Monday, November 5, 2018

T Stands for No Power

Happy Tuesday everyone. Time for T over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and also today is Election Day here in the US. The kids are off from school in my district today and we have a teacher work day. (Back on primary voting day some of you asked about why the kids were off, and to answer that  it's because New Hampshire has a law that makes it legal to carry concealed weapons on school grounds,where the polls to vote are. Since the school is responsible for student safety, and not knowing who will be entering the building to vote, the district has made the decision to have us to do one of contractual work days and give the kids the day off. )
So this past weekend my husband and I headed off to our college alma mater. We like to follow our college ice hockey team, and my husband had a birthday last week. I got him tickets and booked a hotel room so we could go to the game and have a night away.
I totally forgot to take any photos during the game, which was just as well as our team lost by a score of 0-1. Neither team looked great. Oh well, a game is always better in person and we still had fun. I just hope the team improve as the season goes on.
But the excitement of our weekend was the windstorm that blew through late Saturday afternoon. Around 4:30/16:30 the power went out at the hotel, so we decided to grab an early dinner and went into town.
There was no power in town either, but the only place with generators was where we were headed anyhow.

 Pat's Pizza was about the only pizza place in town back when I was a young co-ed,  and one of the best things about this restaurant is that the only change since those days are some new tvs. It is nice to go back after 30+ years and have something remain the same.
Now I can't say Pat's is a very classy place, but it is a good place for pizza and beer. And it's got history!
 And since they were the only place with some electricity, they were pretty crowded.
We got a table next to a beer sign which was powered on, so we had pretty good light. 
And we had a bowl of popcorn along with our beer while we waited for our pizza.
OK, not my best photo.  I took off my hockey jersey for fear I would spill pizza on it.
  When I got to Pats I always order the same pizza. Just because I can.
 It was all yummy.

I'm also linking up some art to Create Art Every Day.
This is day 6 and I am showing you the calendar from the front of my drawing journal. 
That's all for me. 
Thanks for visiting. And happy T day.


  1. Yikes on that rainstorm! We got it late night Fri and it wreaked havoc on roads including downed trees and major road closures due to flooding. Glad you were able to enjoy hubby's birthday getaway despite it all! and yes, it is so nice to be able to go to a place that has been around for so long and little changed.
    You sure do have a lot of imagery packed in to your calendar squares:)
    Happy T day!

  2. We had heavy downpours and some high winds, but my area didn't lose electricity. Good that you could find a place with electricity to weather the storm. I'll skip the beer, but that pizza looks soo good. Oh, and the popcorn, too. Fun doodles on your calendar page. Happy T Day.

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend, except for the storm. But you still got to visit your fave pizza place, so that was fine. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I actually LIKE your photo. You should wear your hair like that more often. You looked like your daughter in that photo.

    Too bad about your team. I hope they improve as time goes by. I know NOTHING about hockey, but I know how much you love it.

    What a fabulous looking pizza. Even I, a vegetarian think it looks great. SO glad you enjoyed it (and the new tvs, too!) at Pat's.

    Thanks for sharing your adorable calendar, too. You put mine to shame every month with your fabulous drawings. And thanks for taking us to Pat's and sharing your beer and pizza with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. "I always order the same pizza. Just because I can." hahaha, same with me. i will go to the italian restaurant today for lunch with my ex-collegues, and i will order pizza regina (with champignons) as most of the time. sometimes tagliatelle;)
    awesome little sketches in your drawing journal!! happy t-day!

  6. What a wonderful nostalgic trip that must have been, despite your team losing, the storm and no power... Those photos remind me of a time gone by, great to see some things don't change....

    Your calendar page looks amazing again, I am so impressed you manage to do it every day. I had one years ago, but at least 50% of the time forgot to fill it in.

    Hope you have a good work day and stay safe, scary thought to possible have people with hidden arms on the school grounds...

  7. Looks like a fun place to eat when the electricity isn't one. Yummy looking pizza and washed down with beer make it even better.

    Just look all the little gems of artwork on your spread

    Have a very happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. What an adventure! Great photos Erika, pizza looks yummy. I miss it since I gave up flour.
    Have a good day!
    Alison xxx

  9. It looks like you had a good weekend despite the weather, it didn't seem to stop your enjoyment. You picked a super destination for your meal especially with the power situation, it was good to read about how the cafe grew over the years.
    Your Pizza looks delicious.
    The calendar spread looks fantastic, your drawing all look super.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Wise woman to not only find a place with heat but also find one that has food and good memories, too! It looks like a great weekend!

  11. Sorry for your team - but what a great place to have a fab pizza at this old-established place!
    Happy T-Day dear Erika! Your calendar spread is fun to see! An artist's daily life is always interesting !

    Sunny here again. Better than the grey days we had recently!

    Best T-Day wishes!


  12. Sounds like allot of fun even with the game loss and the storm
    Pizza looks yummy Happy T Kathy

  13. Yay - beer and pizza then a Ice Hockey match, who could ask for anything more 😉. That is definitely my type of birthday celebration, I bet you had fun! Cheers and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  14. New Hampshire makes it legal to carry concealed weapons to vote? Wow. We can't carry any weapon into a polling place. I'd have thought our gun laws would've been more permissive than y'alls.

    I love it when an old favorite eating place stays open and has the same atmosphere it always has :) Fond memories. Happy T Tuesday

  15. Looks just like a typical student pub in the UK - they're the BEST kind! Rough, ready and welcoming.

    Looks as if you had a great trip down memory lane.

    Love your calendar - fab work and so much variety. I tried to do one of those but was always behind and had to make it up, lol, so I gave up :-(

    Happy AED!

    Cath x

  16. great journal and photos. thanks for showing

  17. That pizza does look super yummy!!!! Now I'm hungry for pizza too :/
    Thanks for stopping by and hopefully I will be around more often now.

  18. Thats great that you found some place to eat when all the power was off. That pizza looks SO delicious. I am sitting hear wishing I could have a slice or two of yours.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. I am sorry your team lost. But, it is always exciting to see the game in person. Pat's looks like it makes great pizza! Yummy for sure! Happy Tea Day!

  20. Sorry I'm late. Tuesday is my busiest day and I don't get to see my computer until after 10 pm.
    Looks like you had a super weekend in spite of your team losing and the weather causing power failures. And so nice that you could reminisce in a place you are familiar with. The good ol' days.
    I think your pizza looks delish. I'd go for that one.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  21. That was quite a weekend, Erika! bet it will be a special birthday memory for you and your husband. I'm glad there was somewhere you could get something good to eat. The history of Pat's was interesting too - a real American Dream story.

    We had 10 days of no sun, chilly weather and rain. Thankfully no high winds or power outages. Yesterday, the sun finally peeked through. Ahh ...

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  22. Your pizza looks yummy but what interested me most was seeing some good old eastern English names on the location board- I grew up on the outskirts of Lincoln and a nearby village was called Aubourn! Your calendar looks so colourful! A very belated Happy T Day to you! Chrisx


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