Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Journal

Hi everyone. Hope everyone's January 1 has been a good  start the new year. I spent mine cleaning up the house and putting away the holiday decorations with the help the hubby. By the time I finished I had done over 7,000 steps. But now I am ready to go back to work and move forward into 2019.
So last year I liked Yvonne's calendar that she kept using a Dylusions Journal and that she shared with us every Friday. Months ago I came across one of these journals that was marked down so I picked it up. I didn't need it last year so now I am starting it for 2019. I can' say I love all of the backgrounds that the journal comes with, but the paper is pretty thick and forgiving. Last week while on my holiday vacation I spent some time "fixing" up several weeks worth of pages in my own way. (I know Yvonne did the same thing in her journal also.)
I made my page by first stenciling these red Y shaped images over the background that was already on the page. Then I added this image that I pulled out of a FLOW book for paper lovers. What appealed to me about it was that woman on the couch  wrapped in that big blanket. That's what I love to do. I could have used this page for T since there is a pretty teapot on the bookshelves. 
I had covered up some black triangles on the edges of the page so I painted these in and also added the gold diamond shaped tape along both the top and bottoms.  I also added some stars and hearts on the right side and this rectangular quote about cats because I also liked the lounging cat in this picture.
All these geometric shapes means I'll be linking up to Art Journal Journey  and Alison's challenge for January which is Geometric Shapes.
And I won't be posting again before tomorrow so here is my repost from January of 2017. 
Here's a link to the original post: Ms Dreamer at the Beach.
You can join in this challenge by reposting something from the past and  linking up over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
I thought this was a perfect post to reshow because I am starting my last full calendar year of teaching at my school with my retirement coming in June of 2020. And also if you pop over there are some photos from a beach walk (I won't reshow those)  that I posted back in that post also. Yesterday my husband and I finished off our 2018 with an afternoon beach walk. (That's 2 beach walks in one weekend-I love it!)  I'll show you the latest beach photos in another post another day.
That's all for me today. 
I appreciate you stopping by to visit.


  1. Amazine page, Erika! I love the vintage image and the clever sentiment!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR, my friend!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm impressed with your first entry this month for Art Journal Journey. I love that scene and it takes on a certain oriental flare, too. I love where you placed the month and the days. You have found a perfect amount of geometric shapes, dear. I love this and am delighted you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I remember that entry from last year Erika. I knew you were planning to retire, but had no idea it would be the 2019-2020 school year. I know you will celebrate that.

    What I love about this is, you showed me a way to use some of my ribbon I have gathered over the years. I never thought to use it for backgrounds. THANK YOU! And thank you for sharing this as your second look on the 2nd, too, dear.

  3. Love your new journal page, very cheery and fun. Enjoy working in your new journal. Great page you have re-showed, too, love the washi. You were busy with all that clearing up, something I still badly need to do....Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Ha, ha, great minds lol. I too loved Yvonne's Friday pages and have started my own, - same problem with the pre done pages, but hey we know how to solve that :o)

    Love what you have done with yours and well done with the great start!!

  5. Firstly I forgot the last time to say how artsy your new header looks like! Super !
    And your first page in the calendar Journal looks already FABULOUS!!!! A wonderful new project in my mind! This cat quote is priceless and all the additions fit so well!!! And perfect for Alison's theme as well! Thank you for such a quick first entry! You are the best!
    And a fabulous look back page ... Wow you fixed the date already for the retirement! Congratulations!!!
    Have a good start at work and happy Second on the 2nd!

    Big hugs, Susi
    Everything in perfection here at my end of the planet!

  6. New journals are so inspiring! I love how you modified the original art to something uniquely your own!

    What a year you will have!

  7. You're off to a creative start for the New Year. I like the image of the woman with her mug wrapped up in her cozy blankie. You'll have an exciting year ahead as you countdown to retirement. Enjoy your day.

  8. What a great start to your journal. I hope to follow along as you fill it in over the year. Happy New Year!

  9. Amazing first page for the challenge-love all the elements in this piece.
    and I loved your second look-so fitting for your final teaching year-I bet you are getting excited-hugs
    walks on the beach-how wonderful!! Happy second on the 2nd Hugs Kathy

  10. Two wonderful pages Erika, and thanks for linking up to my challenge at AJJ.
    Alison xox

  11. I noticed that tea pot right away! lol I always look forward to the beach photos :)

  12. I like all the additions you made to the Flow page, nice borders. Did you add the poster about the cat, because that is really amusing. Yes, cats know how to relax anywhere, anytime, if only they could give us some advice.
    Aha, now I know your secret, teacher by day, artist at night - and you don't need any sleep, right? That explains your marvellous artistic output, as well as all your other activities. Beach walks are the best, IMO.
    Happy New Year, Erika. You can sleep when you retire, haha!
    And I agree with Susi about your new header, it is really striking and something different.

  13. Hi Erika - great post and great new header as well.
    I love the room you created on your page -so much to see as well - very cool!
    Wishing you and your family all the very best for 2019 - Happy New Year.
    Gill xx

  14. Oh Erika I am so looking forward to seeing your weekly diary pages. This first page looks fantastic and its a super cats quote. I think you will have fun covering those way out pages I'd never used as much gesso as I did this past year. As yet I haven't thought about the cover, but will eventually get round to it.
    I hope your return to work after the break goes smoothly and that 2019 and will be a good one for you.
    Yvonne xx

  15. So many people these days seem to have devices of one kind or another that track your steps. How far is 7,000 steps? Does the device encourage you to walk more if you check and realize that you haven’t done what you consider enough? Just curious........ I don’t have one of these things, but I sure walk a lot, have done all my life, and I doubt whether one of these instruments would change anything.

  16. Both great pages Erika. Always love to see your projects

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Happy New Year, Erika, even if a couple of days late. I am not a journal keeper myself, but have enjoyed seeing your very artsy pages (that's said in a very good way). The new entry was colorful and I also like a comfy blanket and cup of tea! Retirement is definitely something to look forward to and I speak from many years of "experience." Perhaps 2019 will be a year when we can meet as fellow NH "neighbors."

  18. Your Dylusions Journal page is just darling, Erika. I'm bundled up pretty much like that right now. It's a chilly 64 F in my craft room.

    You're 2nd look page is just perfect for you. How wonderful that you'll soon be able to join the ranks of us full time crafters. It's fabulous being able to devote yourself to what you love. Hugs, Eileen

  19. Ooh! Your journal diary looks great already! The day on the couch looks as though she ate as much Christmas pudding as I did!
    I love your Dreamer page too - a good choice for a second look!
    Happy New Year - I am going for a catch up now!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. 7,000 steps! Wow, I did the same activity and never got that many. Maybe I need a bigger house, actually should be downsizing these days, but that wouldn’t help my step number. Lol. I love your couch woman, my favorite thing to do too. Great page. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  21. There's nothing I like better than walking by the ocean, wish I lived close enough to it to do just that. Still, I can do it now and then when we have a day away or go on holiday - roll on the better weather.
    Love how you have changed your Dyary page - especially the lady wrapped up on the settee. Such a cosy picture now and there's a cuppa on hand too.
    Congratulations on your coming retirement - I still remember turning over in bed on my first day (when the others were back at school) and thinking how lucky I was not to be going out. Miss parts of it though!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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