Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year my T day friends. Welcome 2019. 
And it is also Tuesday, time for T over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
Thanks so much to our hostess to welcome us each week where we can share our drink related posts.
So let me celebrate the start of the new year with a look back on T during 2018. There were lots weekly good times in this past year.
  Traditional formal T.
 My daily insulated tumbler with T.
 A new T mug.
 And take out T.
 Art time T.
 Wedding T.
 A summer ice cream treat T.
 Japanese vending machine T
 A pitcher before a hockey game T.
 Lower calorie  T
Meeting blog friends T
 On the water T.
 Tokyo, Japan  T.
 The most unusual place to find T.
 The most unusual snack with T
 Breakfast T
 Japanese formal meal T
 Let's party T
 Dessert T
 A fancy summer drink T
Newfoundland T
 Lunch T
 Wedding shower bingo winning T
 Fruit smoothie T
 My birthday T
A million calorie T
The best hot coco T
The meal you can eat all week T
Family get together T
And lastly, Christmas brunch T from last week.
Our Christmas dinner is always smaller than our holiday brunch.
 Prosecco and oj for mimosas, fruit, bacon, sausage, eggs and Danish.
I could call this one a million calorie T also.
But who needs dinner after a meal like this? 
What a good year of T 2018 was!

Wishing you all a fantastic  new year  and hoping to share many more T days with you in 2019!
Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a great take on the t theme, lovely to see all the pics. And I love that tea-service - even if I don't drink tea! Happy T Day and a happy new year, hugs, Valerie

  2. If nothing else you eat well! Or at least copiously! All the very best for 2019. May it bring you great happiness.

  3. Lovely photos, Erika.
    Happy New Year, my dearest friend.

  4. What an awesome post-I loved it-and enjoyed remembering thank you.
    Happy Happy New Year Hugs Kathy

  5. What an absolutely FABULOUS way to celebrate and look back at some of your favorite T Tuesday posts. I even got hungry looking at some of these. Thanks beyond belief for sharing them with us for T this Tuesday. Please have a safe, joyous, and healthy new year, dear friend. I am SO grateful for you and your friendship.

  6. what a review!! up to many more in 2019! happy t-day and have a wonderful new year! xox

  7. Fantastic to see all the wonderful T pictures.

    Happy 2019 and a very happy T day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. I loved your look back on the year with all those fantastic Tea photos. Every one looked so inviting and welcoming for a drink with friends and family.
    I hope you have a good New Year and that it will be a happy and healthy one for you and the family.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  9. A wonderful look back at your 'T's' Erika!
    Wishing you a very happy and blessed 2019!
    Alison xox

  10. I hope the New Year finds you in good health and excellent spirit!

  11. What a fun look back at the year!
    Happy New Year and T day!

  12. What a cool review of your year illustrated with T beverages, Erika. It seems quite a special year including your meet-up with Jo and trip to Japan. I recall seeing that most unusual snack when you shared your Japan photos, But I don't remember what it was. Today, it struck me that they look like deep fried millipedes (grin).

    Happy T-day and a very Happy New Year to you! Hugs, Eileen

  13. What a fantastic T-posting Erika!

    May your world
    be filled with warmth,
    joy and good cheer ,
    Susi here wishing you a happy T-Day and a
    Happy New Year!

    Thank you for being a friend!

  14. What a great overview! Y'all have had a full year :) I'm still jealous you got to meet a blogger friend in person. Sweet! I have my eye on one of the short yeti mugs. They look like the perfect thing to take to the park. I'm reveling with you in that million calorie T. Yummm!

    Happy T Tuesday! And Happy New Year!

  15. I love your T-day post, so clever and interesting!
    Happy New Year and T-day too!!

  16. LOVE your post, very clever!
    Happy New Year and T-day too!

  17. A fantastic review of great Ts. I recognized many of them.
    Wishing you a wonderful year with many interesting Ts,

  18. Loved this retrospective! Too fun and I'm glad for virtual calories which amount to Zip. Happy New Year!

  19. What a terrific look at tea through the year! And that tea set -- WOW -- gorgeous!

    Happy New Year!

  20. What a wonderful walk down memory lane! I loved seeing all your T Day photos and was thankful to have meet you in person last year too ๐Ÿ˜. Your Christmas brunch looks delicious - Happy T Day! ! Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with peace, love and happiness! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  21. So many wonderful pictures of various Teas. I loved seeing a review from throughout the year. And the dessert Tea has got to be my favorite!
    Happy New Year and Happy Tea Day,

  22. Love your Tea in Review of 2018! I especially love the first one, the formal tea. So pretty! Happy New Year! (and belated Happy T Day!)

  23. what a wonderful and varied bunch of memories!! great photos of fabulous beverages and food! Happy New Year!

  24. Brilliant! Would certainly sit down to some of those again!!! Your brunch looks yummy! I think brunch is very under-rated! I love it when I find somewhere serving it!! A very belated Happy T Day to you! Hugs, Chrisx


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