Sunday, September 9, 2018

Art and Other Things

The weekend is winding down.Boy weekends go fast when your last weekend was a long one. But I must say I love weekend when there is time for art, reading, baking and even a little gardening. 
So today I have a page for Moo Mania and their latest theme of circles. 
I am also going to link up to Art Journal Journey and Yvonne's challenge of Fantasy. These young ladies have a ticket to Paris and London and what a fantasy journey that is.
I also realized that a few weeks ago I showed you the garden from the Ogunquit Museum of Art but not any art inside. Here's the garden post: Ogunquit Museum of Art.
The museum isn't large but they were having a small exhibit of artist Lois Dodd. She is a living artist who is 91 years old. I didn't know anything about her but I did like her style.

Here's a little blip about her that I copied from Wikipedia.
As part of the wave of New York modernists to explore the coast of Maine just after the end of the second world war, Dodd helped to change the face of painting in the state. Along with Fairfield PorterRackstraw DownesAlex Katz, Charles DuBack, and Neil Welliver, Dodd began spending her summers in the Mid-Coast region surrounding Penobscot Bay. Attracted by inexpensive but rambling old farmhouses, verdant fields, and the bright sunshine of a summer's day, these artists sought both companionship and an escape from the demands of city life. The break from the city and its urbane art circles allowed them the freedom to explore new modes of painting—the landscape and the figure—that were anathema in the era of Abstract Expressionism.[6]
Dodd is known primarily for her observational paintings of landscapes, nudes, and still lives. As the artist stated in an interview, "I would find it, see it, and say 'that's exciting' but I don't want to set things up." [7] It is in her finding and framing of the everyday that something quietly original and deeply felt permeates the work. 

Hope everyone has a great start to their week. 
Thanks for visiting.


  1. She has a distinctive style. I like her work, "her finding and framing of the everyday". Nice.

  2. I'd never heard of Dodd before. When I was checking out her art (I enlarged the pieces), you won't believe what I thought. First, I thought, are those NUDES working with logs? Then I saw how chickens went from semi-realistic to abstract. Finally, I read what had been written about her and it all fell in place. So glad you introduced me to a new artist.

    Of course, I'm pretty fond of that journal page you shared with us today, too. I love the vintage vibe and the beautiful ticket to Paris. So glad you shared this with us at a Art Journal Journey, Erika.

  3. Wonderful journal page and great art from the museum. Glad you had a good weekend, hope the new week goes well. Hugs, Vaerie

  4. Your beautiful designed vintage page is so pretty - I love those nice lace of buttons so much and I am so pleased to see this not just linked to AJJ but also to Moo Mania & More dear Erika! Thank you very much! Thank you for introducing me to Lois Dodd, fabulous artwork. I specially like her use od colours, they are so soft and her play with colurs and form is superb! Happy start of the new week! Time flies, but blessedly for the working people not just the weekends.

    Big hugs, Susi

  5. This is a fabulous page. I am hoping the two young ladies do manage to visit both Paris and London. For me the fantasy would be to visit New York . The world doesn't seem so large with air travel but to many its a dream. So thank you for adding this awesome page to my AJJ theme.
    I loved the trip into the museum, I'd not heard of that artist but find the work really interesting, especially her animal paintings.
    Have a good week Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Absolutely lovely artwork in this post - as usual.

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

    Have a wonderful week

  7. Charming page. Two young women on the Grand Tour. Very exciting. i enjoyed looking at Lois Dodds paintings. Bundle up today!

  8. I love your Paris page Erika, and I'm so pleased that you found creative time at the weekend.
    The museum art is wonderful too, I love those cows! TFS!
    Alison xxx

  9. Well, you know why I love this one. A ticket to London and Paris! Yes, and my colors and that vintage feel!

    Love the Ogunquit art. It's quite compelling, isn't it? Draws a person in.

  10. The Ogunquit museum was anice small one which I enjoyed visiting when we were there several months ago. My husband decided to go to the beach instead! I also was unfamiliar with Lois Dodd so thanks for sharing some of the exhibit and the bio info, Erika.

  11. lovely page,love espeically the colors.
    great paintings,so beautiful works.
    happy day.

    hugs jenny

  12. i do love your page -- circles and fantasy, beautifully done! xo


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