Friday, November 9, 2018

Some Art

Hi there. Friday is here and it is almost the weekend. A long one for me as it is Veterans Day (Armistice Day) holiday weekend. I just read that it has been 100 years since the first world war ended. If I remembered my history better I would have known that.
   Today I have a tag and a journal page to share with you.
I am linking it up to Tag Tuesday and their newest challenge which is Poppies.
I  drew and colored these with a couple of different red markers. Then I added a bit of black paint and some red Stickles glitter glue.
This is a great challenge for this time of year.
And I guess this page can be described as vintage modern. I began with the triangular background which was a page in my calendar journal. I did a bit of coloring, and then added a few of these "ancient" rusty stickers. These stickers are something I bought probably close to 20  years ago, and I liked them so much that I have 3 sheets of them, although by this point none of the sheets are complete. I wish they still made stickers like this.
Then I added the TH found relative and the quote, as well as doing a bit of doodling in the circles.
I am linking this page up to my Vintage or Modern challenge over at Art Journal Journey.
Big thanks to those of you who have joined in. It is much appreciated.
And before I forget, I am linking up to AEDM and it is Day 9 also.
The sun is suppose to disappear here today and more rain is due later in the day. And then, the cold arrives. Oh boy. 
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.


  1. You have made me very happy with your beautiful tag for Wendy's theme, thanks so much for joining us again at Tag Tuesday, much appreciated. Love the journal page and the quote is sooooooooooooo right. I love just doing what I enjoy and planning each day just as I like- Being a pensioner has a lot of advantages! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. The tag is precious and I like your vintage /modern page very much ! A fantastic quote added to it as well!
    Hope it will not get too cold at your place on the planet!
    Big hugs,

    Happy Art Journal Journey and happy AEDM Erika!

    I will have a busy weekend with celebrating two birthdays and a big fleamarket tomorrow - thanks good it is indoors - since our weather isn't very cozy now as well. But not very cold... we will see!

    Hugs, Susi

  3. You remind me to get out my poppies. 11/11 -- it's also Corduroy Day... Have a good long weekend!

  4. Such a pretty tag to commemorate the end of the Great War. We remember, but we don't learn. Deep sigh. Fun journal page. The colored circles remind me of all kinds of delicious pies. I haven't had breakfast yet :-D Enjoy the sunshine while you can. Try to stay warm and dry.

  5. you created an awesome poppy tag... normally veterans day is not a special holiday here, but this year (as of the 100-year-celebration) some events are coming up also. there will be a big installation in munich (artificial poppies filling a big place) and i hope to see something of it when i go there next thursday.
    haha, buy it three times to have enough... could be me!!!

  6. great art dear, and thanks for commenting on my blog

  7. It snowed here last night, although it didn't stick like it did in western KS, where there were reports of over 5" of snow.

    I am SO impressed with your poppies. You draw and paint so well. I would never have realized you drew these by hand until you told us. They are fabulous. Gosh, Erika, I'm surprised. There have been all kinds of shows on tv about WWI, which will lead up to Sunday. Glad you get an extra day off, too.

    Those are stickers? I thought you drew them. This is a fabulous vintage modern entry, and I love it when lines like that can be crossed. Thanks for hosting AJJ this month and thanks for sharing such fabulous art, too.

  8. Your tag is fab - love those poppies :-)

    Love the quote and the image on your journal page, too. He, he - so true!!

    See you tomorrow :-)

    Cath x

  9. Beautiful memorial tag, Erika. I love poppies! Kisses, my friend.

  10. Its a beautiful poppy tag Erika a wonderful tribute for Remembrance day.
    Your page looks fantastic and the stickers looked really interesting and its a super quote as well.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Great tag Erika, and perfect of course for this time of year. Love your poppies! The journal page looks fun too, a great combo of vintage and modern!
    Happy long weekend!

  12. A very pretty hand painted poppy tag Erika. This time of year I find myself contemplating over the past, present and future more and more.
    Those rusty stickers introduced into your Journal page is a clever little addition.
    Creative wishes for a wonderful weekend Tracey xx

  13. Lovely thoughtful poppies, and I adore the words on your journalling page, as well as those graphic triangles and fabulous badges/brooches at the intersections.
    Alison x

  14. wonderful poppie tag,and beautiful page,love the boy and the key,lovely backround too,love this a lot.
    happy weekend,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  15. Gorgeous poppy tag for our theme on Tag Tuesday, thank you for joining us.

  16. Woww Erika, Wonderful Tag yours !!! I love the background and the beautiful poppies. The quote is super, we need to remember and learn about the wars, our story. Your Art page is just amazing, I love these stickers. Great !!
    i wish you a very nice Sunday, big hugs, Caty

  17. Love poppies in every form. Loved to see them :)

  18. Wonderful artwork. I especially like the tag.

  19. Lovely poppy tag, Erika, so appropriate here today where there is lots going on about the 100-year Remembrance.
    I rather like your patterned circles, that must have been fun to do, and the term "found relatives" always makes me smile. This boy looks as if he might be staying for quite a while.

  20. Your poopies colored with different red markers are very beautiful!
    This is an interesting background for your rusty stickers and the vintage picture! The quote is super!

  21. Your tag is beautiful!!! Love the journal page too!


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