Monday, September 24, 2018

T Stands for a Curiosity

Happy Tuesday my T Day friends. Time to share our drink related posts over at 
But before we have T this week, first we're going to go on a little outing.
This past Saturday was Smithsonian Free Museum Day here in the US. If you went online and supplied your email you could print out a ticket to let 2 people visit the museum of your choice. (Not all museums participate so this only applies to participating museums.) It was one set of tickets per email. Since my husband and I both have our own emails, we got tickets to 2 different small museums  in the town next to ours. Maybe w are cheating a bit but neither museum we visited was very large and could be visited in about and hour. He picked the Antique Boat Museum and I picked the Libby Museum of Natural History.

I took lots of photos, but today I thought I would share a few photos from the Libby Museum.

This museum was started by a Dr. Libby, a man who lived from 1850-1933 and during his life he collected many natural specimen. I think that was a common habit during the late 1880's and early 1900's. Between his collection and other donations, this museum has quite an  eclectic collection.
Like this polar bear.
I have never seen the extinct passenger pigeon before either.
A moose, although I wouldn't want to come this close to a wild moose. But back in college there was a baby moose that had been abandoned by his mother  in the wildlife sanctuary area. They had named the moose Alfie and he gave me a big lick once. (The area wasn't open to the public but a friend of mine worked there and took me back for a visit.)
And the museum had various owl species that live here in New Hampshire.

The expressions on some these owls are full of personality.
Most of these specimen are from when the museum opened in 1912.  I loved reading the old display info on the exhibit cards.
 A gator. Not a local animal here in New Hampshire.
 This cute face is a juvenile fisher or what we locally refer to as fisher cats. They are not cats but are actually related to weasels, only larger. And not so cute when they are adults. In fact you have to be careful they are not around if you let your cats or even small dogs outside.
 A raccoon and then a black bear.
 And this beaver looks pretty funny in this position.
Hope you enjoyed these animals. 
I still have some of the  unusual items they had to share with you. I'll show you more of those another day soon.
But first, after all that museum going, you probably need to sit down and relax with a little early dinner.
What do you say, Mexican food? We haven't had that in quite some time.
Let's start with a margarita and some chips and salsa. It is Saturday night after all.

Then we'll move on to a burrito and some rice and beans. Yum.
It was a good dinner and a great relaxing way to wind up a good day.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Have a great day!


  1. I was blown away by the different types of owls. I had NO idea there were that many owl species. That's one reason why I love T day. I always learn something new. That was amazing. I enjoyed all the animals, but those owls blew me away.

    Your Mexican dinner looked good. I could go for a nice Mexican meal about now and love seeing the guacamole. You may have my margarita, though. I'll be the designated driver (grin).

    I really enjoyed your trip to the Libby Museum and your Mexican meal and margarita you shared with us for T this Tuesday.

  2. That's a great selection of animals at the museum, thanks for sharing. We have a free day at the art museum here every Thursday. Your Mexican food looks fabulous and is making me hungry! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I love this exhibits and your Mexican food makes me just hungry now!
    Happy T-Day Erika!
    Hugs, Susi

  4. This looks a really interesting museum to visit. I am not comfortable looking at animals that have been preserved this way, as I wonder at the lives they have lead and how they were captured. But in the interest of science and discovery for future generations, recording and preserving the different species, this looks a super exhibition.
    Your meal looks delicious a good way to end your day.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  5. So glad you enjoyed the museum and it was so much fun seeing the animals 😁. It's the Mexican food that caught my eye, my favourite! A margarita with the buritto, rice and beans is perfect - yum! So hungry now πŸ˜‰. Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  6. I am so glad you were able to take advantage of museum day! I checked just in case there was a museum close by and Missouri had none offered.
    I enjoyed the visit to this first one-quite a collection of animals.
    We love Mexican food-yours looks delicious.
    Thanks for all of the photos Happy T Kathy

  7. Free day is a great idea! I especially love all the owls. They look so wise and powerful! Raccoons are great -- till they are in your chimney!

  8. I love bears so the polar bear and black bear are my favorites. The expressions on the owls are so funny. I've never seen a Fisher Cat, but have heard the blood, curdling screech. I thought someone was being murdered. I could have used the margarita after hearing that sound! Happy T Day. Stay dry today

  9. I do love natural history museums, and this one looks like it has good exhibits. Seeing an actual extinct animal brings the loss home in a powerful way, doesn't it!

    Mexican food is always a treat, and that restaurant looks like it knows how to do it :) Happy T Tuesday

  10. That's a neat deal, Erika, and I don't think that was cheating ;-) The extinct passenger pigeon is really speccial and sad. I've never seen close-ups of many types of wls in one place. It stucl me that almost all of them have nasty looking scowls on their faces. I wonder if that a protective trait or if they really are nasty.

    Chips, salsa and a burrito sound good to me.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  11. Loved the owls you shared and your baby moose story, too. Great tea party post! Happy TSFT!

  12. Great idea to visit the local. That fisher cat sure looks cute but we know better. Dinner looks great. xox

  13. We are so lucky here in the UK as many museums are free - although they always welcome (and indeed encourage) donations! Special exhibitions have to be paid for. When we go to Paris we sometimes manage to get there for the 1st Sunday of the Month free openings but there are always massive queues.
    The exhibits do look interesting although I am pleased that habit died out! Your Mexican meal looks yummy and is making me think it's time we went for one too! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  14. I love the owls. Such beautiful creatures. That gator is a bit fearsome with all those teeth in it's open jaw. Scary indeed. What a wonderful museum! I wanted to participate but the closest museum to us was an hour away. Maybe we ill plan in advance for next year. Looking forward to seeing the other museum.
    And that Mexican food looks yummy!
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. You made gorgeous photos of those animals in the museum! They look like real living! My special favorite of your snaps is Alfie :) :)
    Happy fall! Hugs-Rike

  16. These photographs from the Libby Museum are wonderful Erika !! thank you very much for sharing them with us. this pigeon is lovely, as well as the owls!! Really very interesting. The mexican food looks so good.
    I wish you a very nice thursday, big hugs, Caty


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