Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Retro Robot

Hi everyone. It's been a VERY chilly day here in New Hampshire. I had to pull out my heavy winter coat. But even more than this cold we are watching a big storm coming up the coast that is supposed to bring some snow my way-maybe even as much as 10 inches by Friday evening. Holy cow!
I have another page for Art Journal Journey today. The challenge is vintage or modern, and when I started this page I was thinking modern. But having used some metallic paints as well as the metallic paper gears, I decided this page looked more retro than modern.
I do like how the word vintage can mean so many different things. I am really impressed with all the different takes on this challenge I have seen over at AJJ. And all the talent too!
I am also linking up to AEDM for day 14.
Happy Wednesday and thanks so much for visiting me.


  1. What a fun page, love that quote, so true! It's mild and sunny here, and they are busy putting up the booths for the Christmas market, it doesn't really seem real! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I love all the gears and the windup robot. I can see them turning and him marching off to whatever task has been assigned. Like shoveling snow! Last I heard it was 1-3 inches.

  3. I also love the quote, and the wind up guy must be the strange one! I always love anything that reminds me of steam punk, and this does do that, so to think of it as retro fits. Very cool!

  4. what a variety of gear elements you have! well, i think this is vintage as well as modern (think of the recent steampunk hype)...
    oh no, not snow yet... i´m not ready for that...

  5. Memphis is all excited about the chance of an inch of snow. We don't know how to act lol. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of the snow you'll get :)

    I got a kick out of your quote.

  6. Woooww gorgeous Art page Erika !! Love love it,the colours are fabulous, the details too, and the quote is super!! :) we are wonderful!!
    The weather here is hot, around 22ΒΊ C today, but..... the weatherman said yesterday it will rain tomorrow.... lets see...
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  7. This is such a fun page! And this super funny quote!

    Oh gosh Erika- so much snow sounds much to soon... NO!!!
    I can imagine that you rather would rest on the sofa than driving to work and back ..... brrrr!
    Hope they fail with their forcasts!

    Busy girl and how well prepaired with pages. You rock! You are the master hostess!!!
    I can tell you that I can't find any art time just now as well - it's unbelievable that a homestaying woman is so busy. And another highlight for next week as a blogging friend visits Vienna and I will spend a day with her there.

    I am happy that your theme is so popular again , so hopefully it doesn't count too much that I am so lazy with my pages.

    Big hugs and fingers crossed for your weather.
    Here it was sunny again today. And quite nice temperature always.
    But for next week there
    are degrees under zero forecasted!
    Not what I wish for!


  8. Love the journal page and that funny quote! We are apparently in for a mild spell before the cold rolls in! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. I love the quote you added to your page Erika as well as the rusty look and all the details.
    Stay safe when the snow comes to your area.
    Yvonne xx

  10. GORGEOUS page!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kisses, my friend.

  11. I think this defines retro. It's adorable, Erika. You must be talking about you and me, dear. You are wonderful, so that must mean I'm

    thankful you are our host at AJJ this month. Thanks for being such a good one, too.

  12. Forgot to mention, in addition to no electricity, we got a bit over 2 inches of snow. They predicted a trace.

  13. A super page Erika! I love your little robot!
    Stay safe and warm.
    Alison xx

  14. Your imagination know no bounds Erika.... Another fun and funky page!

    Stay warm and cosy! I was in London for a couple of days and it was warm enough to have lunch outside, - climate is going crazy for sure... of but wait, - it's just a hoax....

  15. Love the robot! It's super fun. I'm so not ready for winter.

  16. Such a fun page! I love your retro robot and the way he is marching with purpose across the page πŸ˜‰. The quote you used made me smile too - I love it! Let's hope that they got the weather forecast wrong, wow with 10 inches of snow I think it's time to hibernate πŸ˜€. Happy and creative wishes! J 😊 x

  17. Great - an funny -page, Erika! Eileen xoxo


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