Sunday, September 16, 2018

Signs of Autumn

Hi everyone.
One thing I love about the weekend is being able to get out for my morning walk. It is probably the biggest thing I miss from the summer when I was home all week.  
And I noticed this morning so many signs that fall is on its way.
Not big signs. A few leaves here and there with a bit of color.

 The asters are blooming and the ferns are starting to brown.

Rescuing newts from the road. 

And there are still lots of caterpillars about.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. I can see how you enjoy your morning walks with so much nature around you! There is just one more week of summer before the Fall/Autumn equinox is here and your beautiful pictures capture this change wonderfully 😀. Wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊 x

  2. Lovely photos, we were in the park yesterday and noticed similar signs. Autumn is coming! Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  3. Lovely photos from your morning walk Erika. I was interested in the photo of the newt and how red it looked, I don't recall ever seeing one that colour here.
    Signs of autumn are here as well, with the leaves starting to fall from the trees as well.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Lovely walk. Things are starting to wind down. I'm hanging on to this last week of Summer. Enjoy the beautiful weather today

  5. Your Autumn treasures seem plentiful on these walks. You have a good eye to spot the small critters :)

    What kind of plant has those red berries? There are wonderful! (following comments here in case you want to reply here)

  6. Nice signs. We popped over to the discovery center at Great Bay. Many of those same signs there on the trail. xox

  7. Autumn is my favourite time of year, and yes, here similar things are starting to happen. Your photos are stunning!! Like I have said before I think, you live in such a beautiful part of the world!
    Have a good week ahead, with hopefully some time for further walks and art....

  8. Those are amazing photos Erika!
    Autumn is a wonderful season and your photos get me in the right mood for it!

    Happy new week my friend!
    All well with me so far again.

    Hugs, Susi

  9. These photographs are fantastiques Erika !! thank you very much for sharing them with us. Here, we are still in summer, and we can enjoy swimming in the sea till mid-october, my son till November. or more. I´m no so brave :)
    Love the colours of the leaves.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  10. These are glorious photos, Erika. Yes, we're seeing signs of fall too. Still not ready but begrudgingly accepting it. I love the fungi and the brownish weeds. Very fall!

  11. What lovely colours in these photos! Very calming! Chrisx


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