Sunday, September 23, 2018

Welcome Autumn

 Autumn has arrived. With it has come crisp temperatures. It's almost as if the weather knew autumn was here (which of course it didn't), and that made it time to get rid of the humidity and the heat this summer was particularly good at being.
 Views from my morning walks.  Slight changes from last weekend.

 Warning: if you don't like creepy crawlies scroll down quickly past these next couple of photos.

 Meanwhile back in the garden.

 A bit of color is left.

 And some interesting seed pods too.
It was a great day to go pick a big bag of apples.
And even though we didn't buy a pumpkin nor any squash (since my garden has given me several this year), it is a sure sign of autumn when the wooden bins at the orchard are filled with these.

Happy autumn to you.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Gorgeous photos Erika, autumn is definitely here. It was cold, wet, wild and windy here, good weather for a crafting day. Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. Happy Autumn! I love those fall leaves :) You have so many flowers still. I miss zinnias and am determined to try them again next year -the chipmunks keep them from doing well in my space. Your apple looks delicious! We've seen pumpkins at the grocery but haven't picked ours up yet. Soon, though. It's time.

  3. Your Fall is a little ahead of us. Your flowers still have a lot of color and are very pretty. That apple looks really good. Since Himself is having difficulty walking a trip to the orchard will be out. We'll have to see if the grocery store will carry apples from the local orchards.

  4. Beautiful autumn photos Erika. The leaves are dropping from the trees here as well. You still have some lovely flowers in your garden to enjoy as the weather changes.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Yes to nice fall weather, Erika, and I am waiting for the fall colors to really start showing. Since it was a relatively wet summer I am hoping for some spectacular foliage views this year.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous! My favorite time of year. :)

  7. Happy Autumn to you too! Fabulous photos including the creepy crawly! Autumn is my favourite time of year....

  8. WOW, oh wow. Autumn has truly arrived in your world. Not so much in mine. I like yours better, because they show the beauty of the season. I love all your amazing photos and the beauty of how summer is trying to hang on a bit longer.

  9. Beautiful photos my dear, love autunm colors. Hugs

  10. I love every photo, Erika. Fabulous fungi and beautiful leaves and pumpkins. Definitely fall!

  11. Great photos Erika - lots to see - so its officially autumn now and 3 months til Christmas - this year is flying by so fast :)
    Happy Autumn to you too.
    Gill xx

  12. Wonderful impressions Erika!
    Happy new week!
    Hugs, Susi

  13. What fabulous photos! Thanks for sharing this view of Autumn arriving in your area! Chrisx

  14. Fantastic photos! I love them all!

  15. Happy Autumn dear Erika !! those photographs are so wonderful, thank you very much for sharing them with us. Love pumpkins!!
    I wish you a very happy thursday, big hugs, Caty


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