Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Hi everyone.  It's almost time to go back to school. The last day of vacation is always a weird day. Excitement for the new year, sadness my down time if over, ready to see my co-worker friends on a more regular basis, wondering what this years kids will be like, all kinds of thoughts running through my head. I'm sure those of you who teach or have taught know what I am saying.
But no complaints about my summer break.
I thought I would share a day I did some dyeing a few weeks back. Nothing fancy, just some purchased dye and some white sheeting, and me twisting the strips into all kinds of contorted rolls and rubber banded designs.

 I soaked the strips in soda ash first and I will say I was happy with the color results. When dried and rinsed they still seemed pretty bright.
 But I have had better results wrapping and tying with strings or rubber bands.

 Some of my rolled forms took the color all the way through better than others.
Now I need to decide what I want to do with these. 
But I am sure I will figure that out.
Have a great day everyone, and thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Beautiful! Rolling and tieing to dye anything, whether commercial dyes, rust, plant materials, etc. is so much fun when it comes time to open things up! I can see a few colorful garments there, but if you are not so inclined, how about a background for hanging something in your classroom, perhaps as a bulletin board background! Do classrooms still have bulletin boards? Lol. No matter where they go, they will be eyecatchers.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I am also very eager to see if Fall leaf colors transfer to my eco dyed papers. It’s a guessing game!

  2. These are all gorgeous, a real riot of colours - love them. I know that feeling when vacations are over and school is due to start, I went through that over 35 long years teaching! I'm sure the year will be good. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. It must be hard to go back after such a long break, but there will be a 3 day weekend for Labor Day in 2 weeks. Another 3 day weekend in October. Do you get Veterans Day off in November? If not, there's still the 4 day Thanksgiving holiday. Then another week off between Christmas and New Years. Look at all the art/free time you have coming.

    Your tie dye came out great. Love the blue/greens. Enjoy your last day off before school.

  4. It's always hard after the Summer break to get back into the routine! Here in the UK we have a weeks half term break which always happens around Halloween time. I see you get odd long weekends which sounds a better idea to me!!
    I love these results - such colourful fabrics to use now!!
    Enjoy the start to your year! Hugs, Chris

  5. These are gorgeous colours for the sheeting Erika !! Lovely results, I adore !
    I wish you a very happy beginning of the classes, It´s a so beautiful prefession.
    Very nicre afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  6. Wow, your dyed fabrics are amazing! Such bright colours - beautiful! It sounds like you had a wonderful summer break 😁. Enjoy your day and have fun at school! Hugs J 😊 x

  7. Your dyed fabrics look fantastic Erika, the colours look rich and vibrant. Look forward to seeing how you used them.
    I hope the first days back in school go well, its always hard to settle back with a new class of children, until you all get to know each other.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Be still my heart. These are incredible. Even the ones that took less color were phenomenal. You got a fabulous amount of bright and beautiful colors. I lust them (grin)!!!

    Anticipation. I hope the kids are the best ever this term.

  9. Oh I remember that feeling only too well!! And after a whole year of retirement now, I sometimes still have "school dreams", - just last night I dreamt I was back in school and suddenly had a lesson on my time table for which I had not prepared at all....

    Your dyed cloth looks amazing!! I can't wait to see what you will do with it all!!

  10. WOW- I am impressed with your gorgeous dyed fabrics - great results!!!

    Simply Gorgeous!

    About the print on my cutlery.. that was already the design of the napkin. Just a bit color extra and I cut out one fork to use it 3d to bring more depth to the desing and a few additions to make all my own.

    Big hugs, Susi

  11. And I just read Astrids comment and had to laugh!
    That's the same to me I often dream I am in the bookstore and have to work there..
    I am out of this professions since 15 years now!
    Always when I awake I tell my hubby that I have worked without earning money again the whole night...haha!

    I hope you can retire soon! You will see how wonderful it is to be free..even when a job is wonderful -
    to be free is even more wonderful!!!

  12. Oh this looked fun Erika - brilliant results - love the colours and now look forward to seeing what you make with the material.
    Gill xx

  13. Tie dying! You got great results with such good deep color. I hope your upcoming year is a joy :)

  14. Wow! Now THAT was a project! I'll be curious to see how these fabrics manifest themselves in your work!


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