Friday, July 6, 2018

The Marriage Tree

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. I can't believe this week is winding down already but the good news for me is the heat is suppose to break today. 

I have one more page this week for Art Journal Journey. Chris over at Pear Shaped Crafting is our lovely hostess this month with a theme of Art for Art's Sake. I have this spread from my Japan travel journal of the marriage trees at a shrine which I thought was a great symbolic image. 
I made the base of the page with some watercolor crayons and then I painted the leaves with acrylic paints and used a black Stabilo pencil to add a few details.
I showed you this image before and I thought I would repost it. These are the actual marriage trees at the Emperor's Shrine in Tokyo.
I simplified my journal pages and left out the shrine the in background. I also took a few liberties with my trees but that's the beauty of art.
You won't be hearing from me for a bit since I am off with my husband on a summer adventure. This is the first bigger trip we are able to make since his kidney transplant, and we are both excited to get away together. Newfoundland, Canada, here we come.
Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Beautiful journal page, you did those trees so well. I wish the heat would break here, too. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Great creation, Erika. I did not know about the marriage trees. Thank you for the photo you shared with us. Hugs, my friend.

  3. This is wonderful art, Erika. I adore the page you created and love that you reshared the actual trees that you used as inspiration for your spread. This is wonderful and artistic license is what Art for Art's Sake is all about. Thank you beyond belief for this latest Art Journal Journey entry.

    Have fun in Canada. Let's hope the weather is a BIT cooler there. I'm off to find Newfoundland writes the geographically challenged person. Have fun and enjoy your time away. I don't have to tell you, but please take lots of photos of places I will probably never visit.

  4. I think I love your interpretation of marriage trees even more than the photo! Have a wonderful time in Newfie, Erika. Rick has been dying to bike there. You'll have to fill us in when you return!

  5. Wonderful page and a lovely idea.. Safe travels to Newfoundland

  6. I love your page and I wish you both a good time! Hugs, Lenie

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is simply AMAZING Erika! WONDERFUL ♥♥♥
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey. It's a rare beauty.
    Happy trip and enjoy Newfoundland and Canada and please take as many photos as possible!
    Sounds FANTASTIC!

    Big hugs,

  9. Ooh! How romantic - the lovely marriage trees and you two nippping of on Summer adventure! This post has made me smile! I love how you put the trees as the main feature in your page! Thank you for this entry at AJJ! Enjoy your trip and take lots of photos please! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Its a beautiful journal spread Erika.
    Have a good trip and enjoy the adventure.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Enjoy your time in Newfoundland. It’s a great place to visit with exceptionally friendly people, although you may have a hard time understanding some of them! Try to get out to some of the fabulous seabird colonies which are absolutely spectacular.

  12. Your painting of the marriage trees looks fantastic, you have painted the shape of the trees so well! And yes it is a wonderful symbol! Happy weekend!

  13. Your marriage trees are wonderful Erika!
    Have a great trip!
    Alison xxx

  14. Such great pages to remember the Marriage Tree! I love how you used artistic licence in your design too 😉. I hope you have a wonderful adventure in Newfoundland with your hubby! Happy weekend! J 😊 x

  15. Very beautiful page and a lovely post

  16. Your painted marriage trees are gorgeous! I like how you simplified the trees and left out the shrine in the background - it's freedom in art!
    Have a happy trip to Newfoundland!

  17. Happy travels to you and your husband Erika even though I am a bit late in reading this post. And glad the heat has lifted a bit and should be cooler in Canada as well by now.

  18. Wonderful page, Erika. I don't remember seeing this particular photo from Japan. So this is all new to me. I love your rendition of the marriage trees.

    Have a wonderful trip. Some of our best friends are Newfies.

  19. Love it. Can't wait to see the photos from this trip! Enjoy. xox


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