Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Coloring and Doodling and

counting your blessings.
Imagination is such a blessing because with a little imagination anything is possible.
I'm linking up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's challenge at Art Journal Journey whose challenge this month is Count Your Blessings.
The last week of my vacation begins and  yesterday I made my first foray into school and did a bit of setting up. Now that that is done with, I can enjoy the rest of my downtime. Well I should finish cleaning up my studio space, but other than that I can enjoy the last of my downtime.
Don't know how much sun I will see for the rest of my break, but keep your fingers crossed for me that there will be some.
And I hope you have cool temperatures and sun in your world. (Or rain if that's what you need.)
Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. I SO love how you interpreted the word imagination. It is beautiful and such an amazing quote. I agree we all have to start somewhere, and your lovely art shows just how accomplished you are. I'm thrilled you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey and my theme.

    School started today in Wichita. There was a big segment on the morning news. Everything from interviewing a new superintendent to interviewing young children who were excited to share their new backpacks. Ironic that I had the same backpack through nearly 12 years of undergrad and grad school and these kids get new ones each year. Our disposable society! Please stay on high ground, dear friend.

  2. Gorgeous, bright and cheerful page. Your summer vacation has gone by so quickly. Enjoy your last week. Hugs, Valerie

  3. This is a super colourful page Erika and I do like the quote you used.
    These past weeks seem to have flown, it seems no time since you told us your vacation was starting. Enjoy your last days at home before the new term starts.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Great interpretation of the quote. Sad to think Summer is almost over. It's a beautiful night tonight. A lovely, cool breeze in the sun room. Looks like your cool weather will happen next week. Enjoy the last hurrah before school.

  5. That page is something to put on the wall and have to give moral uplift to every person reading and watching ! This is so utterly beautiful!
    Thank you for all the fantastic entries you linked to Dr.E.'s theme already Erika!
    This is such a beauty again!I love the colours and the artsy mark making ! Times flies - can't believe that the summer break is nearly at it's end! Here as well. They start school again at the first Monday in September always.
    We had nice weather nearly the whole summer and are promised to get a very hot next week again.
    Great summer for us after a few years of just rainy summers.
    Enjoy your last time - I guess it was a wonderful summerbreak for you with the amazing trip to Newfoundland and all the lovely family come togethers! I am happy with you! That's a fantastic life, isn't it?!

    Big hugs,

  6. A great quote on your beautiful bright page Erika!
    Hope you get some more sunshine before work begins again.
    Alison xx

  7. It is a magnificent art page Erika !! Really gorgeous ! It is full of colour and joy, like the joy that children have the first day of school, full of expectation equally. I love your page, Great !!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugsss, Caty

  8. Sending you wishes for sun. I hope it continues to stay warm here -- that is, warm enough, not too!

  9. Beautiful page! You must be so pleased to be all set up at school, now you can enjoy the rest of your summer vacation 😁. Have a fun week! J 😊 x


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