Monday, November 26, 2018

T Stands for Christmas Tress, Pizza and Beer

Happy Tuesday my T day friends-and to anyone else stopping by also. Time to share our drink and other related photos over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog
 Today for T we're going go chop a Christmas tree!
Last Saturday my daughter and her beau came to visit for the weekend. (They live on the other side of New Hampshire about 2 hours away.) It was a gorgeous winter day and  we decided it was a  good time to go get our Christmas tree. My daughter loves to be a part of the process and the weather was cooperating, so off we went to the Christmas tree farm located on the other side of my town. I like to support local businesses when I can, and since my town is very rural, one of our few local businesses is Evergreen Ridge Christmas Tree Farm.

 We had to walk to the back of the farm to get to the trees tall enough.
 But it was a pretty walk.
 And we found a good one that everybody liked. 

 The guys got to do their manly thing and chop down the tree. We didn't argue when they dragged the tree out.

 It was crowded at the tree farm. I guess lots of people had the same idea.  We had to actually wait in line at the wrapper.

It's a lot easier to handle the tree once  it's wrapped.
Of course all this fresh air made us hungry! 
We decided pizza and beer would taste good and give us enough energy to put up the tree.

So after filling our stomachs we headed home. And then we all put up the tree.

 The guys decided they wanted to put on the lights and we girls could put on the ornaments. 
 Maddie was waiting for the ornaments too. She wanted to help, only she forgot we are not taking them off the tree yet.
The results came out perfect!

And I even have some art today.
This is my page for Art Journal Journey today and the latest Vintage or Modern challenge.
I am also linking up to AEDM.

Stop by and join us for T! And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Hi I loved your post-and brought back fond memories-growing up we always went to tree farm to cut down the tree-Dan and my brother always got the lights on first too-what a fun day you all had-thanks for sharing
    Loved your journal page too-hugs Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. Your tree cutting adventure is beautiful in pictures! What a stunning day you had. I love the tree cutting experience but it has become so expensive to cut a tree down. The last time we cut our tree down was 5 years ago and we paid $60. It is cheaper to go and buy one that someone else cuts down but then of course it is not as fun. That is wonderful that you were able to make it a family event with your daughter and her boyfriend.
    Your tree looks fabulous with all its colorful lights.
    And I love your journal page! I would love a vintage tea cup but it is just not practical. I have to go modern as I like more than just a few sips of tea, not to mention that it keeps the tea hot for longer.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. How fun to go chop down your tree. We did that once when the girlies were little. It cost more to do the work ourselves than to buy one off a lot :-D You guys picked out a really, nice looking tree. And it looks so pretty with all the decorations. Is that a Dalek in the middle of the tree? :-D Dec-or-ate! Dec-or-ate! Happy T Day

  4. I am in Love with your Christmas tree and your amazing page Erika! I can see how much fun you all have! Happy T-Day! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your fantastic hosting this past month! Hugs,Susi

  5. I always love going to the tree farm with you. It's a fun adventure and it looks like you chose a perfect one. Seems everyone is decorating for Christmas earlier this year because Thanksgiving came so early.

    Your pizza looked good, and your beer looked like it might be stout, which I would actually drink. You are really making me hungry.

    That was a very clever take on both vintage and modern for your journal page, Erika. I think it just goes to show how much our drinking mediums have changed over the years. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, dear. You are truly the hostess with the mostess!

  6. Oh how fun to go and cut your own tree, and in the snow!!! Some real Christmas magic there! You chose a beauty and great photos of this fun trip too!!
    Fun art page, love the newspaper background. I am a coffee drinker really and my cup is usually a run of the mill ordinary cup, neither vintage nor particularly modern...
    Have a good week!

  7. You really had a perfect, family outing - choosing and chopping down a tree, bringing it home and decorating it - just perfect. And good food and drink as well, wonderful! Your journal page is fantastic too and just right for today. Great post, hugs, Valerie

  8. looks like a perfect tree-searching day to me! happy faces, and nice to see the tree lit up!
    and vintage cups for me, please! i´m totally avoiding the "to-go" stuff, so harmful for the environment. happy t-day:)

  9. Love the journal page you made.

    Such a great idea to make cutting a tree a family occasion and then beer and pizza afterwards sounds like a great day out.

    Nice to see it trimmed and ready as well

    Have a very happy T Day Erika

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Oh my. what a lovely family day out you had to collect your Christmas tree. The photos all looked lovely and the snow gave a festive covering to make the day special for you all. The pizza meal looked delicious.
    The tree looks so pretty in your home with the lights and decorations.
    I love your fabulous journal page and would be happy to have tea in any container as long as it would be hot and strong with just a small splash of milk.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  11. How awesome to be able to go choose your own Christmas tree! Fantastic. Not so sure I'd be braving that snow, but there again, if you're dressed for it, there's nothing nicer than the stillness it brings. Just the thought of it makes me shiver just now, though...

    Love all your photos and seeing what you went through to get that lovely tree. Your artwork is fab - suitably modern art. I especially love the shape of the cup and saucer and you've used one of my favourite green/teal colours! Wonderful.

    Cath x

  12. What a fabulous post! This has really got me in a festive mood, I'm looking forward to putting up my decorations this weekend 😁. It must be so much fun going to the Christmas tree farm and what a gorgeous tree you chose - so beautiful! I'll have my tea in a vintage cup please πŸ˜‰. Sending you happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  13. Hi Erika - what a fabulous day out you had and what a lovely ending. I have seen photos of my friend and her family in Germany doing just this and it looks such fun. Very Christmassy with the snow.
    Hugs, Neet
    ps I came to your blog to say that I cannot post my entry on Art Journal Journey - have tried several times but it will not accept it at 127. Any idea why?

  14. good to see, from the farm to the drawing room.
    That wrapping machine looks cool.

  15. We haven't done that in a long time but it looks such fun. And also like it was a perfect day to do it -- don't you love it when timing and weather seem to cooperate? Your snow is lovely! (So is ours but I still don't like it!)

  16. What fun to see people cutting their own Christmas trees, Erika. It looked like a beautiful day. Gorgeous sky and nice clean snow. Like a picture postcard. Beer and pizza sound perfect after the exercise in bracing cold weather.

    The tree looks so pretty all lit up. We hope to put ours up today .. after I finish my T-visits.

    Very clever pages for AEDM.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xoxo

  17. What a great idea to go get your own tree. And it was the perfect day for it too. So beautiful with all that snow. You can dress for this sort of weather. Just wrap up and enjoy!
    I was just wondering how you got that tree in your car with four people in it too. Do you have a rack on the top?
    The lights are spectacular and I’m sure your decorations will just finish it all off.
    As for the cup, I would prefer a mug any time. Cups are beautiful to look at but way too small and you can’t put your hands around it to warm you up etc.
    Happy T Day,

  18. We have never cut our own tree, and it looks like great fun! But Brrrrr! Y'all picked a winner! The pizza and beer look delicious :) Happy T Tuesday

  19. What a fabulous outing you had! And you got a great tree, and it looks wonderful decorated, too. Thanks for sharing! I would love to go get a tree like that. That is something I have never done, just bought them in the city.
    Happy Tea Day!

  20. It certainly was a perfect winter’s day for this kind of activity. I notice the knife and fork with the pizza. We have this eternal debate about whether it should be eaten with a knife and fork or not. We opt for the no utensils option. It matters not one iota, of course. You can eat with a spoon if you prefer.

  21. Looks like it was a good day to go tree hunting. :) We went to a tree farm ONCE when the kids were young. We picked a day out ahead of time and it was frigid when the day came. My ex was adamant that we went anyway because he had schedule his week around that day...he was always a jerk. Needless to say it was a miserable time and we never went again.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Happy T Day!

  22. I have never been to a Christmas tree farm... Wow... Im sure it was so special... Love your little tree too.

  23. How fabulous to pick your own tree - and how lovely it looks! Pizza and beer sounds like a good idea after such a strenuous activity!!Belated Happy T day!, Chrisx

  24. I will try again, third time, to leave a comment. I was here Wednesday night, and Tuesday, now Wednesday. Don't know why it won't take. I checked back to see if it would be approved. I would love to go get a tree like this!


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