Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Beautiful Woman in the Forest

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. Today I'm sharing a  mixed media fantasy piece . 
This page began as a magazine photo of red cabbage. I though the swirls and colors were cool so put pieces of it down on a piece of paper I wiped bits of excess paint onto. Then I added bits of a napkin and used some colored pouring media to give it a bit of texture.
I cut another picture out of the sewing pattern book that I recently picked up on the mark down rack. I am not sure if she is wood nymph, fairy or some type of magical princess. But she is really beautiful in that gown. After attaching the photo I softened the edges of the cut out with some silver glitter glue.  Then I stamped the quote and painted some green and blue stems.
I am linking up to Yvonne's fantasy challenge over at Art Journal Journey and also to the new Slap It On challenge at Try It On Tuesday
Hope everyone is having a good week so far. This week is going fast, but tonight is one of parent open houses at school so it's going to be a long day for me. Thankfully Open House is on Thursday night so I only have to drag myself through one  work day being tired before I get a weekend to rest up. 
OK, so maybe I am exaggerating just a little bit.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love that you used red cabbage as a background to lend the air of fantasy. Very inventive especially using the glitter and the fantasy princess. Hope your evening went well

  2. All that from a cabbage? I am inspired by your creativity!

  3. I hope parent open house goes well tonight. I'll keep the light on for you.

    I was blown away by that journal page. The way you chose to use the image of a red cabbage was incredible. I was so impressed and see how backgrounds can be created from almost anything. You are really getting a lot of use out of that sewing pattern book you bought. You have gotten your money out of it already this month. She's a beauty and I'm thrilled you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey.

  4. Wonderful page, looks like you are having fun, that's always good. Enjoy your day! Hugs, Valerie

  5. She is a w e s o m e ! Beautiful and organic is the appearance of the whole page and so atmospheric, who would think of red cabbage on a magazine ?! Genius!
    Have fun at the parent open house evening - weekend is near!!
    What an amazing page for the curent AJJ theme! You are a fantastic inspirational artist Erika!
    Big hugs from
    Good weather and all celebrations and my illness is over. Now I have some things in the garden on my agenda.

  6. Another fabulous fantasy piece, fantastic use of magazine images, so creative! That red cabbage background is awesome!

  7. And --- I forgot to mention how great to see this amazing page linked to Try It On Tuesday as well! You know how much we appreciated your support there! Thank you ♥♥♥♥

  8. This so magical, Erika! I can see the purple cabbage in the background and your are right. It creates the perfect swirly effect. A beautiful Journal page.

  9. Titania, Queen of the Fairies? I never would have guessed that page started as cabbage. Makes a beautiful background. The museum is having their Open House tonight, too, followed by a faculty meeting. Have a good day

  10. Wow, she is a stunning beautiful image. Its a magical fantasy scene you have created Erika. I would never have thought you had used a red cabbage until I read all the post.
    Thank you so much for adding this to both Art Journal Journey and to Try it on Tuesdays.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Wow, your page is amazing! I love the colour combination and those swirls of paint against the red cabbage background 😁. Then there is your beautiful lady she looks like a forest fairy princess - perfect! Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday and enjoy the rest of your week! J 😊 x

  12. All the elements work together to create an amazing fantasy effect - stunning!

    Thank you so much for sharing your art with us at TIOT.

    Cath x

  13. AWESOME page, Erika. Lovely colours and a fantastic background. Hugs, my friend.

  14. Oh Wow! This is fabulous - such fabulous layers - the cabbage makes the most brilliant of backgrounds! Thank you so much for joining use at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  15. A magical page with so many fabulous layers and colours and I love the background, had to look closely to realise it was indeed a red cabbage! Love the fairy image so beautiful and a wonderful quote too.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday.
    Avril xx


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