Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sweets for You

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is having a nice Thursday so far.  I am waking up slowly this morning since yesterday was a busy day at my mother-in-laws place on the lake for the 4th of July celebrations. The heat (it was 95 degrees F/ 35 degrees C at 10:30 in the morning), the swimming, the socializing and getting home late has left me wiped out. We didn't even hang around for the fireworks last night, but I don't know if I would have been able to stay awake through them anyhow.
So I have another page for Chris's challenge, Art for Art's Sake, at Art Journal Journey. Once again  I have a page from my Japan travel journal. This one was hard to photograph only because my book has gotten so thick, 
This is the wrapper from a chocolate bar I bought and brought home. It was yummy. I didn't know Japan had such a good chocolate. But it was just kind of boring to put just the wrapper on the page, so I turned it into a temple using golden tape and a couple stamped maneki good luck cats. Then I stamped the couple on white paper, colored them and cut them out an added them. I bet they love the chocolate shrine as much as I do. :)
And let me show you a pie I made to take to the July 4th celebrations.
I had a lot of fun making this,even if the stars kind of moved around a bit while baking. It tasted delicious on such a hot day and I used up the strawberries I picked last week. Sorry I can't send you a piece but there is only a sliver of it left.
Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying their week. 


  1. A temple to chocolate. Brilliant! Your pie is awesome, too. Things will be cooling down the rest of the weekend. Rest and stay cool.

  2. You temptress - chocolate temples and delicious pie, you are making me hungry! Love the journal page and glad you had a great day, even if you were very tired afterwards. It's still hot here and I'm tired today, I need a coffee! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Great pie, brave you cooking in this heat! xox

  4. Isn't it strange how socialising and having a fun time can be so tiring? I love your chocolate temple page! Now there's something to celebrate too! A fabulous page for AJJ! I love the couple waiting for a sample! How clever is your pie - I'll bet it tasted good too! Hugs,Chrisx

  5. Its a great page, however I am really drawn to the delicious fruit pie.
    Glad you had a good 4th July celebration with your family.
    Yvonne xx

  6. What a gorgeous, festive pie. It'd be a shame to eat it, but I think I could manage ;) I hope you had a happy 4th!

  7. What a fun journal page you have created. Turning the kept candy bar wrapper into a shrine was clever and SO original. Those cats are adorable, too. It was great to see you sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Also clever is your pie. I am in awe and felt it should be on the cover of some cooking magazine. You were a lot braver than I when it came to cooking indoors in this heat.

  8. Love the chocolate wrapper temple, such a fun idea and cleverly pieced together. Your 4th of July celebrations sound like fun even though tiring and as to your pie? Wow, it looks amazing and I bet it tasted as good as it looked!
    We are having a lovely spell of weather here too, but luckily it never gets that hot...

  9. I love how you made a temple out of this wrapper! What a fab idea and much appreciated to see this page linked to AJJ again! YOu are such a fabulous supporter of the challenege dear Erika! Thank you so much! And your July 4th pie is simply UNIQUE! Oh my gosh! Really bad that you can't send me a piece of it!
    Keep cool dear Erika and enjoy the summer and I wish you a happy start of the weekend!!!!
    I enjoy the heat as well - A Vienna tour yesterday with my both girlfriends --- and this weekend are some nice highlights planned here as well!
    July is going to be an exciting and nice month for me♥♥♥

    Hugs, Susi

  10. You've got the heat too. It's a killer, isn't it? At least last night it broke here and today should be a little cooler -- in the 80s.

    That pie is to die for. BRAVO! You are an amazing baker!

  11. A shrine to chocolate - love it! Your 4th of July pie is beautiful, Erika. Unlike you, we had a very quiet 4th ;-)

  12. A fab page, and a luscious looking pie! xxx

  13. Wonderful page and I'm glad you enjoyed the chocolate too 😁. Such a great pie to celebrate the fourth of July - I love it and I bet it tasted amazing! I hope you had a lovely week! J 😊 x

  14. We also had a hot July 4th in Nashua and watched the fireworks from our apt window. Great design on that pie and sure it was as good as it looked, Erika.


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