Thursday, November 8, 2018

Puppy Love

Hi everyone. I'm back with another page for Art Journal Journey and the latest Vintage or Modern theme.
Today my page began with this vintage photo of this pup I found in a magazine.
My question is, do dogs who let you dress them up and paint their nails really exist? Not that I would want to do that, but I've had several dogs during my life and I have never had one that would sit for more than about 10 seconds with a hat on. 
This dog is a great vintage photo though. The blue knitted outfit is something else.
My background paper is one of those old fashion bubble test answer sheets that I changed a bit by using a stencil and some molding paste.  Then I created some dog biscuits from a piece of cardboard. I must say I was quite pleased how they came out because even though they may not look exactly like a real dog biscuit, they do have a nice 3D effect and the color is pretty close.
I took my title from an old 1950's song which I think was from Paul Anka. 
 I'm also linking up to Leah's challenge at 
Art Everyday Month.
Yesterday ended up being a gorgeous day in New Hampshire. I wish I could have stayed home and worked in the yard and soaked up some sun. I have just a few leaves to rake.

Hopefully this weekend the weather will cooperate for a change. Today is suppose to be nice but more rain is due in tomorrow. And the long range forecast is a little scary- we could get some snow early next week.
It can't be that time of year already, can it? (smile).
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wonderful page. I used to have a neighbour who had matching, mini outfits made for her poodle so they were always dressed like twins, just crazy but fun to see! Have a great day, the sun is still shining here. Hugs, Valerie

  2. oh, i remember these poodles in these fancy clothes in old magazines. and i do not think they had great fun being dressed like this. at least not the hat!!
    you made an awesome journaling page though! xox

  3. Cute page. Maybe it's just little dogs you can dress up. My brother used to have a chihuahua that he dressed up for Halloween. Ink would not stand for any of that. Your yard looks so peaceful. I heard maybe snow for the storm coming on Tuesday? Sad face. The only good thing about the snow is you wouldn't have to rake your leaves. Have a good day.

  4. Beautiful fall images and love your cute pup!

  5. Too cute! I remember how popular poodles were as I was a kid. But I didn't like them because I got to know them as a little bit sneaky--lol.
    All kinds of things can be done with our boy. I am sure I could dress him with all I want and could even paint his nails. He is such a good boy. But the girl is the opposite. Once I wanted her to wear a dogcoat as it was so cold and she had problems with the bladder but she refused to do a single step outside with the coat....she was embarrassed!

    You gave this puppy the most beautiful painted dog biscuits!
    and the background is lovely as well and fits so pretty!
    Your garden looks lovely autumnal!
    Hope you get a nice weekend to do all the work.
    I would need some nicer days as well to dig out the dahlia bulbs - that's the last thing which is needed, then I should have done everything!

    Happy Art Journal Journey and AEDM!

    Big hugs, Susi

  6. I do love your woodland views :) And the Autumn colors are such a highlight of the year.

    A freeze is predicted here for this week-end, and I'm trying to get my plants and finches situated inside before then. Brrrr! But no snow predicted for here, of course. I hope you get just the amount of snow you want ;)

  7. Its a lovely page Erika, but I have to feel a bit sorry for the dog. Maybe he was used to being dressed up. My dogs ,like yours would never have been happy looking as 'cut' as the one on your fantastic page.
    Super photos of the falling leaves, I hope you have a fine weather weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  8. This little dog is so cute Erika !! Love him/her. My dog doesn´t like to be dressed at all, we have bought him several beautiful and warm clothes, but he sits down and doesn ´´ t move, lol... so we had to take the clothes off :). Love your page, it´s a wonderful background, and I love the lovely bones!!
    Your yard is so beautiful with these autumn colours.
    I wish you a very nice Friday, big hugs, Caty

  9. Super cute (but in my opinion a bit sad) picture of a dog.... I think it totally depends on the breed and poodles are the ones that most often seem to take on the role of substitute kids... Perfect page for the vintage side of the challenge though.

    Your yard looks beautiful in its autumnal glory! Hope the weekend will bring you lots of sunshine before more wintery weather arrives and have fun with those leaves....

  10. I would have been by earlier, but I've been offline due to my internet and telephone being down. My friend Scott got my internet going again, but not my phone.

    I would NEVER have a small dog. They are too temperamental, I fear. i know some people like to dress their dogs up, but I can't see either of yours wearing a hat or getting their toes painted. I saw a Christmas ad where this large dog had booties on its feet. It didn't look too happy, either! I LOVE your puppy love dog, though. That is a great background, too. I have a few of those old bubble test sheets, too, but I have NO idea what I did with them. Maybe they got thrown out when I had the flood.

    Your doggie biscuits are fabulous. I LOVE them. You did a great job. So glad you shared this with for Art Journal Journey. You are a great host and make great art, too!

  11. Cute page erika, and great autumn photos from your garden

  12. You may be getting the snow predicted for Michigan today and tomorrow. Oops. Just looked out the window -- make that RIGHT NOW and more tomorrow. SO not ready!

  13. It looks beautiful... lovely garden (yard) and not many leaves to rake..., lol.

    I used to dress my dog in a Christmas hat for Christmas card photos - he was very gentle, though. He wasn't happy but he tolerated me... I do remember the kids (boys) dressing him in their football (soccer) kit one time - bless him!

    That photo is a great find... it looks great.

    Cath x

  14. A couple of classic fall scenes there. It has been rainy and miserable here today, with a hint of snow here and there, a portent of things to come I am sure.

  15. FABULOUS page, Erika!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. He's just too cute - the expression on his face! Hope you get your leaf-raking done - though I prefer shushling through the leaves myself.
    Alison x


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