Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Little Blessings

Hi everyone. August is quickly winding down, isn't it?  The weather is still extremely hot and summery here, although by Friday it is supposed to cool off, but maybe only for a couple of days. The summer heat sure doesn't want to end yet. 
I wanted to post one last journal page for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month we've been counting our blessings. Thanks Elizabeth for such a good challenge.
So my page is about some little blessings in life. I did some coloring, some doodling, and cutting out some quotes and faces from an old FLOW magazine.
Keeping this post short. This extreme heat has been wearing me out, but at least today the AC at school worked. That was a lot better than yesterday.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Lovely and bright page, love all the little faces. Sorry the heat is getting to you, I can relate to that! Good that you have AC! Hugs, Valerie

  2. This is an amazing blessing Erika. I recognized the images from Flow. I got a Flow once and there were similar images in mine, too. I didn't have the incredible quotes you were blessed with, though. I LOVE those doodles and the tiny faces. They would go well in your Japan journal, I would think. Thanks for sharing this entry at Art Journal Journey.

    So glad the AC is working in the entire school today. We are SO used to having that creature comfort, we don't quite understand how our European neighbors have made it through these last few months. Thanks again for all your support this month for my theme, too.

  3. This is such a creative fabulous page, those little faces peeping out of the flowers are delightful and I love your little blessings!! Don't we all....

    Here in Scotland we never get such extreme heat, but we had an experience of it in France, when in the first week temps were in the high nineties, and of course there, most people don't have an AC, we certainly didn't and it was agony, specially at night.

    Anyway, hope it cools down for you soon, Fall is such a spectacular season, specially round about where you live I'm sure.

  4. Your page makes me happy. The little treasures life gifts us with ! LOVELY!!!! A wonderful piece with all those little plants and faces!
    Summer don't like to leave! We should see it as a gift ! Enjoy the last hours of August dear erika!
    Thank you for all your fantastic ideas and pages you shared with us this month again! You are a blessing for me!

    Hugs, Susi

  5. I've been hearing about the heatwave there. Do your best. Glad the school has air-con. Cute page. Love the sayings! (We're in monsoon time here, it seems -- mega thunderstorms!)

  6. This is a so gorgeous Art journal page Erika !! Really love the little faces, the little blessings, that I also think they are great ! love the so beautiful flowers and leaves, colours and your fabulous creativity!! Great page !!
    Here at South of Spain, we need AC now, because temperatures could be very high, I can use mine also in winter, for if I need to heat the house, but we have never connected it in winter, we didn´t need it because the weather is always fine, just put one jacket or pullover at home, less pollution.
    Love your art !!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  7. Adorable page. I hope your blessed with AC at school today. Stay cool. Cold weather will be here before you know it 🌬🌨

  8. Beautiful page, Erika. These little faces are a great idea. Kisses, my friend.

  9. Your page is striking! I thought it was an ancestry tree and the people were representing your family. I love the quotes and giving something away is what i try to do (without my hubby seeing)

  10. That page cheers me up to look at it. Bright, fun colors, and great suggestions. It'll be hot here for a while yet. Maybe we'll get a decent rain, but I'm not counting on it. It's been a strange summer!

  11. It is a wonderful happy page Erika, the images are so sweet with the heads in the flowers. I likes your message additions and can relate to the one about the tea.
    I hope the heat , cools down, we could have done with some air conditioning here over the past few months. It seems to be cooling down now,
    Yvonne xx

  12. What a wonderful page - I've been following the flower stems to see what advice each of them has - a charming idea. Sorry to hear you're still sweltering - hopefully there's some brief relief for you now and over the weekend. It's definitely turned here - quite grey and chilly most days now. Feels like summer is long gone.
    Alison x

  13. A very beautfiful oage with lots of lovely faces and things to be thankful for. I love the colours and the way you added the text.

    Hope it soon feel a bit cooler for you--here in NE UK it has cooled down a lot so it is easier to sleep now.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Fabulous page! I love how you combined the coloured images with those pretty faces, it flows together beautifully 😁. Hope you had a good week and wishing you a very happy weekend! J 😊 x

  15. Darling page, Erika. I love your whimsical flower doodles and how to put faces on them. I hope the AC keeps working until the cool weather comes. Hugs, Eileen


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