Friday, July 27, 2018

Pages and Weather Talk

Happy Friday everyone. It's still very humid and steamy here today, but with the sun out this morning I did manage to squeeze in a shot walk. That feels good because with all this rain lately I am feeling very cooped inside. And they say we are going to have more severe storms this afternoon and then more rain tomorrow. I would hate to be one of the tourists renting a lake house in my area this week because it hasn't been a great week to enjoy the outside for certain.
So today I have some collage pages from my Japan travel journal to share. I am not sure they are really art pages, but you can decide that for yourself.
First of all, there is the side of Japan that is Hello Kitty and other cute things. So I made the spread above with stickers, magazine cut outs, the back of a mini playing card and some postage stamps. I didn't realize until I visited Japan how big they are into Peanuts cartoon characters, especially Snoopy. (I saw a store that was just Snoopy things in Tokyo.) And since Snoopy is a favorite of mine also, I added the big stamped image on the tag. I've had this stamp for years and think it is one of my best (and most used) mark down finds.
 This page is on cloth. I taped down a receipt (pretty cool in Japanese) and added a few postage stamps.  I bought a whole packet of used stamps off of eBay when I came home because they aren't expensive to buy and make great page ephemera.

And another cloth page that I added a map from a tourist booklet I had (in English at that), with a bit of stamping and some postage stamps also.
My studio cleaning is coming along nicely and actually moving quicker than I expected it too. I should say the closet is getting done quicker than I expected. I still have a lot to go through elsewhere in the room. I have so many art supplies. I guess that is good in many ways and unnecessary in other ways.
Wishing you all a great Friday and start to your weekend. And I'm thankful you stopped by to visit.


  1. Those Hello Kitty images are very popular in Japan, but I had NO idea how popular Snoopy was. Lucy was my idol (grin). These are two great pages and I really adored Snoopy. Yes, that is a great stamp.

    You and I are so alike in the fact we save all those silly worthless bits and pieces we get while traveling. They mean nothing to others, but are priceless in our books. I simply adore the receipt in Japanese. And those postage stamps are priceless, too.

    These are simply incredible pages in your Japan travel journal. I'm loving every minute of this.

    You KNOW we are going to want to see your studio when it is finished. Hope you took a few before photos, too!

  2. Wonderful journal pages, I saw lots of Snoopy posters in the Japanese school here, along with hello Kitty pieces. Glad you got out for a walk. The weather is still extremely hot and dry here, really unbearable day and night. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Your journal is looking good! I didn't know about the Peanuts fascination, either. That's pretty cool!

  4. Your Japanese page is so Kwaii (cute) I wonder if young people know who Snoopy is. Funny what catches people's fancy. Stay cool and dry today. A perfect day for staying inside and organizing or taking a nap. =^,.^=

  5. Your collage pages look fantastic Erika, I really liked the page with the stickers, lots of super and cute image to see.
    As I am writing this there is a thunder and lightening storm on the way, I hope it brings us some much needed rain.
    Are you finding many forgotten crafting things while you are sorting your studio. For me that is one of the plus things about sorting out stuff.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Another fab collection of pages!! That journal must be huge!! Like you I was struck with the fascination of the Japanese with Western cartoon characters. Love that Snoopy stamp, and the cloth pages are such a cool idea!! Hope your weather improves, we could do with some of that rain...

  7. Your pages look great, and are a lovely reminder of your trip Erika!
    We finally had a downpour yesterday, whilst up in London. It was very welcome, and thankfully has cooled the air slightly.
    Alison xxx

  8. Wow how cool is that Snoopy stamp, and the cloth pages are such a fantastic idea!! This journal is going to be a treasure!! I learn so much about Japan from your pages and posts! Thank you! Hope your weather gets better soon! I decided after my last big studio cleaning to not buy any art supply or thing for my hobby at least for 2 years! Too much stuff and the organisation of this much things is way to difficult for me!I would be happy if I would just draw or paint watercolours but this Mixed Media thing is something for hunter-gatherers!
    Happy weekend !
    Liyongo is a star here.... such a lovely boy! Recovers so well!
    Hugs, Susi

  9. What fun to have a page of "cute" images. I'm amazed that Snoopy is still popular as there have not been any current comic strips for a long while. The strips are still so fresh and funny and meaningful.
    Your Japan trip has left a strong impression - wonderful that you have so many memories and that you share them with us.

  10. Your sticker page is such fun and a great reminder of your trip! The cloth pages are wonderful too, the receipt is so cool with the pretty postage stamps 😁. I hope you are having a lovely weekend too! J 😊 x


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