Monday, August 13, 2018

T Stands for a Dreary Sunday

Happy Tuesday everyone. I appreciate that  you are stopping by to read my post. I am joining in today over at T Stands for Tuesday  where we share drink related photos.
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T gang has been up to.
My weather is back into  dreariness with clouds, rain and humidity. We had one nice day last Friday and then it all started to go downhill.
But downhill doesn't mean it was a total washout. 
I'm not sure if I mentioned that my mother-in-law has been having major back issues. When she gets up from laying down she is in a lot of pain. It's sad to see her go from such a perfky vibrant person to someone so bent over and hobbled.  This has my husband's good son side coming out and so Sunday he decided to go buy her  one of her favorite meals and bring it to her for lunch.
So it is off to Pop's to get her lunch.

I've shown you Pop's before and it is the best place for fresh seafood in my part of the world. The food is good, the prices are reasonable and you get more than enough to eat. And they are only open from the end of May until the first weekend in September so we like to go a few times during the short season.

Now my mother-in-law loves a good lobster roll. (She is a smart lady.) Pops gives you lots of lobster for a reasonable price.
We decided since we were there  we would get ourselves some lunch too.
A clam roll for me (can you even see the bread?), chicken fingers for my husband, and a small side of onion rings for us to share. Our drinks were diet Cokes. And my daughter who was with us  had a cheeseburger (which is not shown here.)
It is soooo much food for sure, but for fried food, definitely not greasy. I guess every now and again you have to splurge and eat about a million calories.
And this is my mother-in-laws GIANT lobster roll.
She was more than happy with her lunch and with my husband.

We stayed and visited for the afternoon and even though it was a little raw for me  to swim (my MIL lives on a small pond), the dogs certainly had some fun going into the water retrieving  sticks.

 Pete just walks down the steps and then goes for a swim.
But Maddie, she loves to jump in.
Over and over.

And splash.
And they didn't even have all the calories from that huge lunch to wear off. 

So my rainy Sunday was actually a fun day, dreary weather or not.
Have a wonderful T day everyone.


  1. Lovely to see the dogs having fun in the water! Pop's sure gives you a great meal for our money! Hope your MiL is soon feeling better. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. OMGosh. That all looks like heaven. Now I'm so hungry I want one of those lobster rolls, something I've never had.

    I've been reading about your part of the country and am a bit worried about all the flooding. I just hope you are safe.

    Your daughter and husband look like they were having a great time and the dogs looked happy, too. Thanks for making me hungry (grin), sharing your food, the lovely photos, and your diet cokes with us for T this Tuesday.

  3. That was such a nice day out, I love your days out, I read them carefully, examine at all the photos and get the experience of "being" somewhere different in the world. I like to see the different cafes too and the first photo is great, especially with the girl at the window. Of course we have to have a "good" meal every so often, we can't eat steamed kale every day. Your dogs did enjoy the water.
    Happy Tea Day, Erika!

  4. best wishes to your MIL - nice of your husband to bring her such a wonderful treat!
    and i enjoyed the photos of the dogs very much!! please send over some rain;)
    happy t-day:)

  5. Looks like everyone enjoyed the day after all Erika

    Thank you for commenting at Jumbled Crafts

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Wow the food looks delicious and huge portions-I am sure your mother in law was full of smiles when she saw her lobster roll--hope her back will feel better.
    I really enjoyed seeing the dogs having so much fun in the water-jumping right in too-
    Happy T Day Kathy

  7. What wonderful photos, they really made me smile! That clam roll looks delicious and that's a very generous portion of clams so I can't see the bread 😉. The lobster roll would be my first choice too, maybe with some onion rings - yum! It looks like your dogs enjoyed their visit too despite not having the delicious 😉. Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  8. Ufff Erika! How good looking that food has! And here it is lunch time .. haha ​​... I love your dogs, they are the most joyful and fun !! They have also had a great time.
    It is very hot here, and I would like it rain for a couple of months, but I dream! of course.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, hugsss, Caty

  9. I like how you turned a dreary day into a day of pleasure. The food looks good and I imagine your M-I-L really appreciated her lunch. Your dogs look like they are having lots of fun.

  10. Fried clams, lobster roll. That looks like heaven. The sun is out. Still humid, but I'm not complaining. I think the humidity drops at the end of the week. Hang in there. Happy T Day

  11. oh dear - bad backs aren't nice. Sorry to hear about your MIL Erika.
    Sounds like a fun day was had by all, especially your adorable dogs, despite the weather not being so good.
    Gill x

  12. That food looks so yummy! I can see why you want to take advantage of the short season by eating there more than once. That lobster roll was huge!
    Your dogs certainly seem to be enjoying the cool water.
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. I'm sorry to hear about those back issues, and I hope they don't last. I've been looking at back exercises for strengthening, and so I already had back issues on my mind.

    What a fun photo of people and dogs having a great time! And that food looks good. Happy T Tuesday

  14. Oh Erika~ So much fun to watch your doggies splash and play! Best wishes to your MIL... Back pain can be so debilitating ... I hope she feels better too... Hubs has been struggling with knee pain lately..

    Gosh i've never had a lobster roll.... But i think i would really love one... While in CA a few years ago i had clam chowder for the first time and YUM! Thanks for sharing this T day !! Hugs! deb

  15. what a fun day...great pics of the dogs swimming, and those photos of your lunch have made me hungry!! I do hope your mom-in-law will get to feeling better. happy T day!

  16. Oh that lobster looks yummy! It’s so good of your hubby to spoil his mum when she is not well.
    I really enjoyed seeing the dogs have so much fun!
    Happy T Day,

  17. You had me at lobster roll, Erika. That is one special meal indeed. I crave cold water lobster and haven't had a "real" lobster roll since we visited Maine with our son decades ago. NJ just didn't do lobster rolls right ;-)

    I love the photo of your thoughtful guy hamming it up for the camera. That was a really thoughtful thing for him to do - with benefits I must add.

    I hope his mom can get some relief from the back pain.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  18. I think you must have all had a great day Erika. Your dogs were for sure having a great time, the photos were brilliant.
    The food does look delicious, I would have loved a taste of the lobster roll.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  19. I apologize for not making it here until now. I am checking out your blog and I love your pics! The food looks delicious. I love dogs and your 2 here look like they are having tons of fun and helping you take a shower when they dry themselves off:)

  20. I am not a fun of lobster myself but it looks yummy!Love the photos of the dogs. They were having so much fun. I love dogs!Hope you are well Erka!Love from Karla

  21. Great action shots! I know one thing for sure -- if I ever make it to your part of the world, I want to get a lobster roll at Pops!

  22. Delicious food pics, and love the photos of your doggies cooling off.
    Alison xx

  23. We are going to Maine soon, and I can’t wIt to try a lobster roll! Great photos of your dogg! That must be what a dogs life is like! Happy Tea Day! Sorry , I am last to the party!

  24. Your meals do look delicious but it the sight of those dogs having fun that made me really smile! Have a great week! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  25. Oh gosh, I am really jealous of this amazing seafood there and I love seeing Maddie being so frolicsome and enjoying the water! Pete takes the steps... funny!
    Seems you had a fantastic day all together even the weather wasn't grandious. That's great!!! Hope your MIL feels better soon!
    Sorry for being so late , I had some nice things to enjoy. theater, Birthday party invitation and such things - great and enjoyable, so I was offline.
    Hugs, Susi


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