Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Remembering Autumn

Good morning everyone.  This morning it is NOT snowing here, which is quite exciting. Yesterday we had quite a bit of new snow. 

You must be quite sick of my snow stories lately.  I sure am. I even ended up calling in and staying home from  work yesterday as we had over 6 inches of wet snow and at the coast where I work it was just rain. I thought the driving for a good part of my drive sounded like it was dicey. 
There's been so many of these crazy storms lately.

So I am going back in time to fall with today's art. I began with a Gelli printed background. I die cut some Gelli printed papers into leaves, which I then randomly attached to the page. I outlined them with  a Stabilo pencil. I die cut the birds, painted them all brown, and used some black marker and white pen to finish them off. After attaching them I used a Stabilo pencil to outline them. Finally I stamped the quote.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. Just a few more days for the Vintage or Modern theme. And I am also linking up to AEDM, just a couple of days left. It is hard to believe this month is almost over.
That's all for me today. Thanks so much for visiting. 


  1. Your snow photos is gorgeous, but I can very much understand you not wanting to drive through it! Lovely page with the autumn leaves, too. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  2. when i see your snow photos and read about it, i have no reason to complain. much less here, but muddy stuff.
    i gladly follow you to the memories of this beautiful autumn we had... awesome page! xox

  3. I will never tire of looking at beautiful snow scenes like this one. Walking or driving in it is a different story and I fully understand your staying at home yesterday.
    Love your autumnal piece with the birds and the leaves, the Stabilo pencil (great pencils) gives your journal page just that added dimension. Great Gelli prints to start off with and the pen work on the birds is lovely.
    Thanks for a great topic - wish I had joined in from the start.
    Hugs, Neet x

  4. Too early for snow! We got rain, and more rain. Enough of the rain, too. Glad you were able to call in so you didn't have to drive through that mess. I'd much rather see the brilliant colors on your page and the sweet little sparrows than your snow picture. Though I don't know which is worse shoveling snow or raking leaves. =^,.^= Stay safe.

  5. I so enjoy your page today dear Erika!
    I love it. I have to feed my birds here with lots of birdfood now.
    Our snow was just local - a few miles away was no snow. Today we had some sun and a big part of the snow melted, but still enough for my taste!
    I love your wintery landscape but can imagine how bad for drivers! Gosh!

    I have to say it once again - the lovely Elizabeth mentioned it today on her blog but I didn't mention one word on my blog - shame on me..

    I am so proud you hosted and you were simply fantastic!
    I will send you an email soon to explain my absence!
    Thank you so much for all your wonderful inspirations!
    Big hugs, Susi

  6. Wow! You have had a lot of snow, Erika. I can't believe it when it's still Autumn.. What on earth will it be like in Winter? I don't blame you for ringing in work.

    Your page is very bright and natureish… new word, lol. All the birders complain about OBJs but I love those little, brown things... they are always so joyful! Great way to use up gelli prints and I love the leaf shapes.

    Stay warm and cosy. I can't believe it's almost the end of November, either!

    Cath x

  7. Oh no, I can never have enough of snow stories, I love snow, I wish we had it more often. Of course if I had to drive, like you, then that would be a very different story. You certainly made the most of your snow day off with this lovely colourful leaf "painting". Nice use of gelli papers too.

  8. That snow is lovely! -from here, anyway ;) My son says, "Yes, please."

  9. I am fascinated by all of you who do these collage pages regularly. I do them randomly when I have nothing else in mind but mine never turn out as well (I have no die cuts and I always forget to outline I think that makes a real difference. Nice work!

  10. A lovely snowy photo, but driving in those conditions sounded awful, it was good that you could stay home.
    Your journal page was fantastic, the gelli print background looks great adding the birds was a super cheering addition, your page really lifted my spirits today.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I thought I was here earlier, but can't tell, so to be on the safe side, I'll leave another message. I never get tired of your snow photos. They are so much prettier than the ones I took.

    This is a great journal page, Erika. The birds are so cute and the leaves are impressive. I'm really taken by the lovely background and I'm totally impressed with this latest entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey. You are a fabulous host and Susi and I both appreciate you and your art.

  12. lovely page,love the birds and red and green leaves,remind me a little bit of christmas,love this.
    oh my,you had a cold weather and snow,i love this landscape images,here we had too cold weather,the snow come to use slowly.
    sorry that i come not every day to you,my healhty its a big problem i moment.
    i hope that go better soon.
    wishing you a nice weekend,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  13. Well the snow may not be your favourite but it sure make for great photos, - it just looks beautiful! Nothing but grey skies and rain here....

    Love that page today with it's autumnal colours and super use of those gel prints! The birds are so cleverly coloured! And the penwork makes it all pop!

  14. I love your Soar piece! Gorgeous colors and layering. And you are living in a winter wonderful! Beautiful but if you are as cold as we are, you are bundling up!

  15. Seems like snow and New Hampshire go together.

  16. The snow does look lovely but I think you were wise not to drive in it! I love this page - the birds are beautiful against those leaves! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Wowwww This photographs is amazing Erika !! ohhhhh I would like to lay on the snoww !! incredible !
    Love your so gorgeous Art page !! It´s really wonderful ! the background is fabulous, as the leaves and the little birds!! Fantastique Art !
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty
    (ahh, please send me some snow ! :) ♫ ♪


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