different from horses we see here in the US.

 Although you can't touch them, you can walk up near to them. This gives you a scale that they are a fairly small horse- at least height wise.

And look at this beautiful view (similar to many views) from this park.
I made this tag for my travel journal using some craft supplies and a photo that I cut out the horses.

I also want to show you the fabulous surprise I received in the mail the other day.
Look at this fabulous quiltlet I received from Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover. I think it is gorgeous. I love the Japanese theme.
And it is 2 sided, so there is more to enjoy.
I also think this rust dyed fabric is pretty cool.
Thank you my friend for this wonderful gift.
Yesterday I was out most of the day and when I got home  I decided to work on my drawing journal out on my screen porch as it was such a gorgeous day.
I love my crazy cartoon car drawing, even if the tires sit a little weird. 
OK, I chattered on enough. Wishing you all a great weekend!


  1. The foal looks so sweet. Your page is a wonderful memory of your trip. Fabulous surprise quitlets. Looks like another fabulous afternoon for arting in the screened porch.

  2. Those horses are lovely, as is the countryside there. Wonderful quilt from Elizabeth. Great tag, too. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. I love the horses. The foal is so sweet.

    And BIG WOW on Elizabeth's quilt. That rocks to the moon. So personal, too, with the Japanese theme. Her workmanship is lovely. That's a treasure.

  4. I'm loving the tag that you created to remember those beautiful horses! They look so tranquil and at ease with everyone visiting them and the foal is a cutie patootie 😁. Wow, what a lovely suprise, the quiltlet is so amazing and I adore the fabrics - Elizabeth is so thoughtful! Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  5. WOW WOW WOW !
    Fristly the horses are so beautiful and the view! And yes - I love the sweet foal!
    And your tag is so nice! What a lovely tag to remember this horses!
    And I am in LOVE with Elizabeth's quiltlet. So personal for you! Your cartoon car drawing is fun ! JOY JOY!! That's so positive!
    Enjoy the weekend with Joy! I bet you will go boating!
    Hugs, Susi

  6. Oh more Japan! I can't get enough of seeing photos from Japan! The horses are so interesting. They look a bit thin but that is because they live in the wild.
    The little quiltlet is such a lovely gift from Elizabeth. A Japanese theme specially for you.
    And you are having fun with your drawing and coloring.
    Have a great weekend,

  7. It’s always nice to receive unexpected and lovely surprises. Enhoyed seeing the horses which reminded me of the wild ones we used to see at Chincoteague wildlife refuge in VA. Have a great weekend, Erika!

  8. The photos look super and getting so close to wild horses must have been a super experience. The page with the tag looks great, the journal from the trip to Japan must be getting thicker as you store your memories.
    Your quilt from Elizabeth looks awesome, it must have been a lovely surprise when you opened the package.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  9. I absolutely adore the photo of those two horses with their noses to the ground. That is an award winning shot, in my opinion. Of course the larger photo shows the scale, so that was great, too.

    I loved the tag you made. It had that Japan theme, even though the horses could have been from just about anywhere (except for their size, etc.)

    I just noticed. Those inky pens are copics, aren't they? You are SO lucky to have them. I love that car. It is fun and funky.

    Thanks for sharing the quiltlet. It's the largest I have ever made. Hope you have a great weekend, because we are and have been under a heat advisory until Saturday night.

  10. What wonderful horse photos! Your art aspects of this post are fantastic too, wonderful tag, drawing and that gift from Elizabeth has the real wow factor!

  11. Such beautiful horses, I love the tag you made Erika!
    Elizabeth's quilt is stunning, no wonder you're thrilled to receive it! Such a thoughtful gift with the Japanese theme too.
    And, I love your little cartoon car page.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xxx

  12. Wonderful photos of the horses, it looks a beautiful park. Your travel journal tag looks fabulous, with it's oriental background.
    How lovely to receive a beautiful quilt from Elizabeth, it's beautiful.
    Just catching up and I loved the photos in the previous post, especially the one with iceberg, must have been a fabulous visit.
    Avril xx

  13. I know you must be pleased with how great your photos turned out. Being that close to those horses must've been exciting. The history is interesting. And that view!

  14. Lovely gift from Elizabeth. I have one of her quilts too, a face, it's hanging in my studio. Horses could use a bit more hay I think, too many ribs showing, but they are cute. xox


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