Monday, November 12, 2018

T Stands for the Wrong Margarita?

Happy T Day folks. Tuesday has arrived and it's back to work for me. I had a wonderful 3 day weekend, and even better is that the end of next week is Thanksgiving and I get another one then too. (grin). Plus I get to eat one of my favorite meals then too.
Today we share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
The other night my husband and I went out for dinner with a good friend from our college days and his wife (who he met after our college days). Our friend was such a good friend that he was best man at our wedding, and my husband was part of his. And then as often happens, we lost track of each other. But the good news is we reconnected a few years ago and we all get on well so it is always fun when we get together. 
Our friend's wife ordered a jalapeno juice margarita and I was boring and ordered a plain margarita. 
They looked the same when the waitress brought them out and somehow  she swapped them on the table. By the time we realized her mistake, I had had a few sips and my tongue was tingling.It actually wasn't bad, and required me to take tiny sips, so the one drink lasted me all evening.
And one thing I did this past weekend was bake some bread.
 These are my loaves. It's a sourdough pumpkin bread with a cinnamon swirl. I started a sour dough last summer and now that I have gotten proficient at pizza dough I am moving on to bread. This one is my best by far.
And my rt for the day is this piece I made with  tea theme. It is another take on modern styled vintage.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey which I am hosting this month. The theme is Vintage or Modern.
And I am also linking up to AEDM for day 13.
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. How grand to have a reconnect with special people from our lives. My hubby would NOT have accepted that hot margarita:) And mmm... home baked bread is just so good when autumn and winter arrive.
    Beautiful looking page for your AJJ theme too- I love the soft green and pink combo! Happy T day!

  2. Love your journal page, so pretty! But the star for me today is that bread, it looks so delicious, I would love a slice right now with my morning coffee! Glad you had a great weekend and have another one to look forward to! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Catching up with old friends is always fun! I am super impressed with your bread!!! I had some Honey Salt bread (not using any yeast) when I was down under and it was amazing. I keep meaning to give it a try (you need to make a kind of sour dough starter), anyway, yours looks so yummy with the cinnamon swirl inside.

    Your page is lovely too, great idea to give it a tea theme on a Tuesday :o)

  4. Beautiful artwork and amazing bread. You are very talented.

    The drink sounded very hot and I bet your friends wife thought hers was a bit tame,

    Have a very happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Oh Erika you were brave sipping that drink, it sounds quite a mix in the flavours for the style of drink you thought you had ordered.
    Your bread looks yummy especially the cinnamon swirl.
    I love your journal page that is a super stamp quote you used.
    happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  6. isn´t it nice to reconnect with friends from past days? sounds like a good evening out - and the photo of the margarita is awesome!
    and that bread!! my mouth is watering, actually drooling... i wish i could have a piece right now!!
    and yes... tea warms the soul, good quote... happy t-day!

  7. Always fun to meet up with good friends! The drink sounds very spicy! And I am in LOVE with your sourdough pumpkin bread! WOW! This looks fantastic!
    And the best at the end is this so lovely created page so detailed and so pretty! Your post just makes me happy!

    Have a great T-Day and thank you for being such an inspiring host this November dear Erika! You are simply the best!

    Big hugs, Susi

  8. I'm pleased you had such a good weekend. I had to smile at the margharita story. I have never had a margharita so I have no idea what it will taste like. But the idea of Jalapeños in a drink appeals to me as I love hot stuff. On the photo your glass seems to be full of green things. I at first thought it was the green peppers, but looking again, I think it is the ice (I do remember Americans put ice in everything, even in winter, and in spite of the fact that everybody has a big fridge).(sorry, me silly foreigner)
    I am super impressed by your sourdough bread. I have often thought of starting a sourdough starter, but we go away so often. Do I take my starter with me? On a flight? I don't think so.
    I love your 'tea page'. So appropriate for today. Especially the back ground of green leaves. How did you do that?
    Wishing you a happy T-Day and a lovely Thanksgiving festival.

  9. Your bread looks glorious! Look at that SWIRL!

    Love the pinks and greens of your piece. It's white outside today. I need that!

  10. Wow, I think I'd be drinking that margarita slowly too 😉. Glad you had fun with your friends and it looks like you had fun baking the bread too! It looks so delicious - yum! I'm loving your page too, you married modern and vintage together beautifully 😁. Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  11. Your bread looks amazing! I'll pass the margarita as I'm not crazy about tequila. I think I'd rather have a cup of tea with a slice or two of your pumpkin bread while looking at your pretty tea page. Have a good week and Happy T Day

  12. Oh my I love margaritas but don't think I would be happy with a spicy one like that--Your bread is beautiful!! looks so delicious too. Glad you are enjoying your sourdough baking.
    and I love your journal page too Happy T Hugs Kathy

  13. WWooww your pumpkin breads looks delicious Erika !! Yummy! Perhaps you make them in a bread mixer? The taste may be fantastic. ayyy this margarita :)
    Your Art page is wonderful, I love the so gorgeous background, and all the lovely details you added, lovely quote !
    I wish you a very nice day, big hugs, Caty

  14. A jalapeno juice margarita sounds absolutely horrible to me, Erika. I'm surprised you could even drink it all.

    On the other hand, your sourdough pumpkin cinnamon bread makes my mouth water. They look delicious!

    Lovely page and quote about tea, good friend ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. Reconnecting with old friends is easier these days with social media options being what they are. It was easier to lose track of folks back in the day, I think. That bread is perfection! I am always surprised when bread loaves turn out well for me lol Happy T Tuesday!

  16. That pumpkin bread looks delicious Erika and in time for the upcoming holiday (if it lasts that long). I would skip the jalapeno Margarita myself.

  17. Your page is really awesome, Erika. Beautiful mix of vintage and modern. Hugs, my friend.

  18. A very nice journal page, certainly fitting for the challenge as well as out Tea Tuesday get together. Your loaves of bread are very attractive. You can do a lot of different things with sourdough can't you?

  19. I love your tea themed journal page. Perfect for Tea Day. And your Bread looks AMAZING. Looks just like something one would find at a bakery. I love baking but then I am tempted to eat it.
    Happy Tea Day,

  20. Apologies for not visiting lately Erika! Your page looks wonderful, I hope to join your challenge this week. Lovely bread too!
    Best wishes, Alison xx

  21. I don't think I would have enjoyed that drink at all! As for the bread it looks delicious - Hubby is our bread maker since he retired - although he doesn't do it so often at the moment (we aren't saying still for long enough!!!) I love your journal page! Belated happy T Day! Chrisx

  22. I’ve been without electricity for over a day. It has been frigid cold here and my fingers are still not warm. I would have been by sooner, but wanted to get something together for AEDM.

    What can I say? I wouldn't know what a margarita tasted like since I've never had one. Don't even know the kind of booze you put in them, even though I have margarita glasses and salt (don't ask!).

    Cinnamon sourdough bread I WOULD know. And now I am SO hungry for some.It looks beautiful, and I bet it even tasted good, too. Thanks for sharing it and your "drink" with us for T this week.

    Your latest AJJ entry is wonderful. So romantic, too I love the stamped sentiment. Thanks for sharing it and being our host this month at Art Journal Journey.

  23. Your bread looks amazing. Good bread is one of life’s greatest treats.

  24. Hi Erkika, do you have the recipe for your sourdough pumpkin swirl bread? I was thinking of making this for thanksgiving did you find the recipe online? thanks


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