Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Late October

Hi everyone.  It's Wednesday night and I am watching the baseball World Series game. For those of you outside of the US and parts of Canada,or anyone not familiar with baseball, this is the final series of games. Whichever team wins the best of 7 games is the champion for the year. This year our local Boston team, The Red Sox, are playing, which always makes it exciting. They won game one last night and hopefully they'll win again tonight.

The wind and rain lately means we've been losing leaves. Everyday there seems to be more bare trees, and brrr. We're chilly with lower than normal temperatures.
This is the sugar maple in my yard. usually it is more read in color, but this year it is far more yellow. I wonder why.
 And there were a few roses left when I took these photos back on Saturday.

And my perennial chrysanthemums are in bloom. These plants originally came my grandmother's garden many many years ago. They were moved to my mother's garden. and then later to me. 

 And here's the view from my walk last Saturday also.
And here's another page in Halloween journal.
I had this piece of cardboard and I decided I liked the printing on it so I left that and attached the piece into  to my journal. Then I added tape along the edge as well as the black and white trim. Finally I layered a bit of tissue paper over the top and I then painted it black.
Then I added the skeleton die cut as well as some holiday emphera that I had.
I am linking up to Linda's Creature Comfort Challenge at Art Journal Journey.
I'm also going to link up to the Halloween challenge at Try It On Tuesday
That's all for me today.
Happy rest of the week, and thanks for visiting.


  1. It always amuses me that a game played between two US teams is called the World Series. Now the World Cup of Soccer, played every four years, between all of the soccer playing nations of the world deserves the title. That’s a World Series.

  2. Another super collection of photos, all so beautiful, I am full of admiration being a useless photographer myself...

    Really like your latest journal page too, I enjoy less spooky projects much better than those super gruesome ones (I have never been a huge fan of Halloween). Hope the Red Socks played a good game last night!!

  3. Forgot to mention earlier that I LOVE your new blog banner. I also love the Halloween journal page you created. I have to admit I really enjoyed your quirky journal page with all that autumn color and fun images. That frame was dope! It was definitely worth me getting out of bed for. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, dear Erika.

    I also fell in love with your autumn flowers and trees. They are finally turning in your area, I can see.

  4. Lovely autumn trees and flowers, your roses are still looking great. Love the Halloween page, great fun with the eye border. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. And I LOVE the leafy header! Great!

  6. Maybe the leaf color was due to the fact we had such hot and humid weather and warm temps at night. Usually the temps need to be warm during the day, but chilly at night. Love your Halloween page. Ink used to look like that when we went to the vet. Go Red Sox. We need another rainbow!

  7. My husband is a Cardinals fan, and I'll just leave it at that lol

    I had no idea you could still have roses in bloom in October. I love these mums. These look so much like the daisies I love. I think I just don't have enough sun for most fall-blooming plants. Yours really shine!

  8. Lovely photos of autumn and your flowers- they still look beautiful! Another fun Halloween addition to AJJ- thanks so much for all your fab entries Erika!

  9. those photographs are so lovely Erika ! Thanks so much for sharing them, wonderful flowers, and nice to read the crisantemos come from you grandmother´s garden . Your Art journal page is gorgeous, I like to know how you have created it, great!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  10. An AMAZING Halloween page - totally to my taste and the photos are awesome! Hope the Red Sox were successful! Thank you very much for the fab entry for Art Journal Journey and Try It On Tuesday! Much appreciated dear Erika! Hope your day went well!
    Here all o.k. pretty days still.

  11. Your photos of of the leaves and trees look beautiful and it was good to see you still have flowers blooming in your garden.
    The Halloween journal page looks awesome, the black background at the top looks great and I really liked the eye border you added.
    Thank you for another fantastic page linked with us a Try it on Tuesdays.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Such wonderful photographs thank you for sharing those with us.

    Great Halloween piece you made as well

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Your header photo is gorgeous! And all your other photos too, incredible beautiful!
    The Halloween page is very funny, I like it!
    Wish you a happy weekend!

  14. Beautiful fall colours! I'm so excited about the Red Sox, they won game two as well - yay 😀. We watched some games while we were on holiday and I've been following along ever since - go Sox! You Halloween page is so cool, the colours and images are spook-tacular 😉. Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday and wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  15. I've heard of the Red Sox! Good luck to your team.
    Our Autumn leaves are more yellow than red too. Maybe something to do with the very warm Summer?
    You are so clever with your Art pieces. I love the ghosts and the great framing and the fact that you left in some of the original printing and the really cool skellie.
    Marvellous flowers and header too.

  16. Loved seeing your Autumn pics! Your journal page is fabulous! Thank you so much for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Hugs,Chrisx

  17. Love the pictures which show a beautiful fall day. My brother is a huge baseball fan with. Huge baseball collection and, in a prior job, he created some of the write ups on the back of the cards and he priced them for a magazine. I like your page where you really outdid yourself and I love that border on the right side

  18. Hello Erika!
    First of all I want to thank you for your very kind comments over at my blog! They are so appreciated <3
    I walked through your posts and I discovered your really wonderful artwork, love your projects!
    I am really impressed of your pictures, you are a very talented photographer - I wished I was too.
    Have a wonderful sunday!
    Evelyn xxx

  19. A great journal page and I love the eye border. Lovely autumn pictures.
    Thanks for sharing at Try it on Tuesday Avril x


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