Monday, August 20, 2018

T Stands for Words of Wisdom

Hi T Day ladies. Tuesday has come around again and it's time to share our T related adventures. My adventure today is this cup and mug journal page. Since there are 3 cups on this page, I'm inviting you all to share a drink with me. Sorry, I don't have any coffee on my page so maybe you only want to join me if you are a tea drinker.  Ha-ha.
I also think our T Day group of blog friends is a blessing because it is great to meet and communicate with people from all over the place. You ladies are a nice group to touch base with once a week. And since our T Day hostess Elizabeth is also the hostess this month over at Art Journal Journey and since she picked a theme of Count Your Blessings, I am going to link up with that challenge also. 
I'm keeping my post short this week. I go back to work on Thursday and I spent the day trying to wrap up a bunch of chores. Tonight I am all worn out. 
Thanks for dropping by to visit.


  1. I love your page, and I enjoy a cup of tea as well-hugs-get caught up on some sleep.
    Happy T Day Kathy

  2. First off, I LOVE those quotes you found to go in the tea cups. I really love the awesome tea tags, too. They truly ARE words of wisdom. And we are BOTH blessed, Erika. It is great to count you among my blessings, and not just at tea time. Thank you for sharing this tea related post and your Art Journal Journey entry with us for T this Tuesday. Today I feel doubly blessed. BTW, I love the black and white background.

  3. Love your page with the cups, and the quotes are good, too - especially the one from Oscar Wilde. The geometric patterns look fantastic together. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Happy T day Erika, what a fab way to start the day. Everyone of those quotes it completely true and i'd love to be able to manage the first one a little better. Super journal page.
    Although I'm just a T day peeper it sure is a blessed little group hosted by Elizabeth.. Thank you for sharing & I hope all goes well when you return back to work on Thursday.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  5. OK, so probably quite a long comment from me....
    1. I absolutely adore your page and, it's so creative with those little tags and all. I also love how you have decorated each cup and the variety of their shapes, - but the thing I liked best about it is those fabulous quotes!!! I hope you don't mind if I copy them for future use...

    2. Though I agree with how wonderful it is to get to know people from all over the world through blogging, and I am also sure the ladies of the t-gang are all lovely, - personally I can never be bothered to read all those Tuesday food and drink related posts.... That's why it is rare you will see me commenting on those, unless there is also some art related stuff..

    Wishing you all the best for Thursday, - in my old school we also always started on a Thursday, always good to have a short week at the start of term...

  6. your mugs and cups are just wonderful, what a great idea for both tsft and ajj!! have a great week and happy t-day!

  7. I LOVE YOUR PAGE and I love to take a cup of tea with you! The quotes are superb and the patterns on the cups are so pretty! I am worn out lately as well.
    Nee much more sleep as usual!
    Happy T-Day!
    A blessing to have you as a blogger friend Erika!
    Thank you for joining Dr.E.'s theme with so many beautiful entries again !
    Much appreciated!
    Big hugs,

  8. Another artistic rendering so beautiful in its detail! Also very colorful! Your sayings are great. Love the last one especially. My son cannot carry on a conversation before morning coffee. All he will say is “C&C”...meaning he needs his coffee and contemplation. Lol.

  9. Great cups here, a super variety, Erika, and some seriously good words. I especially like the idea of a "stop-doing" list, but am now wondering what I could put on it?

  10. what a vibrant, wonderful looking page! Great quotes too. I agree the T Day gathering is a marvelous place to gather and "chat". Best of luck with your new school year, and happy T day!

  11. Fun page. I love your teacups. Earl Grey is one of my favorite blends of tea. After trying to get things done so you can go back to school, you deserve to put your feet up with a cuppa. Happy T Day

  12. Wonderful words of wisdom on your fantastic page Erika. I know what you mean when you say you meet good friends for T day at Bleubeard and Elizabeths.
    I hope you get a few hours to relax before you begin back at work this week.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  13. This is a really fun piece and great quotes too! Good luck on Thursday Hope the next two days are productive!

  14. Such a wonderful page! I love the checkerboard background and those cup designs are amazing 😁. Tea is perfect for me and so much choice too 😉 ... I'd like green tea please. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  15. This is an amazing Art Page Erika !! Absolutely wonderful, I love these cups and how you have created them, they are very original. The colours are fabulous and I love the quotes. The background is great!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  16. I love the variety of cups and the quotes you found to go with them. I agree that T Tuesday is a blessing :) Happy Day!

  17. What a wonderful journal page! I love the various styled tea cups and the quotes.
    My children return to school as well on Thursday. I can't believe it is that time again already. Enjoy your last few days of summer!
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. Love the cups Erika! And you are a blessing to us too! i so enjoy my visits with you every week. Relax and enjoy yourself before heading back to work.. I'm doing the same thing.. i go to work tomorrow..uughh.. so much to do.. And instead i've bee working on hubby's Must have my priorities Hugs! deb

  19. Lovely page, Erika. The sayings are great!

    Summer vacation comes to an end ... ahh. I remember very mixed feelings about that when I was teaching.

    I'm happy to know you through our weekly T-parties. It's quite a special group to me as well.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  20. You have created a fantastic page. Love this!

  21. I'm having herbal tea, thank you. I love all the quotes. The one about the 'staop-doing-list' is good. I have never heard of such a list, but perhaps I sshould make one....
    Don't tire yourself out too much.
    Happy T-Day,

  22. Thank you for the cup of tea; Earl Grey is one of my favorites. I agree that it is a blessing to visit with the Tea Gang every .tuesday! I hope you get good rest tonight for going back to work tomorrow! Almost forgot to say that I like your journal page,

  23. I love your beautiful cups of wisdom Erika! xxx

  24. As I look over the comments above I think I am the only male who is willing to come and have a cup of tea with you!

  25. Now. I don't drink tea...ever...I have a problem with so much tannin, but I adore these tea cups and the clever quotes you found! I hope you get your chores complete by Thursday! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx


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