Monday, January 21, 2019

A Tag and Some T Day Snow

Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We had snow and sleet but luckily the big snow we were suppose to get Sunday started to fizzle by the time it reached us. Today (Monday) it is bitterly cold with temperatures right around 0 degrees F/ -17 degrees C. I am glad it is the Martin Luther King  holiday so I don't have to go out in the cold and wind for work. I guess  I won't escape it tomorrow morning though, but luckily it is suppose to warm up a bit tomorrow afternoon.

 Today I have a tag to share with you.

I decided it was time to finished off my Japan travel journal from last year. I only had a couple of things to attach and then the front and back cover to do something with. But since I had my Japan trip ephemera  out I got inspired to make an Asian themed  tag for  Tag Tuesday and their latest theme of postage, postmarks and mail.
So along with some Asian lettering stamped images, a bit of origami paper and some cute little Japanese lady stickers,. I added some stamps I was gifted while on my trip last April.

And since Tuesday is just about here as I write this, I will share my T Day drink post with you. Tuesday is a good day to share your drink photo(s) over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
I have 2 photos for you today. 
This first one is from around 11:30 on Sunday morning. It was still lightly snowing at that point.
This is the 500ml, 16.9 fluid ounce bottle of Diet Coke I was slowly drinking all day.
And then this second photo is from  a little later in the day just before the hubby shoveled off the back deck.

Have a happy t day ladies. And to everyone, hope you day is a lot less cold and wintery.



  1. It's freezing cold and very wintry here, too, brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! But no snow yet. LOVE your tag, and the Japanese script/little people really give it that something extra - thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday again. Happy T Day, and hope your drive to work tomorrow will not be too bad. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Its a wonderful Asian postal tag Erika. I really loved the stamps you used and I imagine you had a few memories come to mind from the trip as you created the tag.
    I like the out door cooling unit ,making good use natural resources, I think you were using your drinks bottle as a way of showing how deep the snow was. But, the fun side for me would be if you did actually cool your drink in the snow.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  3. I got ice and snow, then more ice on top. Thankfully, I was lucky and there was only about an inch of snow and just sheets of ice. That meant I didn't lose power.

    Your tag is beautiful. I bet you get the Japan journal finished soon. I sounds like you have everything in place to finish it. I like the use of stamps, both rubber and postage.

    What a unique T Tuesday post. No wonder the diet Coke has lasted all day. It was buried (grin). I'd hate to have to dig it out of the snow, bit it certainly showed how deep the snow is, and made a wonderful T Tuesday post in the process. Thanks for sharing it, dear.

  4. A great tag..I love the oriental theme with those fab stamps.
    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday...x

  5. I was thinking about you this weekend with that storm prediction and am happy that it fizzled as much for you as it did for us!:) But oh, those blustery frigid winds....
    Fabulous tag art!!! Too bad it's not a journal page as it would so work with the Art Journal Journey theme:)
    You can have your very cold diet Coke- pretty much room temp. drinks(or hot) for me year round. Happy T day!

  6. Your drink photos made me smile, very clever snow gauge!
    Cute tag!
    Happy T-day!

  7. fun the little lady stickers across the bottom. I was thankful for the day off of school as well. Mini-me and I went shopping braving the frigid temps. We hardly have any snow...just cold!!
    Happy T day!

  8. Your tag is so colorful. I would love to see those flowers instead of the frozen tundra outside my window. That's one way to keep your Coke on ice. Brrrr, too cold for me. I'll settle for a hot cup of tea. Maybe you'll be lucky and will have a delay of a couple of hours tomorrow, if it's too cold? Stay warm

  9. We also got less snow than forecast, Erika. And, I was sort of disappointed because I was ready to see snowflakes flying outsude our apt windows. We got about 8 in. here in Nashua and very frigid temps followed. Good thing the snow was on a holiday weekend so many lime yourself could stay home.

  10. Glad to hear the big snow passed you by :o)
    Good to get that Japan journal finished... well done for picking it up again, this lovely tag will be a great addition!

  11. The tag is wonderful with such great ideas.

    What a lot of snow and a terrific way to show us just how deep it is.

    Hope it doesn't get any worse.

    Have a great T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. i´m very impressed by the huge asian lettering stamp on your beautiful tag! it´s nice to have a project completed, isn´t it?
    wow, you can spare the refrigerator;) cool! happy snow-coke-day!

  13. A fabulous tag for your Japan journal Erika!
    Hope you got to work safely today, and you enjoyed your ice cold coke yesterday.
    Alison xox

  14. Lovely tag artwork. And that was a clever idea, to leave the bottle in the snow, to show how much had fallen during that time. I got lucky with the storm, too, with it not turning into the ice storm they were originally forecasting. And then the bitter cold came in after it. Brrr.

  15. Good morning, I love your tag-and I see it is perfect for your Japan journal-those little stickers are really sweet.
    and i loved the snow photos--very fun!
    the winds are still howling here but thankfully not as cold as your area.
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  16. Brrr! I do hope it warms up in your area soon, Erika. That's REALLY cold. Love your Japanese tag - especially the cute little lady stickers. Your cola in the snow photos in the prize for most unique T-party photos I've seen (grin).

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  17. Love your tag for your Japan journal Glad you got MLK off, especially with the snow. And your pop-ometer tells me you got a load of snow!

  18. I'm loving your tag, the Japanese postage stamps look amazing with those papers and stamping - beautiful! That's a lot of snow and I bet you cola stayed cold outside - brrrr! We have had some snow showers the last couple of days but not for very long so it hasn't settled 😁. Stay warm and wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  19. It's much colder there with a lot more snow, but I'd expect that as we are so much further south than you. I love seeing the snow photos. Our highs are in the upper 40s and even the 50s these days except for just a few only reaching into the 30s. Our lows so far haven't been below 20.

    I follow Sumo, and there's a tournament happening now. That makes your art resonate with me :) Happy T Tuesday!

  20. Wow! That is a lot of snow! I love your Japanese themed page. And the stamps of course (I love mail art). The little Japanese dolls are gorgeous aren't they.
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe when you go to work,

  21. A wonderful tag is this Erika!
    It seems you are blessed with snow!

    You will see - spring will be here in no time....and all this snow is history!
    Hugs, Susi

  22. I absolutely LOVE your tag!! Those cute little dolls at the bottom and the Asian lettering are a beautiful combination. You got quite a bit of snow! But the perfect way to keep your drink cold.
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. Oh my! I love your tag....was it really last April???? What a lot of snow - we had a sprinkle today, which disappeared quite quickly!Happy T Day! Chrisx

  24. Great Tag Erika! Love your drink photos for this week. YOu did get the snow...we go lucky and it went south of us but it's suppose to hit again this coming weekend.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Yes Dad is having great difficulty adjusting to a more sedative life style. He has always been a very active person and it's killing him to be so "USELESS" he says.
    we will come up with something to get him busy.

  25. Gorgeous tag - I love all things Asian. It is so bright and colourful and I just adore those little Kokeshi Dolls (have I got the name right?) along the bottom. I have a couple of those bought from a shop that has since closed down, or my collection might have been more than two.
    Gosh, makes our snow look dismal but I prefer the kind we (luckily) have had this past week, here one day and gone the next. Snow is so pretty to look at but I am not a fan of travelling in it.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet xx

  26. That is a lot of snow! Wonderful interesting, and pretty tag. Happy much belated T Day!


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