Friday, September 21, 2018

Happy Weekend

The weekend is here! This week sure flew by.
Yesterday I got to be part of a big art project at my school. Our Japanese sister city school is arriving for a visit in 2 weeks and we are decorating the small theatre our school has  and naming it after them. They named one of their whole buildings on their campus after us.

One of the tasks that needed to be done was to collage a couple of posts with newspaper that we brought back last spring. 
Once they fully dry they will be coated and then someone with a sure hand with paint some large Kanji letters on them. The letters should spell out words to show the friendship between our two communities.
 Since we had 3 hours between the end of school and the start of our parent open house, it was a great way to fill the time. 
There's a display case which will be filled up with some items that the school has been gifted with like a gorgeous fan and some school items. They've enlarged some photos for the walls and the school had a photo enlarged to be adhered on the door. I will have to show you more once everything is complete.
And my latest page for the fantasy challenge over at Art Journal Journey which is the theme of our fantastic hostess Yvonne has chosen. It's a bit of watercolor crayon, paint, stamping,  napkin, and markers. 
Wishing you all a good weekend.


  1. How exciting to host your sister school. the collage idea is great and will look good. Hope we get to see more of the decorations. Your page makes me think of the last sunset of Summer. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Wow. You guys are going all out for these visitors. I hope they have as much fun as you had in Japan. Will you be hosting any parties for them, or will the school do that?

    Your journal page is filled with fun and fantasy. I love the true mixed media aspect and the use of the watercolor crayons are inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, too!

  3. That's a great project at your school, sounds very exciting - enjoy! Your page is wonderful, love the colours. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. Oh what a super idea, and how exciting your sister school is coming to visit! Your school sounds like a really interesting institution!.... Hope we get to hear and see much more about the visit!

    Love your page, those two figures look awesome against that colourful background!

  5. The project at school sounds really interesting and I'm sure that your visitors from Japan will be happy when they see what you have been doing to welcome them.
    I love your journal page and enlarged the page so I could read the wonderful quote you used to see who was the author. The colours of the flowers draw the eye into the page and to those fantastic silhouettes.
    Thank you for another awesome page foe AJJ and for your support this month.
    Yvonne xx

  6. A fabulous project at school to welcome the sister school, cool!
    The page is beautiful - the vibrancy makes it stunning Erika! I say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for yet another wonderful entry linked to Yvonne's theme!

    We had some very warm days recently and now it cooled down so much since this night.
    Enjoy your weekend my friend!
    Hugs, Susi

  7. What a wonderful idea to decorate your school to honor the sister school. It will be exciting to welcome the Japanese delegation and I know they will be honored.

    I love your page. It's so happy!

  8. The reciprocal visits are such an exciting project! I look forward to hearing how they spend their time here :)

  9. This kind of interchange between schools in different countries is all to the good. I hope that your kids take the time to learn a little Japanese.

  10. I LOVE the school decoration idea, Erika. And your page is absolutely perfect. I love bright colors. Kisses, my friend.

  11. A creative way to pass the time and a beautiful page of art journal, I love its texture and the color combo.Hugs

  12. How lovely to decorate the school with memorabilia from your trip in honour of the Japanese students visit.
    Love the colourful journal page and it's a great quote.
    Avril xx

  13. What a great thing to do - you certainly made a good start to the columns! I love the journal page - I love those colours especially! Hugs, Chrisx


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