Friday, September 14, 2018

Mom the Super Woman

Happy Friday everyone. I hope if any of you are in  hurricane Florence's path you are safe, that is if you have power to even read blogs. 
I have one more page this week for Yvonne's Fantasy challenge over at Art Journal Journey
It's a fantasy view of Mom, the woman who is a warrior and super hero in the mind of every kid.
But Mom isn't  a completely tough woman, so I added a little lace trim around the edges of the page because we know Mom has a soft loving side too.
And if you are a cat or dog  or other animal mom, I think our furry children look at us the same way.
I started this page by coloring the background with some watercolor crayons. Then I used silver paint and a stencil to make the stars, and I also added some red painted line.  Once dried, I outlined the stars and added this woman who was cut out of the pattern book I bought back in the summer.
That's all for me. Have a super weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. This is wonderful! She looks amazing on your fantastic background! All together such a happy appearance! You never cease to amaze me with your pages! Have a fantastic start into the weekend dear Erika! Big hugs from a considerably better feeling Susi. Thank you for that amazing entry to the September theme!

  2. Great idea! Mom the super woman! I like how you gave her a little touch of soft loving with this lace trim around the edges of the page!

  3. Love this! But I'd skip the lace. No need to let the family know Mom has a soft side. =^,.^= Have a good weekend.

  4. Fantastic page, and a great tribute to all wonderful moms all over the world. Hugs, Valerie

  5. It's a super page Erika! I've been thinking of those poor folks too!
    Happy Friday!
    Alison xxx

  6. Wow Erika I love this page. Mom's everywhere are sure to be super heros in the eyes of their children. The background bright colours make this a really happy
    page and draw the eye to the wonderful strong image you used.
    Thank you for another awesome page for my theme at AJJ this month.
    Yvonne xx

  7. You are definitely getting a LOT of good out of that wonderful pattern book you bought. It was a very lucky find and will come in handy in the future, too, I'm sure. She turned into a superhero, that's for sure. I love the background, the stars, and how you manipulated the watercolor crayons. This is a super and incredible journal page, and I'm thrilled you share it with us at Art Journal Journey. Sorry to be so late, AGAIN. I can't seem to catch up.

  8. Oh Erika, your fantasy pages always bring a smile to my face! Love your super mum, a great idea and so very true, though by the time our kids are teenager, they usually have a the different view. Love the background you created, and I do like that touch of lace...

    Thanks for your comment regarding my AT Coins, I'd be very happy to swap with you. Just email me when you have a minute and we can exchange addresses etc.

    Happy weekend!!

  9. What a fun page!! I love it, and I agree, moms are super women, every single day.

  10. Wonderful page and a beautiful tribute to all Moms! I love the brightly coloured background and how you softened the image with the addition of lace ๐Ÿ˜. Happy weekend! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  11. This is terrific Erika with a powerful lady and a fantastic background.

    Thank you for your comment on Jumbled Crafts

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. I love the idea of mom being the Wonder Woman. SO true!


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