Saturday, September 1, 2018

Superhero Fantasy

Happy Saturday everyone. We're having a long Labor Day weekend here. It's extra long for me-4 days. I love it. It is supposed to heat back up on Monday but today is nice and cool and a good day to get some things done.  Before I get back to chores I wanted to link in a page for Yvonne's new challenge at Art Journal Journey. This time it is all about FANTASY.
I went with a fun superhero style page. The background is a hellyprint with srom stenciled and painted owls. Then I cut this woman out of a sewing pattern book. In the back costume section here were some cool patterns for sewing fun, including this woman. I don't know if she is a famous superhero, but I liked her on this page.  I called her girl power, because all us ladies can use a little of that.
I also wanted to send out a big thanks to Valerie as I won some stamps in a give away she had. 
 I got these great Jane Davenport faces which I will certainly use. She added in a few other little "supplies"
 And some of her own cool art.

This little booklet is perfect for me with all the rain we have had lately. More coming next week too.
Thanks my friend for this fun package. The stamps and napkins will get a lot of use and I love your tags so they will be cherished.
That's all for me. Hope everyone is having a super weekend.


  1. Gorgeous journal page, love the colours. Glad my package arrived safely, enjoy playing! Have a great, long weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Fun superhero page. Your heroine looks like she won't stand for any nonsense. i love the power rays emanating from her. Can't wait to see what you create with all the goodies you got. Enjoy the cool weather. Hot and humid is coming back for the beginning of the week. I'm glad Summer is trying to hang on for a little while longer.

  3. I love that girl power pose and how you've designed that piece. She radiates energy and power.

    Send us some of that rain, will ya? lol

  4. Wow - what a fantastic page! So cool! She looks great and really powerful!
    Thank you for joining Yvonne's theme at the very first day already! ♥♥♥
    Wonderful goodies and art from Valerie! I am happy with you!
    Happy Labor Day weekend dear Erika! Enjoy!

    Hugs, Susi

  5. This is a really wonderful Art journal page Erika !! So gorgeous, love the owls and this so amazing background full of layers and happy colours!! the girl power may have much energy, just Fantastique !!
    I wish you a very nice weekend, big hugss , Caty


  6. WOW, what a great first entry for Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey, Erika. That background is so colorful and original. I like how the orange bursts of color point to your superhero and her girl power. That is fabulous. We are delighted you chose to share it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Valerie is always SO very generous. I am so happy yo won these beautiful stamps, napkins, and of course, most of all, her incredible tags. I know you are quite pleased and I am so happy for you. You deserve it because you are also very generous when it comes to your gifting.

  7. Your page is awesome. Girl Power at its very best with that strong and powerful image you used. It has a fabulous background as well. I love owls you painted.
    Thank you for adding this great page to the theme I chose this month.
    It was a super package of happy mail you received from Valerie as well.
    I hope you have a good long weekend break.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your Supergirl page looks great . We all have times we wish we would have super power, isn't it? You made a wonderful composition.
    Dear Greetings

  9. wow,what a amazing page,we all have power,isn,it?,love the super backround with the georgus woman.
    wish you a nice weekend.

    hugs jenny

  10. Well, Yvonne certainly chose an interesting theme! Your geli background is awesome with those stencilled owls and that girl power lady knows how to hold her own!
    Congrats on winning such a lovely package from Valerie and enjoy that long weekend!!

  11. You ARE a superhero! Love your package. Yes, Keep Calm, it's Raining. Here's too. Enjoy your long weekend!

  12. Great supergirl page, Erika. I can't believe you found that photo in the back of a sewing pattern book!

    Congratulations, you lucky lady. Valerie sent you some great supplies. I love the face stamps. How sweet of her.

  13. Wow! What a great win! Congratulations! And your Supergirl page is awesome Erika!
    Happy new week,
    Alison xxx

  14. Una página preciosa Erika, llena de texturas y color, me encanta como la has trabajado. Hughs

  15. Its a wonderul page with all textures, love your fantasy page. Hughs

  16. Wow, this is a powerful page. Love the background especially with the addition of the stencilled and painted owls. Your superhero certainly has attitude and is just perfect for this fantastic page.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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