Sunday, August 26, 2018

Taking a Walk

HI everyone. Just got home from my morning walk, and what a nice walking morning it was. Our humidity is due back by tomorrow, but right now, it is crisp and cool.
And that is the theme of my page today. It is in my Newfoundland travel journal, and it is a bit curled on the bottom so the bottom words look a little tilted.
I made my page using watercolor crayons first to make the base mountain. Then I used watered down acrylic paint for the sky and not so watered down acrylic paint for the clouds.  Then I cut out the people from a travel brochure I brought home (as well as some of the words) and I finished up with a sticker and a little wooden mountain.
Walking is a huge blessing in my life. The worst part about going back to school for me is giving up my morning walk, especially on this crisp and cool fall mornings. I love to walk and as you know, it is good for our bodies too. I wish I could get my husband to walk more often with me, but at least I am blessed with 2 dogs who thinks it the highlight of they morning.
I am linking up this page to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Count Your Blessings challenge over at Art Journal Journey
This page is when we went on a ranger lead walk on part of the earth's mantel in Gros Morne National Park. Because this is land that came up from under the surface of the earth, it has a high iron content (as well as other heavy metals) and so it is orange as it has rusted when it met the air. Here's the photos I showed you already from this place if you are interested: The Tablelands.
But since my post today is about walking, I will show you some photos from my walks in the last week.
 The beaver pond looks like a prehistoric swamp.
 Tussack moth cterpillar.
 Mushrooms and thistles.

 And a feather I found. It is either from a hawk or owl.
Have a great rest of your weekend and start to your new week.


  1. i like the quote on your page. Wander often. Wonder Always. Some wonderful things you saw on your walk. I don't think we have thistles here. At least I've never seen them. Mushrooms seem other-worldly. that's a really cool feather. Enjoy the weather today

  2. Some wonderful photo's from your walk, however I would have ran screaming if I came across that caterpillar. We have nothing as unusual when it comes to caterpillars in the UK. Xxx

  3. hi Erika, your page is wonderful and your photos are amazing.
    You asked about the Alcohol Ink Lift technique. I've learned about this video by Tim Holtz:

    Have a wonderful Sunday

  4. Thx for those photos. I love woodland walks, and you saw so many natural wonders :) You got great close-ups!

  5. Wonderful photos and journal page. Walking is indeed something wonderful, I need to walk every day. We just came back from a walk in the woods, lovely! Hugs, Valerie

  6. I love the page - great how you painted the rusty earth and the clouds are fab and I have said it already for sure but have to say it once again - I think your Newfoundland travel journal is going to be a fantastic artistic book in the end! Thank you very much for another fabulous page libked to Elizabeth's theme!
    Wonderful photos of your walk!
    Amazing Erika!Your fabulous photos always attract me! You will find time for your walks during school time, I am sure! And as said already it will be so much more time for all you want to do if you retire! So stop working asap!

    Happy start of the new week my freind!
    Hugs, Susi

  7. Such a wonderful page! I love the rusty landscape that you created to remember your travels - beautiful 😁. Such cool photos! I love walking and I'm sure your two four-legged friends appreciate their walks with you too. Happy Sunday and have a great new week! J 😊 x

  8. What a fabulous way to remember your walk - it does look to be a fascinating landscape! That caterpillar is fabulous and I love seeing the mushroom especially! Hope you can still get some walking done! Hope you have a great week! Chrisx

  9. Ok ...the last picture made my eyes bug out. Why? Ok, my best friend and I went to a psychic...yeah, I know, but it’s kind of cool. She talks to the dead so she says ....anyway, she impressed me with information she would not have known and told me that my dad will send me feathers either literally or through pictures etc... I just lost my mom this past January and was just thinking about her and if she is with my dad when I started reading your blog and then I saw this picture. I’m a bit in tears now...since I am a bit soppy today. Thank you

  10. You got me with rusty earth. I really want to visit there, now. It is a rare and unique area, and I'm delighted you shared this latest journal entry with us at Art Journal Journey. I feel blessed with how supportive you have been with my theme this month.

    You find the most unique and unusual wildlife, fungi, and flora on your walks. These closeups are amazing. Thank you for sharing these unique bits of nature with us today.

  11. A super page Erika, like your Japan journal, this one is going to be such a treasure! Thank you also for taking us a little bit along for your walk, such amazing photos and what a wonderful place you live in! Living in an urban setting I am feeling quite jealous if I am honest. I would love to be able to just walk out of the door and into the woods like that, but alas being on a third floor and in the middle of an (albeit wonderful) city, means walks like that usually only happen once in a while and always involve a car trip first :o(

    Have a happy week, with hopefully at least some time for walks in it....

  12. What a so wonderful Art journal page Erika !! Lovely, specially I adore the colours you have used for the earth !! woooww they ´re magnifiques !! Love the sky too, and the quote ! I like to walk every day, with my dog, like yours, he thinks they are the better moments of the day.
    the photographs are really gorgeous, thank you very much for sharing them with us, love the little feather.
    I wish you a very nice week, big hugss, Caty

  13. These photos are shockingly gorgeous. The details take my breath away. Isn't nature amazing?

    I miss walking. Especially here at the lake. I may try to do a mile tomorrow or the next sunny day (we're socked in today). I have to get it in shape by our trip and that means don't over do but I still have to "practice" and see what my limits are. Very frustrated!

  14. oh my what a wonderful page,love the rusty earth and the real people going there,the quote is fantastic too.
    thanks for your lovely photos,i love wood walks so much too,the big caterpillar is superb.
    have a nice afternoon and a great new week,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  15. What a great page Erika - I really get the feeling of a large mountain - love all the details. (You must have an amazing collection of journals of all your travels from around the world now.)
    Loved seeing your photos too - looks a lovely peaceful place to walk and explore.
    Happy Monday... Gill xx

  16. A great page Erika, the photos of your walks look fabulous as well, the mushrooms look amazing.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Great little vignettes of nature. The study of the gills of mushrooms is fascinating and there is a range of beauty and symmetry hidden from the casual observer. Should have honey mushrooms in the woodlands soon. Can’t wait to eat some.


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