Saturday, November 17, 2018

Girl Power

Hello from New Hampshire. This morning I am thinking next week is Christmas, not the US celebration of Thanksgiving.

 I think rose season is over at this point.

But today is it already above freezing and when I stepped outside to snap these photos every cell in my body was smiling because it actually felt  warm to me. That's what happens after a couple of very cold days. Time to get back to the normal November chill, not January chill.
We got around 4 inches which is more than some and less than others in these winter weather fronts that have been moving through.  You can see that the dogs have thoroughly enjoyed the snow though from all their pawprints in these photos. 
And I have another retro style vintage page for Art Journal Journey
Some polka dot tissue, some stenciling with paint, some pictures cut out of my sewing pattern book, a mini-tag from my stash and  a few letter stickers are what I used to make this page.
This has probably become a cliché image, and I will say that model's arm muscles sure don't look very powerful in the little snapshot photo. I actually like the ladies in their 1940's work outfits though. Even those look glamorous. But I guess if you are tall and thin (not me)) anything looks good on you. (smile)
I am also linking up to AEDM, day 17!
Happy start to your weekend.
And thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Oh gosh - that is much snow!
    The photo with the roses looks so cool!

    Those vintage ladies all look very sexy. I wonder who in this world has such a narrow waist except of a wasp?! Lol!
    Such a pretty vintage page and I am with you - her upper arm doesn't look very powerful at all.

    Happy weekend dear Erika!
    Hugs, Susi

  2. another beautiful journaling page, erika! awesome clothes of the models (which would not fit me either;)).
    i hope winter keeps away for a few days - but already it is shivering cold...

  3. Your snow is gorgeous! I love seeing that blanket of snow over the landscape :)

    Those tiny waists! These styles weren't meant for my square frame ;) But I have better biceps than she does lol

  4. Love your beautiful and happy retro page, very stylish. Great photos, too, it looks cold and Christmas like. Stay warm, hugs, Valerie

  5. You got some beautiful shots of your yard. We got 8 inches of snow, but then rain that turned the fluffy snow into concrete that was heavy to shovel and kept clogging the snowblower chute. I'm glad your puppers enjoyed the snow because I'm not thrilled it started snowing this early in the season. Btw, did you know the song Over the River and Through the Woods was actually written for Thanksgiving? Even if the song has the horse know the way to carry the sleigh, snow at this time is too early for me.

    I like your vintage page and modern homage to Rosie the Riveter. Thos e models sure make those overalls look good. I like the polka dot background, too which gives a real 1940s feel.

    Enjoy the sunshine today more snow coming before the weekend is out.

  6. Lovely snowy photos Erika, even the rose looks so pretty.
    Its a fantastic journal page again, your sewing book must be a great book to use for these pages. Models do seem to be tall and thin, I do think it would be better if ordinary sized folk could be used to promote the fashions.
    Yvonne xx

  7. another super modern page,yes woman has power,and she looks so cool with her hairdress and the suitcase,she can coming to me ans repair my washmachine *LOL*
    oh my,is very cold and frosty to you,the roses looks so beautiful with the frosty water,i loving snow,but no match.
    iam hope we becoming snow at the christmastime.
    wishing you a nice weekend,dear erika,have fun with the new theme this month.

    hugs jenny

  8. Oh my gosh, so much snow already.... those icicles look amazing, fab photos altogether! And a super retro page too, yay for girl power... :o)

    Hope a bit of warmer weather will come your way soon, - happy Sunday!

  9. Hi Erika, I LLLLLLLLLLLOVE your beautiful photos with snow. In Greece the temperature is about 20 Celsium degrees! And what a great page you made! Thank you so much for sharing the supplies, it is very inspiring. Soon I am going to make mixed media pages too. Hugs, my friend.

  10. LOVE this, Erika. Great page, full of fun. I can't remember the last time I wore make up to decorate or to do a job, though, lol. Can you imagine? Love the playful dots.

    You really do have snow! Wow! It's suddenly gone cold here - Eastern winds so a big change - but no forecast of snow, although it was frosty early this morning. I don't think you'll be raking leaves in that ;-)

    Cath x

  11. I love the perspective you created in the collage and the background you created is so perfect for a fashion piece. Women in work clothes in 1940's - such a big step. Love the girls you included in your piece and most of all the quotation.


  12. Your pictures are so pretty especially the one with the roses and icicles. I like your journal page with the bright colour of pink and the model who is really trying to look like Rosie the Riveter but her “muscles” are just not there:)

  13. Oh my goodness! Snow in November! It looks very pretty, but I hope you're keeping warm.
    I love your modern lady, flexing her muscles!
    Alison xx

  14. Icy roses. That's just the most fabulous photo. Beautiful in every way.

  15. Fresh snow is so pretty - from a distance. Great vintage look page of very fashionable Rosie the Riveters. Eileen xoxo

  16. I thought I had left a comment on this post. I guess not, though. You got LOTS of snow and I was impressed with the way the dogs made trails around the back yard. Sorry the beautiful roses are all gone for the year.

    Your Rosie the Riveter wanna be doesn't have Rosie's arm, but she sure dresses with grace and panache. If I were that tall, I would be happy, but at 4'11", I'll never look like those gorgeous models. You picked a great entry for Art Journal Journey, too.


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