Monday, November 5, 2018


Oh is it Monday already? 
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. 
I have another vintage page for Art Journal Journey, but today I'm heading back to the swinging 60's.  I was around in almost all of the 1960's but I was pretty young so I don't know if they were really swinging or not.
This month's theme at Art Journal Journey is Vintage or Modern.
I was really inspired by this colorful tissue paper that became the background of my page. It reminded me of the psychedelic color scheme of that decade. I added this lady in her caftan that I cut out from that big pattern book I've been using off and on this fall. (I got it on markdown for $4 at Hobby Lobby back in August, cheaper than most magazines and full of great images.) Then I added a few assorted die cuts and stickers to finish off the page.
And I am also linking up to Create Art Every Day.
Hope your week is starting out in a good way. And thanks for stopping by both here on my blog and at Art Journal Journey. I really appreciate it!


  1. Lovely page, great colours. The sixties were really fun and groovy! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. I was young in the 60s, too, but you seem to have caught the spirit as I remember it. The trim on her caftan is perfect! I loved the styles back then and the music :)

  3. now this is such a cool reminder of the 60ies! i´ve also been a child then, so pretty much of it did not affect my fashion - only later, in the 70ies:)
    a wonderful page and a great start into the new week! xox

  4. A wonderful colourful collage. I do remember the sixties as two of my children were born then. I therefore was not one for flowers in my hair, but still adore the music from then.

  5. It scares me that my lifetime has become vintage.

  6. What a fun page - retro cool! I love the girl and the VW beatle stickers ... all put together so well!
    You rock AJJ again Erika!
    Happy start of the new week for you!
    Big hugs, Susi

  7. Today would be a perfect day to hang out in a caftan and listen to some groovy tunes. Have a good day.

  8. This is a super happy Art page Erika !! I love the so bright colours of the background, the flower, little cars, the lady and all the lovely details. Really wonderful l!
    i wish you a very nice day, big hugs, Caty

  9. Such a bright and cheery page! The colours and images are fabulous and capture the 60s wonderfully, not that I'd know, like you I'm far too young 😀. I hope you had a lovely weekend of celebrations and wishing you a happy new week! J 😊 x

  10. You didn't spare any color on this spread, Erika. I love the tissue paper background and of course, your 60s gal, too. That GROOVY is classic. I love it all. SO glad you are our host this month at Art Journal Journey. You are doing a fantastic job. thanks for sharing this beauty.

  11. Even before i red the post, Erika, I saw the artwork and immediately thought of the swinging 60s, which I did grow up in as I was in high school and then collage.

  12. Oh my the swinging 60's. I love this page and those bright colours. Yes I remember those styles very well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Ooh, fab background - so colourful and evocative. Perfect for the Swinging Sixties! I was around, too, but also only VERY young :-) Love the VW Beetles and the Kaftan!

    Cath x


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