Sunday, November 4, 2018

Don't Settle

Hi everyone. I have a pre-scheduled post today since my husband and I are driving home from our little weekend outing to our college alma mater. We attended a hockey game last night, but I will have to fill you in on T Day on any exciting details from our trip.
I did want to link up another page for the Vintage or Modern theme I am hosting at Art Journal Journey
So here's a page from my calendar journal. My calendar journal which is getting pretty thick since we're in week 44 of the year.
I began by coloring the plaid background of the calendar journal page Then I added the TH relative and the quote. After that I stamped the swirl above her head and doodled in the stars. To complete the page I added first some black and white paper tape along the bottom and then some gold diamond tape over that.
I  like to think  this woman (on my page) from an obviously older time period is giving us folks of the present time a little advice in the form of this quote.

And it's Day 4 over at Create Art Every Day challenge.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Wonderful journal page and the advice is spot on, thanks. Hope you are enjoying your weekend trip. Hugs, Valerie

  2. A beautiful page - and and fab wording as well! Great vintage for AJJ dear Erika!
    Hugs, Susi

  3. I like how the lady seems to float on the background.Yup, she came back from the past to warn us not to waste our time. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. Be safe.

  4. I think she is giving our advice as well Erika and by the look on her face, woe betide you if you didn't do what you were told.
    Its a fabulous page..
    Yvonne xx

  5. That's an inspiring quote and excellent advice. That person looks like she's strong and will never settle :)

  6. these words are really worth to think over... another great vintage contribution for the ajj-challenge!

  7. I think the matron has given us some excellent advice. I suspect she was well ahead of her time. I am in AWE of that plaid background. It certainly stands out. It's a perfect entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    BTW, I hope your team won.

  8. I hope you had a wonderful time and a safe trip home. A terrific journal page -- I'm not surprised it is getting pretty fat by now!

  9. Another great page for your challenge! Wise words indeed and I could not agree more... Hope you had a fabulous trip and have a good week ahead. Hope you make it to the polls come Tuesday, - America (read the DOJ)
    needs every vote.....
    Your coins will go in the post today. xxx

  10. Love this Art journal page Erika !! It ´s wonderful, with this so beautiful background, always very well decored, and the beautiful lady of old time, and the quote. Sometimes, the mood of the people changes a lot, and makes us see things differently, we react differently, and we rebel without mercy.
    I wish you a very nice day, big hugs, Cay

  11. Such great advice as I have recently started several books by well-known authors that are or have been "best sellers" but were not to my liking, so I returned them to the library. And, we have also walked out of restaurants if the menu asn't as expected. Life is too short not to make choices.

  12. This is fabulous Erika! I love the quote!
    Alison xx


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