Friday, November 16, 2018

Farm Girl

Happy Friday folks.  We've gotten about 3 inches of snow at my house this morning. It's snowing right now. It's one of those tough weather patterns though because I work 35 mile away at the seacoast where it is raining. Not enough snow here for me to feel I need to call in  but just enough to be a pain to drive through. That means I get to trek through the snow to wherever the snow-rain line is. This is when I would love a delay so they have more time to clear the roads, but alas, no delay. I've done this a million times (or so it seems) so  I'll shortly be heading off. And I have an all wheel drive car and I'm a tough winter hardened New Englander, so I will be fine also.
I'm back with another page for Art Journal Journey and the latest Vintage or Modern challenge. I'm going vintage today with this page from my calendar journal. 
I love the idea of being a farmer, but I think the reality of it would not be for me. As an animal lover, the idea of having cows or sheep sounds fun. BUT, I like to come and go and hit the road every now again which doesn't work with animals to care for. Now I can head off as it's easy to  get my daughter to dog sit or we take them with us as they travel well in the car.  I can't imagine doing that with a cow. Plus getting up even earlier in the morning than I already do is not appealing. So I guess I will live out my farm girl fantasy with this page in my calendar journal.
I covered the page with this striped paper and then added some die cut hexagons. The cows are a rub-on from my stash, as is the old fashioned printed cardboard button.  Then I added the TH girl and a quote that I cut out from a bunch of quote cards I have.
I can't say I've been up in my happy place much this week. It's been cold and dark when I get home at the end of the work day and all my mojo is gone. I definitely have been watching too much tv in the evenings. But, it has made a good time for me to knit.
I finished up this pair of socks for myself. And I've started a pair which I hope to have done to give to my daughter for Christmas.
I'm linking up and sharing this with you over at AEDM.
I am definitely sun deprived right now. Hopefully this weekend I can remedy that a little bit.
Hope you're up to something you want to be up this weekend too.
Thanks for visiting and putting up with my weather woes..


  1. Great and inspiring page, Erika. Thank you for sharing your supplies. And your knitting socks are amazing!!!!!!! Congrats, my dear friend.

  2. Your page is great, and I LOL picturing a cow in your car. I agree, not likely to happen. We are also looking at snow this morning in NJ but the rain and warmer temps will take care of it.The earlier departure of daylight does change things, good for you knitting while not feeling daytime energy. I miss knitting since my hands don’t like it anymore. Oh well, there are other creative pursuits I’ve since discovered. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. We had a good 6 or 7 inches of snow. And now it's raining so everything will turn to heavy slush. Most of the schools delayed last night and some even cancelled. Himself got the call at 6am the college was delayed 2 hrs, but he's not going in.

    I could never be a farmer. Can't stand the smell of fertilizing the fields. So I'll just admire you farm girl page.

    Your socks are awesome! Love the color of the ones for your daughter. Wish I knew how to knit.

    Stay safe driving out there.

  4. haha, you´re realistic about the farm life. i grew up on a farm and we never had holiday travels as my school mates had... making hay when the others went swimming in summer... and such on. and actually the relationship to the animals was different from the one i have to my pets now - and the cows and pigs one day were to be slaughtered. all i knew i would never marry a farmer LOL! i think i would rather have stayed alone...
    your page turned out great... love the hexagon pattern in the background!

  5. Great journal page and love your Autumn socks, they look great. Sorry about the weather, that's a long journey each day. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Farming is a hard life, I think, and I'll continue to enjoy trips out into the country without having responsibilities there. Those socks would be a treat to wear during cold, wet/snowy days. I trust your drive was uneventful :)

  7. Erika I think your knitted socks look so cosy and they will for sure keep your feet warm. The colours of the wool look lovely.
    Its a fantastic journal page, I think folk who work out farms are special folk, the long hours at this time of the year must be hard on them.
    I look forward to seeing how you use your calendar diary next year and wonder if you will keep all the pre- printed image pages. The coloured ones I found worked out okay, but the gesso did get a few outings.
    I hope you got home from work safely and the snow is not to deep.
    Yvonne xx

  8. WOW - LOVE the socks!

    I understand the rain/snow thing. For 25 years we lived an hour south of DC. About half way down our county (a long peninsula) the line broke. If the storm came up the coast we got snow, if it came from the west, DC got snow. I don't drive in snow but didn't have a job where that was required. Work from home was fine. Hubby had to slog tho and I can tell you I spent many a worried night over that!

    Thanks for visiting my page. LOVE AEDM. Have done it for 10 years. How about you?

  9. Knitting seems like a great occupation to me and your socks look great. The odd time, if my feet are cold in bed, I get up and put on a pair of socks. My sister-in-law knits. Maybe I should get her to make a pair of nice woolen socks for me just for cold bedtime feet.

  10. I am so full of admiration how you manage to create your pages pretty much every day! Another fab vintage one and I can definitely relate to the farm dream.....
    We have been so lucky with the weather here so far, but then we never get the kind of snows you guys get....

    Like you I am knitting socks right now, using self patterning wool, have to say, I adore the colours you are using!!

    Before I end, just a question, - did my coins ever arrive? I sent them ages ago...
    Happy weekend and stay warm!

  11. Nice page and I agree about the farming stuff! As for the socks, all I can say is WOW. I have knit one sock. Then I lost the directions to the pattern (which wasn't in a book) and alas... And it was hard -- very tiny and hard to see! So, WOW again! I love them.

    Be careful on these snowy days. It's doing the same here but not that much. I'm never ready...

  12. This page is cool - I love her bored expression! And the quote speaks to me!
    I would love to be a farm girl, but I would just want to be a vegetable farmer for sure! I couldn't see and get clear with how livestock is treated. I got vegetarian for this very reason.
    My gosh I can imagine how unpleasant this weather is when you have to drive to work. Take good care of you!
    Great idea with getting the warm socks ready! They look perfect!
    Happy weekend Erika!
    Big hugs, Susi

  13. It appears you made it to school and home successfully, because of your fortitude and confidence.

    I confess, I have NEVER wanted to live on a farm. I had a friend in High School whose parents lived on a farm. When She was not in school, she was doing chores around the place, like milking, feeding pigs, etc. One time she and her dad KILLED 50 chickens on a Saturday. I helped her mom remove the feathers. It was the most heartless thing I've ever seen. I never want to relive that memory. I was glad to see the overworked farm woman didn't have any chicks. This was a great entry, Erika and perfect for your vintage theme at AJJ.

  14. Funny page, Erika. My first advice to the dour-looking girl would be to smile. You probably know the scientific fact that just the act of smiling (real or fake) cheers you up. Love your warm looking colorful socks. Wear them with pride - and a smile. Eileen xoxo


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