Monday, October 22, 2018

T Stand for Playing Hooky

Tuesday is here again. That means it is T Day.  Time to share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's.
It's always fun to see what all you T Gang people have been up to.
My husband and I had our 30th wedding anniversary last week on the 15th, but because of my mom's birthday and my mother-in-law's health issues we never had a chance to celebrate then. So since this is a bigger anniversary year, this past Friday we both made arrangements to take the day off from work and decided to do something fun.
We started by going out to lunch at a restaurant named Tucker's in Dover, New Hampshire. Tucker's a small local chain that has yummy food and also does a lot of locally sourced food. They are only open for breakfast and lunch and are about 30 minutes away so we don't get there very often.
My husband had breakfast which is available all the time, but I was cold so I wanted comfort food to help warm me up..
I started with one of their mega mugs of chai tea while I waited for me meal. 
And for my lunch
I had a grilled cheese on sourdough and a cup of butternut squash soup. Boy that soup was yummy. And the sandwich was excellent also.   And to drink with my lunch I had a glass of water.
Good thing we had planned to go to the beach for walk for a walk that afternoon. I was pretty full and needed to burn off some of those calories.
It was a gorgeous afternoon for a walk. (This is York Beach in Maine.)
The dogs were quite excited to be invited along. I was walking Maddie and I will say my arm got a workout as she wanted to chase every seagull she saw.
She was not chasing these however. They were all clustered in some shallow water and I am guessing there was something good for them to eat in that spot. We weren't very close but I used the zoom on my camera lens to get these photos.
My biologist eye likes to see all the wing positions as they take off.
And I watched this flock of cormorants soar over the beach.  

I love seeing the dynamic shapes they form as they fly.

 And happened to spy this bird on the rocks near where we had parked the car.
I believe it is a killdeer, and Elizabeth I think this is the bird that you used in your art in your past Saturday post.

We had a perfect afternoon.
It was nice the weather cooperated, and it wasn't as cold as it is today.
I am also sending get well wishes to our hostess Elizabeth too.
Thanks for visiting me today and have a fantastic T day!


  1. Hi, I am getting hungry now seeing all of these delicious photos-I was loving Eileen's now I want some of your soup-lol lovely photos too-
    what a nice time together walking on the beach-I always loved watching the birds too.
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  2. Well a very happy 30th anniversary!! Looks like you had a beautiful (albeit chilly) day. That soup especially sounds divine along with the chai. And how happy are the pups out there with all those beach smells;) Marvelous photos of the gulls and your walk. Have a great week and happy T day!

  3. Wonderful photos from your day out, that was a great way to celebrate your anniversary. Looks like a beautiful place. The grilled cheese sandwich looks fantastic, too, I could eat something like that right now for breakfast. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Happy T Day to you and Happy 30th as well. Looks like you had a very enjoyable
    day with perfect blue skies.

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Both the chai tea and the soup sound delicious and just right for a cold day. And thanks for the pictures of the birds. Now that’s the important stuff!

  6. First of all a little late but Happy Anniversary to you both, it looks like you had an enjoyable and special day.
    The photos all look great, I liked the ones of the sea gulls soaring in the sky and your dogs seemed to be having a great time. Your food looked delicious as well.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Happy Anniversary - I bet this 30 years flew by ♥♥♥ wishing you at least another 30 happy years together! What a gift to find one's LOVE for live and staying together so closely! A blessing for sure!
    This warming meal must have been delicious and I enjoyed the walk with you and the dogs at York Beach so much! Great photos Erika!
    Happy T-Day!!!!

    Big hugs
    ( All well here at my end of the world♥)

  8. Happy Anniversary! Glad you were able to take a day to celebrate together.
    Happy T day!

  9. Happy Anniversary! mmm, Chai tea. I used to hang at Long Sands every weekend one Summer. My girlfriend and I would stay at the Anchorage. Course the Anchorage has gone upscale so I couldn't afford to stay there anymore. There used to be a clam shack on the beach, but I bet that's gone. Glad you had such a wonderful day.

  10. Your soup and sandwich look delicious! The beach looks delightful with all those birds and that scenic view. I'm glad you had such good weather for your Anniversary-Observed celebration :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Your soup and sourdough looks so scrummy, perfect for an autumnal day! York beach looks amazing, I remember the roar of the ocean when we visited, it was fabulous ๐Ÿ˜€. Your photos are stunning too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  12. Belated anniversary wishes to you both, Erika. Hope that your MIL is feeling better too. Thanks for mentioning Tucker’s as now we will have to find it as that soup and sandwich combo looked very good. How nice to go for a beach walk after the season has ended,

  13. Happy 30th anniversary, Erika. What a nice way to celebrate - just the two of you. Oh, I guess the dogs too ;-) Your butternut soup looks delicious. We can't buy butternut squash in the stores here. But we can get it in restaurants. Odd.

    Your bird photos are fascinating. I love to watch their flight formations too.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. Well, a very happy (belated) 30th anniversary. You really celebrated it in a wonderful way.
    Thank you for taking me with yuou on your walk. I loved the virtual walk along the beach.
    You lunch was very yummy too. I would have loved that rye bread and soup. I think I will make some this week. (butternut squash soup)
    Chai tea is also very nice on a cold day. I'll join in with that too.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Very Happy 30th Anniversary Erika !! With my best wishes ♥
    Thank you very much for sharing those fabulous photographs with us, they are all wonderful. Love your cute dogs, they look very happy in the beach. The meals may have been delicious, And I love the photos where the birds are flying, lovely. Happy T day !
    I wish you a very nice Wednesday, big hugs, Caty

  16. 30 years is such a milestone. Happy Anniversary! Your chai tea really looks amazing! And your pictures of the beach are beautiful!
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Wonderful you two celebrated 30 years of marriage. Those years go fast don't they? What a wonderful beach, I enjoyed all the photos. Thanks for posting them.

  18. Oh, that grill cheese and soup look and sound so good! Lovely photos, too! Happy Tea ?Day!

  19. What a fabulous post! I would have loved the meal you chose! I would also have loved to join you on that walk, although I don't know how I would cope with a dog on a lead these days! Belated happy T day! Chrisx

  20. I can't believe how long this is taking me to visit. I get up, then get sick again.

    Happy, happy belated anniversary. I remember Jo saying you and she both had 30 year anniversaries in October. What fun you look like you had the day you played hooky. Seems like a wonderful meal, too. I love soup and sandwiches, and this actually looks good, which is a good thing, since my appetite has been off.

    LOVED the beach photos, too. It was a beautiful day and I bet you two have really happy memories. Thanks for sharing your day, your food, and your water with us for T this week, dear Erika. I'm SO sorry to be late visiting.


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