Monday, September 10, 2018

T Stands for Primary Day

Happy Tuesday everyone. It is Primary Day here in New Hampshire. For those of you who may not know about primaries it the preliminary election day when you get a ballot to vote in one political party and the winners from that  ballot will be who represent the  party in the actual election in  November.  In New Hampshire we have a huge choice of candidates for a Congressional seat in  Washington as one of our  ladies is retiring. (In New Hampshire all of  representatives in Washington  in both Congress and the Senate are ladies.) And we have a few people running for our state's governor. I still haven't quite figured out who I am going to vote for as truthfully in the party of my choice the candidates aren't all that different. When we get to the final General election in November, I can support any of the candidates in my party of choice, but I still have to pick someone to check off on the ballot today.
And because of the election the kids don't have school today. Voting occurs in the elementary schools of my district, and with the expected high voter turnout, it creates a safety issue. We teachers still have a work day, but other than a couple of short meetings, we have the day to get our own work done. At least that's what they're telling us.
For T day today I am serving up breakfast. Back a week ago, over the long Labor Day weekend, I went out to breakfast one morning at my favorite local breakfast place. I hadn't been there since springtime, so I started off with a cup of their delicious homemade coco.

Before my meal arrived. I had hash and eggs, with baked beans and some rye toast.
It was as good as last time I was there.
I'm linking up over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and joining in with the T Gang to share a drink related post.
Hope to see you there also.
Happy T day and thanks for visiting.


  1. I just read your bio after reading your post. Now I get your blog name! BioArtGal. As I write this Mini-me is procrastinating on taking notes for her AP Biology class. I'm in a 7th grade Biology one hour a day supporting some students. I love Biology!!
    Sorry...squirrel! Did I mention I worked in a middle school...I think there craziness eventually rubs off onto us sane folk.
    Happy T day!

  2. Our primary was last week, but the kids didn't get off from school even though precinct one (which includes the other side of my street) votes at the elementary school though I think they will now be voting at the high school/middle school auditorium. Our schools share the same campus and the high school/middle school are connected.) My side of the street, precinct two, votes at the fire station in Manchaug, a village of my town. I love going out to breakfast. Looks good especially that mug of cocoa. Hope you get a lot accomplished today

  3. Your plate of food looks so delicious, as does your hot cocoa.
    I don't think I have ever lived where school was closed for election day-that's nice though-Happy T

  4. Enjoy your 'work' day. That breakfast looks great! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. My sincere apologies. I am having a terrible time keeping my internet going. I spent nearly an hour on the phone with AT&T, my internet provider. They can’t seem to fix the problem on their end, so want to send someone out today (Tuesday) to fix the problem. If it’s MY problem, I will need to pay for the call, but they are telling me they believe it’s at their pole.

    Regardless, while I was on hold and could NOT get on the internet, I decided to write this apology to each of you. Many of you know I read every word you write and I try to include a brief comment that shows I have been to visit and have seen your drink. However, I am being told I should shut the computer down every time it locks up, then reboot. I was able to leave comments to two people, but each time I did, the internet went down on me again.

    Since I need to be up early to let the phone guy in (NOT my favorite time of the day), I will leave you with this generic and most grateful T day gratitude. I hope you understand this is totally out of my control and I am grateful you stopped by for T this Tuesday.

  6. So now you have me guessing which party it is you will vote for..... I had no idea you actually get the day off. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a HUGE blue wave come November (so now you know where I stand politically, and I don't even live in the US as you know). I have been following the circus going on in your senate around the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh a bit, and can only shake my head in amazement at what is happening.... Oh and I do have the new Woodward book on pre-order :o)

    Enjoy your Tuesday whatever side of the political divide you are on! I am all for freedom of thought, so no bad feelings I hope... xx

  7. yes, coco would be perfect now - the mornings are fresh meanwhile, though we have still beautiful (but not so hot) days! no beans for me, but i take the eggs:) happy t-day!

  8. It looks a delicious breakfast Erika and I could drink a cuppa like you shared today, even though tea is my usual choice to drink.
    I hope you have a good day and get to work out who you will vote for. Our system here in the UK seems much easier than yours.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xxx

  9. well I haven't eaten yet so I am ready now! It's a very cool morning too so that cocoa would be most welcome too:) Enjoy your day off, happy T day!

  10. Good luck with election day, Erika. Nice to see lots of women on the ballot! And boy, your breakfast looks just wonderful! Yum!

  11. Hope you are having a great day without the kids around! Your coco and breakfast choice look delicious, I could happily have both 😉. We are having a lovely time with our visitors, thank you! Lots of walking and dog friendly cafe/restaurants as they have bought their dog with them - yay! Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

  12. Our primary is over, and I can sympathize with having a number of choices in my party I had trouble deciding among. November will be easier.

    I haven't had a fried egg in I don't know how long! I'll definitely join you for breakfast with homemade cocoa :) Happy T Tuesday

  13. Thank you so much for the explanation of the primary. I had always wondered what that was all about. Great that you have so many ladies in politics in Nw Hampshire.
    I think in most countries they hold elections in the secondary schools. I hope your own polling station is at your school although it probably isn’t.
    I am astounded by your meal. This is what you had before your breakfast arrived? That would have been enough for me. I don’t eat a huge breakfast normally. Sometimes we have a full English breakfast but we eat it at lunchtime.
    Happy T Day,

  14. Cute mug, Erika. I think I may have seen it before, but I still like it ;-)

    I got that huge boxed washi tape collection at Costco Mexico. It's diffiuclt to get new and tendy craft supplies in our area. So I think Costco sees an unfilled niche. It's very spotty though. I've found wired ribbon and Prismacolors there - not much else.

    Happy T-day! Eileen

  15. Wow this breakfast and the cocoa looks delicious!
    Happy T-Day! Great you had a free day.
    Our votings are always on Sundays.
    I am laying in bed with angina... no art and nearly no internet for me just now!

    Happy rest of your work week Erika!

  16. Happy T day Erika!!!

    So strange to see beans for breakfast...and i'm originally from the East Coast.. ! Now hotchocolate.. i can have that anytime!! lol Hugs! deb

  17. Breakie looks good. Haven't had hash in ages! yum. xox

  18. Your breakfast looks so delicious!

    As for voting, I am ashamed to say that I don't vote much in the primaries. Most of the time I don't realize there is an election as I rarely watch the news. Hope you were able to get a break in your day so you could get out.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. I'm finally back online. I'm sorry I wasn't back sooner, because I take my hosting duties seriously. I hope your chosen candidate wins. I know some of the governor candidates we had all sounded the same, too. Although I listened to all the debates, even the ones I wouldn't be able to vote in, my main concern was for the next legislation and governor to put not just medical marijuana on the ballot, but recreational, too. Our state is in debt so badly, we are taxed for everything. Colorado is raking money in hand over fist by selling it, so why shouldn't we? It would get our schools out of the red, allow us to hire better teachers, and take some of the toll off our taxpayers, especially those on fixed incomes. We used to grow hemp, but now they won't even let farmers grow that anymore. Sorry. Off my soapbox and loving your cocoa. It's still far too warm for that here, though. thanks for sharing it with us for T this Tuesday (still Tuesday in my time zone).

    Are you ready to show your washi tapes during T next week? I suspect you will put mine to shame.

  20. Pick the least Trumpian candidate and vote for him/her.

  21. This is interesting that the kids stay home when there are elections but, I guess, teachers etc...can vote. Your cocoa looks delicious

  22. Good for you, Erika. One half of our household voted in yesterday's primary. Unfortunately, I had an early morning car service appointment, which the Jeep well-deserved after it's flawless performance on our recent, long cross country drive. And, hoping the service would not be all-day, I was prepared to wait. meanwhile himself went out and voted, but failed to mention it before I left. Then, as it turned out a part was needed which wasn't in-house, so I was chauffeured home, but laziness and rainy weather intervened and the other half did not want to drive out again. I will be sure to vote in the general election.


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