Thursday, July 26, 2018

It's Raining Again

We're having another dark and wet morning here in New Hampshire, although they do say we might see some sun this afternoon. But it's still supposed to be humid and tropical at least until the weekend. 
Today I have a tag for Tag Tuesday. The newest challenge is nautical/seaside.

And I have also started working on a travel journal for my last trip to Newfoundland a couple of weeks ago. I knew right away what I wanted my first page to be.
The biggest challenge for me was to make the iceberg look more than just a white painted chunk. I wanted it to have depth and also to show a bit of the blue tint it had. But of course an iceberg isn't blue. And since 2/3 of an iceberg is below the surface of the water, I wanted to show how you could see at least the different color below the water's surface.
I am linking this page up to Chris's ART FOR ART'S SAKE challenge at Art Journal Journey.
My husband and myself spent part of a day on an  iceberg hunt. We saw quite a few.

 This is the one I roughly used as the inspiration for my page.
 I love how the top looked with the sun hitting it.
 Even more cool was how fast the iceberg melted over 24 hours.
You can really see how much of it is right under the surface of the water.
All of these icebergs broken off from the Greenland ice sheet and happened to float down to Newfoundland.

OK, enough for me today. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Great journal page, it must be hard to paint an ice berg! Love, love, love that gorgeous tag, thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  2. You certainly captured the drama of the iceberg on your page. They are amazing and those blue/green colors. Hope it clears up soon. Stay cool

  3. Love love this tag Erika !! It is simply fantastique. I love that wonderful background you've got with the Japanese page, and all the other details. The seahorses are beautiful and endearing, and the colours fabulous.
    I also like your iceberg a lot, it's beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing with us those amazing pictures of the icebergs, impressive !!
    I wish you a happy afternoon, and hope it stops raining, I send you sun and heat, big hugss, Caty

  4. Good Morning, I really love those sea horses, and you have an awesome start for your newest travel journal.
    we are get lots of rain over the weekend and our weather has less humidity this week-so a comfortable change.
    Happy Thursday Kathy

  5. I adore your nautical tag. I loved the background and the mesh you used behind the darling sea horses. Just lovely.

    I also fell in love with your iceberg. That is incredible. I was totally shocked at how quickly the ice melted in such a short time. No wonder the polar bears have no place to go for food and shelter. Your photos and your journal page make it emotional, at least for me. Thanks, too, for sharing it with us today at Art Journal Journey.

  6. Rain? If I think back I can kinda remember what dark, rainy days were like... Kinda lol

    I've never seen an iceberg, but they amaze me. I can understand how they would inspire your art. I like how you captured it.

  7. I love your tag - hoping to make one this weekend! I absolutely adore your iceberg page and I thank you so much for linking to Art Journal Journey and for all your entries for my theme! I loved the iceberg shots! Hugs,Chrisx

  8. I LOVE your tag and I adore your iceberg painting - so very well done and with the person to see the big size! Gorgeous! And I am absolutely impressed with this amazing iceberg photos! WOW!
    I am really looking forward to more of your Newfoundland travel journal pages!
    Thank you for you lovely wishes for Liyongo , he is nearly completely the old one! I am so so happy!
    Thank you for yet another fantastic post linked to Chris's AJJ theme!
    Big hugs, Susi

  9. Your journal page iceberg looks awesome, your inspiration photos look great. I really liked the last one and the colours, but what was even more interesting was how fast they melted quite worrying in out current climate changes.
    Your sea themed tag looks fantastic as well.
    Yvonne xx

  10. You captured the iceberg as it appears in he last photo beautifully, Erika. Love your nautical tag too. Hugs, Eileen

  11. Your painting is really good. So good that when I slowly scrolled down your post, I immediately saw it was an iceberg without having read what you had written. Well done!
    The photos are amazing! I have never seen an iceberg for real of course but I love the photos. Shoul,d I be worried that so much ice is melting though?
    Thanks for sharing a bit of 'cool' on this blistering hot morning (35 degree cent) and it's still morning)
    Have a fab weekend,

  12. Wow, those icebergs are spectacular! I think I would go iceberg hunting too, what fun 😁. You captured them beautifully on your page, I love the hints of blue and the way you have painted the iceberg under the water - perfect! Beautiful tag, those sea horses and bright colours made me smile 😉. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  13. Those icebergs are massive and impressive. I love how your art is inspired by your travels, too. Very fun and nice!

  14. A fantastic sea themed tag and a wonderful first page for your new journal!! The iceberg looks super and oh my gosh, those photos, - what an incredible place!!

  15. What a great Tag..perfect for our challenge over at Tag Tuesday...Thank you for entering our challenge.
    Fab journal page..great photos too...x

  16. Those icebergs look amazing Erika, and I love your iceberg page! Great tag too!
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend,
    Alison xxx

  17. I love your iceberg painting, the silhouette is perfectly placed and harkens a bit of folk art for me. I’ve never been to Newfoundland, but my husband was stationed there in the 50s-60s.

  18. Thanks for commenting on my cotton “plantation”! We aren’t that far here in NJ from NH and further north the icebergs, but growing cotton feels like a world away!

  19. How very clever to paint an iceberg. It looks really three-dimensional. That's interesting about the blueness and its colour underwater.

  20. What an amazing adventure iceberg hunting and a great way to start off a new journal. They look very impressive but a little scary to me because of thier size. Thanks for sharing Erika & Happy Sunday Tracey.

  21. I love your nautical tag - so bright and colorful!!! Great iceberg page too!


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